What You’ll Discover In Gabrielle Moore Turn Her On Faster
Gabrielle Moore – Turn Her On Faster
Is your sex life dead-in-The-water?
“Give Your Lover The Best Foreplay She Ever Had…
By Reaching Deep Into Her Mind & Pleasuring
Every Inch Of Her Body To An Intense,
Uncontrollable Orgasm …From The Inside Out!”
These Secrets Could Lead to Uncontrollable Results
You can orgasm for your partner even before you have sex.
Find out Why Men Do Foreplay Wrong …. and How Proper Foreplay Techniques can make your lover crave for you, and give both of you the best sex possible!
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The desk of Gabrielle Moore
#1 Best-Selling Author “The Female Orgasm Revealed”
(There are too many books to list here)
Dear Friend
Is your sex life dead-In-The-water?
Even if it’s not …., do you feel sometimes things can be more exciting, maybe more passionate, or even fun …. as those moments when you first started dating?
You’re in the right place. I am about to reveal my MOST exciting sexual discovery …., and you will be the first to know about it.
It’s easy to get caught up in what we should do during actual sex. This is what most sex advice centers on. …. Which part of her body should she touch What words should we whisper to her so that she doesn’t forget…
The Most Important Part Of Sexuality
Sex is not the only thing that matters!
Yes, that’s correct. I’m referring to the often overlooked F-word…. FOREPLAY.
Perhaps foreplay is no longer necessary now that you’re with your partner ….. If you’re like most men you still use the same old foreplay techniques that you learned years ago (ice cubes, hot towels!)
Let’s face it, the truth is out there…
The majority of these foreplay techniques are very effective.
No Longer Work!
However, it’s not your fault.
These obsolete foreplay methods have been overused by men all across …. you partner knows exactly what to expect and may even not be open to them.
Worse, if you fail to attract your lover’s attention …., you set the stage for lower levels of sexual enjoyment when things heat up. It’s no surprise that most men have a poor sex life.
It is not possible to start if you aren’t trained
On The Right Note
Many of you are educated. “jump right into sex” Get active. Men believe that satisfying their physical needs is the most important thing. They often want to get her to pump them like a rag doll.
This isn’t how the female brain works.
Most of the times, jumping in to the action without knowing what is happening will only result in all types of complications. “rejection” Signs that men mistakenly interpret as boredom and disinterest in sex …., when in reality…
Your lover is not even
Properly warmed up!
The secret is that once you understand how to make your lover feel comfortable and get her ready to have hot, sizzling …. sex, you will be able to have the most enjoyable sex experience.-You can have sex at your convenience. It’s like walking through an unlocked door.
It’s like the keys to a car …., or a doorway that you must cross to get great sex. You’ll be able turn any woman on within seconds if you know how to find and cross these hidden doors .
It’s almost like setting a girl…
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Did you ever notice that your lover is unusually sexual, sexy or passionate on certain days of the week?
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Or that they would do so.-Of-They-You can even ask for sex once in a while.
No matter how rare these events may have been or how far back they were…
They’re easy to make.
It’s possible to make it happen whenever and wherever you want it!
It turns out that what you thought was a once-in-a-lifetime event is actually a twice-in–a–lifetime experience.-A chance or freak event is not likely to happen. It was because you unknowingly sent out the right sexual signals, including certain actions that had NOTHING at all to do with sex . This ignited her sexual desire!
Also, this means that you were warming up your partner and getting her ready for sex long before she actually did it.
This is the essence of good foreplay. It’s the reason so few people have it. It’s more than sex. It’s about making your love ultra.-She’s sensitive and open to having sex …., so she’ll be beg you to have it …..
These are just a few of the many things I could show you. “signals” are…. and then teach you how to perform themdeliberately & mercilessly one after another like a targeted warm water jet?
Is it possible for your lover to resist your advances after that time?
When all of these steps are taken correctly, we immediately tap into the innermost portion of the female brain that controls sexual desires …., making it virtually impossible for your partner not to think about sex!
Introduction “Turn Her On Faster”
Advanced Foreplay Techniques To Seduce Her Mind & Body
My most recent foreplay manual
“Turn Her On Faster” This is not a book that contains pages upon pages of overrated and overused foreplay strategies. It’s not a comprehensive list of things you can do.
Instead, it was written as a hands-on exercise.-on manual to understanding and getting into your partner’s mind & body…. such that you’ll be able to IGNITE her sexual desire on demand!
You’ll also learn how to make your partner feel good from the beginning of foreplay. I even have a whole chapter on how she can make you feel great by getting your partner involved in the foreplay process.
Based on the most recent research in the area “what turns women on”, learn:
How females are wired differently to men and what you can do to make sure that it is ON-It is possible to turn off the sexual desire switch in their brains (Yes, it exists …. and women can get horny too!)
Men today don’t have as much to do to enjoy their bedtime (if you grasp this principle, half the work is done ….. You only have to do half the rest!
How you can profit from what every woman secretly desires but is too shy to ask-Blowing sex (Use this method for good only!)
You can enjoy great sex when you understand the differences between operating an oven and driving your car. Unfortunately, 97% of men still do this wrong!
