What You’ll Discover in Gene Ang Arcturian Mysteries of the Dodecahedron
Gene Ang – Arcturian Mysteries of the Dodecahedron
This recording lasts approximately 3 hours of the Arcturian Mysteries of the DodecahedronWe are explorers. the Geometry sacred of the Dodecahedron From the Arcturian perspective. The Dodecahedron It is the sacred template the blueprint of the Divine manifestation at all levels of creation. Learn how to use it. the Shape of the Dodecahedron We can manifest our dreams and intentions. This is an aspect of the The course will be both educational and practical. Then we move on to an extraordinary energy
transmission called the Arcturian Dodecahedron Transmission. As part of A second course on manifestation. the Arcturians Gene With the Dodecahedron A unique key to manifestation the Divine Intuition the Physical plane. This transmission will allow participants to download their consciousness and subtle body more deeply. the Informative and engaging information on this shape and its usage. Finally, the The class ends with an Arcturian Dodecahedron Meditation. We will be actively meditating here the Dodecahedron Shape to empower and imprint the information throughout our entire energy system as well as our four major energy points [the first chakra above our head, the head, the heart, and the hara (belly)]. Meditation creates an unique energy tool for raising consciousness. the Vibratory rate of One’s consciousness can be transferred to other dimensions.
Highlights of the Evening include:
Learn how to use the Mysteries of the Dodecahedron To manifest from the All levels are divine of Creation (spiritual. causal. mental. emotional. etheric. and physical).
These are practical techniques that you can use immediately to manifest with the Dodecahedron.
-How the Dodecahedron Information Field can accelerate your spiritual growth.
Unique and innovative transmission the Arcturians are specifically designed to imprint the Information field of the Dodecahedron Deeply into your subtle bodies and consciousness.
A daily meditation that you can use to empower yourself the You can find major energy points within your subtle body. the power of the Dodecahedron. This meditation will also include 4 Dodecahedron Your subtle bodies produce energy through the following: 1) Clear quartz Dodecahedron at the first chakra above the head 2) a golden Dodecahedron At your head center, 3) A rose pink Dodecahedron at your heart center. 4) An orange-Red Dodecahedron Your hara (belly center) The Arcturian Dodecahedron Transmission will also encode these subtle energie forms into your four power centers.
-To create a unique consciousness energy tool in one’s subtle body to raise one’s vibration to other dimensions.
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