What You’ll Discover in Duston McGroarty Simple Affiliate Funnels 2018
Duston McGroarty – Simple Affiliate Funnels 2018
For the first time ever, SimpleAffiliateFunnels.com Founder, Duston McGroartyThis is his evergreen method for creating simple affiliate funnels that generate steady, reliable passive income on autopilot.
Download immediately Duston McGroarty – Simple Affiliate Funnels 2018
These “Unconventional” Affiliate Funnels Are There Any Passive Income Machines With Little Pay?
Run On Complete Autopilot & Get Bigger Each & Every Day!
When You Join Today, You’ll Have The Opportunity To Discover:
How to create a massive email list of highly responsive BUYERS who love Clickbank products.
How to setup a simple little affiliate funnelthat will, in most cases, cover the cost of your advertising immediately, and… set you (or your persona) up as the “go to” Authority in your niche.
How you can automate the WHOLE DANG thingif you so desire… and don’t worry, it’s really frickin’ easy.
Instead of giving away an eBook or digital document, give away what you SHOULD be giving away.
How you can get thousands and thousandsof clicks on Facebook for 10垄 or less and make Facebook love you in the process.
This secret formula will get you thousands to thousands of clicks on your Facebook page.
Facebook ads that are one sentence long outperform long ads.-copy ads and in turn… lowers your CPC.
Secret tricks you can use to monetizeyour list if you’re having trouble finding products to promote as an affiliate.
How to take a piece of the actual product you’re promoting and use it in your simple little affiliate funnel to boost conversions like crazy.
My clever filtering trick allows me to select the most potential prospects for your Facebook Retargeting List.
You’re not just getting training here鈥攜ou’re going to actually WATCHme build a profitable affiliate business right in front of your eyes!
There’s so much more!
There’s just too much to list here.
You’ll learn things that I do by habit, not realizing other folks aren’t privy to that knowledge.
Think about this for a sec…
For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume that you make $100,000 annually at your job.
If your goal is to quit your job…
Affiliate commissions are $274 per day
When you take action on this opportunity I’m presenting you with today, you’ll discover many, many different Clickbank products where you’ll earn an average of $60 or more in commission per sale.
This means that you will only need to sell 5 a day to get rid of your job.
And, I’m guessing (just a guess) that you aren’t making $100,000 a year right now, so it’ll be even less than that.
With this system, it is easy to make 5 sales per week.
Obviously, I can’t guarantee you’ll make anything. Most people don’t. Most people don’t even make it through the entire training.
But you need to stop and ask yourself if you’re like most people.
I’m gonna make it as easy I can for you to be successful with this.
You see, it’s actually the AFFILIATE who has the biggest advantage right now TODAY.
The majority of product owners do not know how to drive visitors. They depend on affiliates.
And, the traffic strategies you’ll learn inside this training will allow you to capitalize on the opportunities I’ve shared with you over the last few days.
These opportunities won’t be available forever though.
10垄 clicks and penny clicks on Facebook could be gone in a few months for all I know.
Take advantage of this opportunity while it’s available to you.
Quick story
The other day, I was on a webinar. This was what this guy was selling. “awesome Facebook software” This will optimize your Facebook ads automatically.
You just load in 50 or 100 ads and it’ll spin ’em, optimize ’em, adjust the bids, pause losers, and more.
I was shocked at what he was asking people to do. All that stuff just isn’t necessary.
He was selling it for $1,297 per annum, I believe. CRAZY outrageous.
You should not pay less than $3,000.
It’s worth every penny. Remember what I told you earlier… one email to my list and I make $5,000 or more.
However, I couldn’t help many people at that price and I want to make this a reality for as many people as possible.
Which is why I’m pricing it at $997.
But I’ll do you one better…
People who are decisive and take action are my favorite. People who take action.
The reward for quick action is to be rewarded-takers…
I’ve decided to give you a $700 off coupon.
Yes, you read that right… SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS off.