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You can do one thing in 15 minutes that will dramatically change the course of your sex lives (if it’s going downhill)
One fatal myth men believe about women …. is that they NEGLECT this most important part of their sex lives. (I will show you how to correct this misconception to attract your wife’s attention.
How to use your phone to get her to …., even though you are at different locations! I show you how to send a highly effective text message that will get her excited. …. This is NOT pornographic, inappropriate, or raunchy!
This is a simple activity that you must do now, even if you are at work. It will have a direct impact on how much sex you receive tonight. You can double, or even triple the effectiveness of this activity if you do it while the lady’s ____.
These are the 3 things you need to do in order to make boring seem simple “goodbye kiss” To be the most passionate woman your wife or partner has ever known
How to make your wife sexy again! (Once your learn where to look you can instantly rekindle the sparks in your marriage. Hint – It’s NOT the Internet or some porn flick!
The little-The 3 Second Technique is a method that taps into your partner’s sexual desire ….. It can even be done at the mall!
Most men believe …. they are what women see. “unromantic” or selfish (Once you rectify this, women will perceive you as romantic …. even when you are the most boring man who has no new ideas!
There are 2 things that must always be present in order for a woman to feel the urge to sex. How to achieve both.
It’s possible to make sex memorable even for someone you don’t consider to be physically attractive ….. The trick is to know what men do and not do!
How to quickly determine which of these two character types your partner is …., and then how to use the right technique to convert her (Most men do the exact opposite for their partners!)
These are the 6 magic words that will make your lover scream.
The art and science of fore.-Foreplay is a key factor in how enjoyable your sex lives are. I show you how to master it like a pro.
A surprising gesture 7/10 women make is that they are …. on a daily basis. It’s something that most men don’t know about or don’t bother doing.
How to give a woman what she wants in bed (Hint: This is not something you will ever know unless you are a woman!)
This magical 7-letter word is essential for every man to know. It instantly lights up every woman and sets them up for sex …. every time! Once you know what this 7-letter word is, you will instantly be able to predict whether your lover will be. “turned on” Be proud of what you are doing.
You’ll be shocked to find out how you can profit from the shocking truth about womens’ need for sex.
Poor sex performance is one thing your lover may be thinking about tonight while you are having sex.
How to use phrases on your partner BEFORE and DURING sex. This will instantly increase their sexual performance
This is the shocking complaint most women have regarding foreplay ….. What they really want!
The duration and intensity of your sex will directly relate to how long it takes. Here are some things you can do to extend your foreplay.
This is the secret ingredient that you can easily add tonight to your foreplay routine. It will excite and get your lover on the edge.
You can use this technique …. to get your partner off their good side.
You can send your lover the ultimate signal by slowly building up her expectations and passion for hot, passionate sexual sex. (Do this many times per day and before you know it the pressure will be too great to resist.
8 little-There are some things you should do simultaneously when kissing your partner in foreplay. It instantly heats up your bedroom.
You can use the innocent finger technique to kiss your lover, which will make her want more intense and naughty sexual sex later.
When guys make …., this is one sound that makes girls crazy. They actually feel uncontrollable! (Note: This is not a moan!)
Three things women expect you to do during sex. “in control”.)
How to have any woman willingly act out your deepest & darkest fantasies by obeying this simple rule (Once you learn this, your teacher-Student, prisoner-Warden fantasies are possible in your bedroom.
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A taboo subject that couples rarely discuss in their relationship …., and why it leads a boring, unfulfilled sexual life. (Once you openly talk about this, your sex life will improve!)
There is a difference between dirty talk and intimate talk. Most men confuse one with another turning their partners away!
You can talk dirty without offending your partner …., even though she may frown upon using dirty language. (I will show you how to get dirty without offending your partner.
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These are the 4 things you must do to make your lover jealous and get ready for sex
You should not focus on her breasts and down, which is what most men do wrong during foreplay.
How to treat your lover’s breasts in foreplay.
The art of nipple playing …. and how to make your partner’s experience more enjoyable using this sensitive part of their body. (Once again there are three types of nipple that must be treated accordingly. Most men treat them the same.
Very unlikely, very little-It is known “hot spots” These are the areas you need to target in order to provide your partner with an unforgettable experience of foreplay.
This is the 2 step method you can use “turn her on”…. Based on real feedback from women
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How to solve the problem of boring sex lives as time goes by and why you should be happy with what you have.
How to instantly send electrifying messages down the nerve endings in your partner , resulting in an extremely pleasurable feeling that intensifies their desire for sexual activity!
How to get your lover to give you a G-spot during foreplay I will show you how.
A simple and effective way to spice up your sex life for married couples is (if you feel you have) “tried every trick in the bag”…. this will revive your sexy life.
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The kitchen counter can be used as a space for some very kinky foreplay
You should never say this to your wife, girlfriend, lover, or partner ….. EVER…. during foreplay! (Unknowingly, some men make this mistake that leaves their partner feeling deeply hurt!)
Multiplication is the art of multitasking-Tasking during foreplay: Why it works sometimes
According to scientific research, the #1 most stimulating spot on a woman’s body is the G.-spot, breasts, and down there. Not even close!)
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Here’s what you’ll get in Turn Her On Faster
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