What You’ll Discover in Glynis McCants Healing By The Numbers
Glynis McCants – Healing By The Numbers
Numerology, an ancient system that uses numbers to help you identify your strengths and patterns, and make positive changes in your life, is called numerology.
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The #1 Way to Fight Fatigue
Numerology refers to the ancient art of divining information through numbers. Since the dawning of human history, numbers are a source for information about people and their world. You can read the excerpt from my book to get a deeper understanding of numerology’s history. We will be discussing numerology in relation to your health.
The Numerology Blueprint is a collection of six numbers that represents who you are. Three numbers are drawn from your name and three from your birth date. The Your Life Path Number is the most significant number in your NumerologyBlueprint.
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How to find your Life Path Number
Add your complete date of birth to the calculator and reduce it by one digit.
Let’s look at someone born on 4/27/1977:
The Person born on 3/27/1977 has a 1 Life Path.
Notice: If your total birth date falls to the Master Number 11/22, refer to the definitions for the 2 and 4 Life Paths, respectively.
The Life Path Numbers 1 through 9
The 1 Life Path
The 1 Life Path strives for # 1 in every aspect of their lives. They can feel very unhappy if they don’t feel that way. The 1 Life Path is so dedicated to success that they never stop working on the next project. As a result, they don’t always make time for their bodies.
Physical exercise has been the key to my success with the 1 Life Path. If they don’t schedule time to exercise, their health starts to suffer. They might experience neck, back, or knee pain. It’s almost as if the body is screaming out for help. Yoga is a great activity. They will feel much better if they commit to basic breathing and yoga poses.
The 2 Life Path
The 2 Life Path is known to have a big heart and love deeply. Sometimes I hear stories such as: “The woman died of a broken heart.” I find it often that if I can get the birth numbers of a person, I can determine that they were a 2Life Path. The 2 Life Path is intensely sensitive to things, and their lesson in this life is to develop healthy emotional boundaries. The 2 Life Path can be described as someone who falls into a well and says, “Can you help me?” They would immediately jump in, and say, “What’s wrong?!”
The 2 Life Path will help them feel happier if they can establish a healthy emotional boundary. Sometimes, a 2 might feel down. They can become a burden to others if they try too hard to please everyone. My 2 Life Path clients often join group therapy. This allows them to talk about their lives. This can make a significant difference. It improves mental and physical health when a 2 Life Path makes themselves a priority.
The 3 Life Path
The The 3 Life Path is the communicator. They need to be heard. It can lead to problems with their throats if they feel that they are not being heard. If you are a 3Life Path and are feeling like what you have to say doesn’t matter, it might be worth reevaluating your relationship.-You can evaluate your relationship and decide to move on. It is a great idea to write a letter instead of trying and talk to the person who is causing you trouble. Let the person know that you are listening and will discuss it later.
This topic is covered in my book. I also give affirmations to the 3 to help them communicate verbally. I am a 3 Life Path, and years ago, I often lost my voice because I didn’t feel heard; when I started doing affirmations, I never lost my voice again.
The 4 Life Paths
The 4 Life Paths like structure in their lives. The It is a fact “A+B does equal C” It is comforting for them. When life gets out of their control, and they feel they can’t fix it. If you’re a 4Life Path, next time you feel the pain of a headache, look around at what you can control.
The other thing a 4 Life Path can do to alleviate stress is to get outside with nature, such as gardening or walking in park – kicking your shoes off and feeling the actual grass on your feet makes all the difference! The 4 must learn to deal with the fact that they can’t control everything, and focus on just their part. These potential health problems can be avoided if they are able to do a good job and understand that everything isn’t their problem.
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The 5 Life Paths
Relaxing is difficult for the 5 Life Path. The Five people need to feel free in their lives. Feeling trapped can lead to them turning to unhealthy ways of escape, such as drinking too much or working non-stop. Changing their minds can cause excessive drama in their life. The 5. They must be mindful of what they put in the body.
The 6 Life Paths
The 6 Life Paths are nurturers and need to take charge. The 6 Life Paths are always trying to save the world. They must be careful to not make the planet bigger. Their fear is that if they don’t do it, it won’t get done. A 6 must find a healthy balance in their lives. They need to make sure they don’t eat mindlessly while taking care of all the other people in their lives.
The 6 females need to be careful not “over-mother” And “over-protect” her children. They have to learn how to trust their children and let them go. The 6 Life Path is so good at damage control that they fear it will get too quiet. “ the calm before the storm.” If life is flowing smoothly, they should shout it out. “It’s going good and I deserve it.” It will make a big difference to be a regular speaker of this phrase!
The 7 Life Paths
Even though the 7 may be social, they still need their private space and sacred space. If a 7 feels they can’t have their special time alone, they will be miserable and find unhealthy ways to escape, just like the 5 Life Path. A journal would help a 7 keep track of their thoughts and stay healthy. The 7 is the Vibration. They need to find a solid foundation of faith or they will become cynical. It helps them to see the spiritual side of themselves, as well as their mental and physical health. Note: The Water has a very soothing effect on the 7. If the 7 feels stressed, they will feel better if they can reach the ocean or other body of water. A warm bath in a bubble bath, or a soak in a hot tub can bring peace to the 7 Life Path.
The 8 Life Paths
According to Numerology research, 8 Life Paths are more likely to experience health problems early in their lives that they will need to address. The 8 should be aware of any potential health problems and take steps to prevent them from becoming serious. Because the 8 Life Path’s goal is to achieve financial security, they might get so involved in taking care of their family or working that they forget about the symptoms that can lead to serious health problems later. If their back hurts just a bit and they ignore it then the back may become a major problem later. If something in their body doesn’t feel right, they should not let time pass before looking into it.
The 8 can feel that the world is trying to take them down, and they end up feeling victimized. I recommend that they watch comedies that make them laugh and that they dance to music that makes them happy.
The 9 Life Paths
The 9 Life Path is very responsible. They have difficulty asking for help even when they need it. They believe that. “If you loved me, you’d know what I need from you,” This is often not true. The The 9 also have trouble letting go of their past. They can hold on to the past if their childhood was hard. This can cause unhappiness. The 9 Life Path must learn to live in the present and embrace the day.
They need to learn how to seek help when they need it. They tend to carry their stress around their necks and shoulders. “the weight of the world” They can rest their heads on them. The 9 should receive a head and neck message as often as possible. This will make them feel much better. This will be a great help for the 9-Life Path.
Here’s what you’ll get in Healing By The Numbers
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