What You’ll Discover in Heidi Huddleston Cross Skin & Wound Care
- Faculty:
- Heidi Huddleston Cross
- Duration:
- 5 Hours 59 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and video
- Copyright:
- Jun 23, 2016
Course Description:
Pressure ulcers and other skin problems are a major cause for morbidity, mortality and regulatory scrutiny. These topics are hot in the health care industry. Failure to provide evidence is coming under greater scrutiny from facilities.-Based and up-To-Date wound and skin care and the necessity to have a well-Staff that is well-trained and educated.
Heidi Huddleston Cross You will be able to learn the most recent assessment, prevention, and treatment strategies for skin care and wound care. She will discuss skin assessment and wound preparation, debridement, and the best products and practices for skin care, including protection, moisturizing and cleansing.
This seminar is for busy health care professionals who are interested in improving their knowledge of wound care and skin care and enhancing the quality of patient care. Heidi It is highly sought after-After each presenter, it is certain to raise your skills and knowledge to a new level. This will result in better outcomes and decreased costs. This important event is worth your time.-Day educational event
Webcast Manual (12.26 MB) | 134 Pages | Available after Purchase |
- Overview of Evidence-Based Skin & Wound Care The Practices
- Guidelines
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- WoundContinence Nurses Society – Ostomy, Continence
- National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel
- SkinA Vital Organ
- Skin Functions and anatomy
- Geriatric skin
- K eeping skin healthy
- Wound Assessment: What Happens When Things Go Wrong
- There are three phases of wound healing
- Acute vs. Chronic wounds
- Prevention of skin issues, especially pressure ulcers
- Wound Assessment: A very good place to start
- A thorough history and physical
- Identify risk factors
- Both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors are contributory to the risk.
- Location, location and location
- Dimensions
- Undermining/tunneling
- Wound Bed
- Wound Marge
- Exudate
- Peri-Wound tissue
- Is it infected?
- Osteomyelitis
- Wound Dressings and Treatment
- Moist wound healing
- Types of dressing
- Antimicrobial dressings made of silver and other metals
- Negative pressure therapy
- Nutrition
- Loading & Support
- Wound The Art of Bed Preparation & Debridement
- Autolytic
- Enzymatic
- Mechanical
- Conservatives are sharp
- Surgical
- Yikes! Maggots . .
- Types of Wounds: Know Your Enemy
- Staging and pressure ulcers
- Incontinence and dermatitis
- Venous stasis ulcers
- Lymphedema
- Arterial disease of the lower extremities
- Neuropathic disease of the lower extremities
- Skin Tears/adhesive trauma
- Palliative Care Care Regulations and Other Issues
- Palliative Care: When enough is enough
- Acute care: Present on admission (POA) codes
- Long Term CareMDS 3.0
- Home care: OASIS-C
Heidi Huddleston Cross, MSN., RN., FNP-CWOCN, BC Similar seminars and products 6
Heidi H. Cross, MSN., RN., FNP-BC, CWON, A board-Certified Wound A board and an Ostomy Nurse-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner in Syracuse NY. She is a skilled family nurse practitioner in Syracuse, NY. She is currently employed by CNY Surgical Physicians as a consultant for nursing homes in Syracuse. In addition, she has her own independent business as an expert witness for plaintiffs and defense attorneys.
Ms. Cross is a member Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society Association for the Advancement of Wound CareAmerican Nurses Association. As chair of the Ostomy and Wound Care Committee, she has been a member of many committees. Wound The Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board exam committee, credential and review and marketing committee. The following information is available: Wound Ostomy Nurses Association, she is also the co-chair of the National Conference Planning Committee Ostomy Track, has been peer reviewed for the Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing was awarded a grant from Center for Clinical Investigation Research. She participated in developing the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in 2014.
Speaker Disclosures
Financial: Heidi Huddleston Cross Molnlycke provides an honorarium, consulting fee and a gift. She receives a speaking honourarium from PESI (Inc.).
Nonfinancial: Heidi Huddleston Cross is a member WoundWOCN Society – Continence, Ostomy and Continence Nurses
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