This isn’t one of those stupid made up fake discount things either.
The coupon expires when it is no longer valid.
Don’t come to me begging for forgiveness, offering your first born child as a bargaining chip.
I have enough kids.
Seriously tho… this is a REAL coupon. It’s worth every penny at $997… it’s a frickin’ steal at $297.
Click the big red button below to claim your $700 coupon…
This offer is no longer available.
Download immediately Duston McGroarty – Simple Affiliate Funnels 2018
But that’s not all!
It continues to get better…
I’m not stopping at just ONE case study.
Get Duston McGroarty – Simple Affiliate Funnels 2018 Right now, visit IMCLibrary.com
If you get in today, I’ll give you 6 exclusive bonuses that will help you get going with your affiliate business and start making money even faster…
In an earlier email, I provided details about a recent case study that I conducted on a native Ad Network.
As a bonus for taking action, you’ll also get access to this entire case study… nothing held back.
I’ll show you the ads I ran, the landing page I used (which is the blurred out image you see to the right), and the placements I chose.
You’ll see every single step of this profitable affiliate campaign.
Again, this isn’t really the model I’ll be covering in this training but it’s still a valuable campaign to study if you’re looking to create some quick cash.
The second bonus you’ll receive when you join today is my set of proven money-Making templates
This includes my email templates.
I use both regular HTML pages as well as Clickfunnels so you’ll get copies of everything to use on whatever platform you want.
You can either copy them or make your own.
These templates will help you save hours and HOURS of your precious time.
There are many instances when no tracking platform anywhere in the world can do what I want.
I decided to take matters into my hands and create my own custom code.
It is extremely important to track everything. You don’t know what to kill and what to scale if you don’t know what’s making money.
Clickbank is a great platform for affiliates, but it can be difficult to integrate with other systems.
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Don’t worry… I’ve got you covered! I’ll give you every custom script and piece of code I use to make these integrations seamless!
Yep, you read that right…
When you join today, you’ll be getting access to a THIRD case study! For the price one, get three!
Do you recall how I mentioned earlier that I love recurring business sales? It’s true. You can make the sale once and profit for many months.
In this case study, you’ll see me build out a recurring AFFILIATE business from scratch!
I’ve never seen anyone teach this before but it’s so important and so profitable.
It’s way easier than you probably think too… trust me!
The publication was published more than two years ago Affiliate Marketing Case Study 1.0.
This was WAAAY more that a case study.
I did extensive research into the principles of affiliate marketing.
You can also find tons of other ways to make money.
Join today to get instant access the entire training/case study.
It’ll be ready and waiting for you inside the member’s area.
I dOn’t do coaching or consulting. I’ve done it in the past and charged a minimum of $2,000 per month. The last bonus, and definitely the most valuable, is… the one-on-one private coaching you’ll get from me.
I don’t do phones or Skype… email is preferred. You’ll also have the opportunity to leave a comment inside the member’s area.
I’ll answer any and all questions via email and inside the member’s area. Not for just for 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days… whenever you have a question.
There’s no time limit here. Once you’re a customer… you’re always a customer. You won’t be left stranded after ordering. I’ll be there every step of the way.
Download immediately Duston McGroarty – Simple Affiliate Funnels 2018
It’s there.
You’re not just getting one case study or even two case studies…
…you’re getting THREE full blown case studies for one low price…
…as well as a TON of extremely valuable bonuses on top of that!
There’s not much else I can say.
There are two options available right now:
Option #1
Is to leave this page without enrolling in the program… I think you already know what will happen if you do this…
It’s a heavy feeling in the heart. That sense that you made a mistake, didn’t take an opportunity you wanted so much… That widening gap between you and happiness.
You don’t want that…
Which is why you should seriously consider taking…
Option #2
Simply put “yes” right now…
Sale Page:: http://archive.is/6jBVG
Here’s What You Will Get In Simple Affiliate Funnels 2018
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