What You’ll Discover in Elma Mayer Healing Helix
Elma Mayer – Healing Helix
What are you looking for? These are the 6 Essential Inclusions
These six parts of your life should all work together as one whole.
- Health – your body, energy, vitality, resilience to stress, automatic self-Healing ability and feeling good!
- Wealth – your ability to receive the abundance of the universe, income, money, material things, safety, security, gifts, talents
- Wisdom – your higher knowing, spiritual awareness, perspective, mind, memory, mood, emotional balance, confidence, self-Trust
- People – your relationships, love, romance, family, ancestors, community, fame, reputation, and resonance with others
- Places – your home, sleep environment, workplace, birthplace, geopathic stress, feng shui, relationship to earth, and the cosmos
- Flow – your personality, patterns, purpose, life’s work, success, creativity, motivation, fulfillment, and evolution
When you combine all 6, your life is powerfully connected
Your whole life flows beautifully – in a Healing Helix!
You are “in the vortex” – where Wholeness happens automatically. You can achieve your highest happiness and health.
But… when these 6 Parts of your Life are NOT Integrated…
You will disintegrate! That’s when you experience suffering, stuckness, stiffness, stress, self-sabotage…
And those are just some of the S’s! There’s more…
What are you looking for? These are the 6 Essential Inclusions
These six PARTS must all be part of your whole life.
- Health – your body, energy, vitality, resilience to stress, automatic self-Healing ability and feeling good!
- Wealth – your ability to receive the abundance of the universe, income, money, material things, safety, security, gifts, talents
- Wisdom – your higher knowing, spiritual awareness, perspective, mind, memory, mood, emotional balance, confidence, self-Trust
- People – your relationships, love, romance, family, ancestors, community, fame, reputation, and resonance with others
- Places – your home, sleep environment, workplace, birthplace, geopathic stress, feng shui, relationship to earth, and the cosmos
- Flow – your personality, patterns, purpose, life’s work, success, creativity, motivation, fulfillment, and evolution
All 6 are powerfully connected when you combine them all
Your entire life flows beautifully – in a Healing Helix!
You are “in the vortex” – where Wholeness happens automatically. You create your best health and happiness.
But… when these 6 Parts of your Life are NOT Integrated…
You will disintegrate! That’s when you experience suffering, stuckness, stiffness, stress, self-sabotage…
And those are just some of the S’s! There’s more…
Experience “Cosmic Congruency”
All six “Essential Integrations” happen…
You’ll get huge shifts… from this brand new “divine download” that I’m receiving just for you! I tune in to give you exactly what you need – and what you are ready for – on your evolutionary path.
Learn how to tap into Amazing morphic fields of The Healing Helix, and you’ll do it the easy way – the Get it now Healing way! It sounds complex, but it’s truly simple. It also gives you automatic healing. You will also be able to “take it with you” You can use it for any healing need you have!
We will activate The Healing Helix’s automatic healing power – and “install it” into ALL parts of your life… to integrate your “parts” To the highest Whole. We do this energetically as well as morphically. You don’t need to know how sacred geometry works, wear it as jewelry or visualize it.
WHY do you want to be a part of the WHY Are “The Six Integrations” Essential?
To live the best life possible There are six areas that must be integrated. (There are lots of other areas too… but they will come into Alignment It’s much easier to do this six-step process first!
These six areas of life must all be energetically congruent (Aligned) They should be with one another. If they are not… they wreak havoc on each other – usually without your knowledge!
How does Lack of Integration do Damage?
Integration problems Distortion between the 6 most significant parts of your life causes distortion.
Trouble can be caused by distortion and disconnects they are…
1. Hidden! Most of us have at least a few – and we don’t even know it.
2. Entangled! Everything affects everything else – whether we know it or not.
These are just a few of the many ways that these six areas can become intertwined to cause havoc.
- PLACES and HEALTH. Your home’s energies (or its “morphic memory” You may feel a negative resonance from a past event. If a former resident has health problems, you should be concerned. “energy” Your home may contain a hidden enemy.
- PEOPLE, WEALTH, WISDOM. Your unresolved resentment about your father’s relationship to your older brother can block your income “vortex”– unconsciously. No matter how hard you try, how many long hours you work, how many advanced degrees you pursue to improve your employment chances… your buried “father issues” resonate with your relationships with all of your bosses – so your job security is always shaky.
- HEALTH, WEALTH, FLOW, PEOPLE. You feel like you are going to die. It’s like your body is aching. “lowest” Self, you think and expect negative things, and you feel guilty. You fear that your anger is driving your family members away.
In The Healing HelixWe will clean up All The energies and entanglements between all these life areas… to free up your Whole life.
The Healing Helix’s Unique approach harnesses “flower power” (the Flower of Life)… in a brand new, unique technique that I received as a download from spirit.
I will show you how to take this cosmic pattern of creation, and quickly activate it with Instant Morphic Healing techniques. This allows fast healing – and manifestation – for your WHOLE life.
How can this possibly work in all six areas of your life?
Plugging into the power two universal patterns deep within you:
The Helix (Spiral) & The Flower of Life
Heal the FLOW of your Life… The Flower of Life The two enormous universal morphic healing fields with sacred geometry are the power behind this healing. This has manifested into a brand new Morphic Healing Method called The Healing Helix.
I’ve “downloaded” We have created a unique way of doing things. Instant Morphic Healing To Sacred Geometry.
These deep universal patterns underlie ALL of life. Let’s AlignThey will energize you!
These two powerful morphic fields can literally give you trillions of shifts, which ripple out into every aspect of reality.
Your WHOLE life – and its fractal parts – get a cosmic reset and re-The Centering… beyond your conscious mind’s awareness, and beyond your intentions. But don’t worry, your intentions will be there. Align too!)
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