What You’ll Discover in Face Value The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions
Face Value: The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions
The Scientific story of first impressions―and why the snap character judgments we make from faces are irresistible but usually incorrect
After seeing the faces of others, we make our own decisions about them. of a second―and these snap judgments predict all kinds of important decisions. Politicians who appear more competent are more likely win elections. However, the character judgements we make about people from their faces are just as flawed as they are irresistible. In most cases, we would be able to guess more accurately if faces were not present. These widely shared impressions are why we place so much value on them. They are unreliable. What purpose do they serve? Alexander Todorov is the author of this book. of The world’s most respected researcher on the subject answers these questions while he tells his story of Modern science of First impressions.
This accessible, richly illustrated book, which draws on psychology, cognition science, neuroscience, and computer science, explains cutting-edge research in a context that is both familiar and unfamiliar. of The history of The ability to discern personality from faces. Todorov describes the process by which we have developed the ability to detect basic social signals and momentary emotions from faces using a network of The processing brain regions of faces. Contrary to nineteenth-century pseudoscience of Physiognomy and even some of Today’s psychologists don’t have a way to map out the personalities. of others. The impressions we get from our faces show us a map. of Our own biases or stereotypes.
Amazing scientific account of First impressions Face Value is the reason we pay so close attention to faces. It also explains why they can lead us astray. And what our judgments actually reveal about us.
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