What You’ll Discover in I Know What To Do, So Why Don’t I Do It?
I Know What To Do, So Why Don’t I Do It?
The New Science of Self Discipline
Stop resisting what you know you must do!
You can unlock the biochemical code that will allow you to achieve any goal, for the rest of the life.
You may think that your problems are due to laziness or low motivation. But fascinating research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed another, far more likely possibility. This one has the potential to change your life in a profound way.
You can make excuses for not doing the right thing. I’m too stressed out … I don’t have the time … I You don’t have the energy etc. – can be a manifestation of complex, interconnected webs of neurological, psychological, and chemical factors.
These factors can cause paralysis and render it almost impossible to make the necessary changes in your life.
In other words, even if you’re highly motivated … if you’ve got these internal circumstances operating, you AREN’T going to be able to do it.
Despite the complexity of biochemistry, the solutions are quite simple.
These solutions are explained by Dr. Nick Hall, along with the fascinating science that underlies them. I Know What To Do, So Why Don’t I Do It?. He examines each excuse and offers strategies to deal with them. Strategies that target the biochemical root cause of the excuses and eliminate them immediately. You’ll learn:
An extraordinarily powerful stress-fighting tool that very few people take advantage of
Download it immediately I Know What To Do, So Why Don’t I Do It?
An easy way to instantly regain control and stay focused in an emotional emergency
6 things to do when you think you’ve taken on more than you can accomplish in the time you have
The mistake almost everyone makes when they organize their to-do list
A simple exercise that can instantly tell you which side of your brain is dominant at any given time
The first-thing-in-the-morning action that will literally reset your internal clock and have a profoundly positive impact on your energy level for the rest of the day (and it is SO easy to do!)
Imagine all the possibilities that you can achieve if you are able to get past the excuses that keep you from achieving your goals. I Know What To Do, So Why Don’t I Do It?, will give your an incredible array of tools that will allow you to accomplish any goal.
Nick Hall, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized psychoneuroimmunologist who has conducted pioneering research dealing with the interrelationships between emotions and health. His research has been featured by “60 Minutes,” “Nova,” “Nightline,” Emmy-Award-winning television series “Healing and the Mind,” Produced by Bill Moyers, PBS. Dr. Hall was awarded two prestigious Research Scientist Development Awards by the National Institutes of Health. These awards are only given to top scientists in the United States. He is the director of the Saddlebrook Resort Wellness Center, Tampa, Florida. Here he teaches elite athletes and leading corporations how to effectively deal with their professional and personal challenges.
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