What You’ll Discover in James Van Elswyk P3 Scaling System
James Van Elswyk – P3 Scaling System
James Van Elswyk’s Business Scaling System It is so disruptive, you have to sign an NDA every time you buy.
This training will help you build a loyal company that fights your battles, brings new ideas to the table and takes care of the ship when captain is away.
- It’s no secret that you can go from 7 to 7.-Figures up to 8-Figures and Beyond require a loyal, dedicated team.
- Building the right team players and learning to trust them “Revenue Responsibility” It puts you in the position to achieve exponential business growth. Leaders can seek more business opportunities than just putting out daily fires.
You may have met me at my speaking events like Affiliate Summit and iStack Training.
I’ve noticed one problem in my years of teaching and leading teams:
You will transform your business from a one-man/woman show into a fully functioning business with an entire team of employees that you can trust with the keys of the kingdom. This will allow you to build this team quickly and efficiently.
- In the past 26 years, I have fired thousands of people from many industries.
- I have scaled one business from 8 employees to 80 employees in one year and up to 440 in 2.5 years.
- I’ve Scaled My Lead Generation And Ecommerce Media Buying Business From 1 Outsourced Campaign Manager To 35 Employees (25 In-In 2 Years, You Can Make 10s Of Millions in Revenue and Houses.
- My “Data-Proven Method” Building and Scaling My Business is so successful, I was able to build an entire creative department outside the U.S. It took me less than 30 days to complete and scale it up to 14 full members-Time employees. Note: I have never visited the department, and none of the employees speak English. The Department is consistently profitable!
- Multimedia Buyers – From zero knowledge on how to buy media …. to eventually managing millions of dollars in ad budgets.
- I am currently running multiple highly-Multiplier success-Million Dollar Companies With Employees That Never Call Out Sick Because They F***ing Love What They Do And Are Inspired To Work.
My P3 Scaling System It is expensive.
Because this is the first time I reveal what I do and how I do it.
My system was not scaled out the last time I taught it.-The successful team was to a small number of entrepreneurs who each paid $10,000 to attend.
My idea is to create high-quality products if I can show you how I reduce turnover-Motivated team members, increased margins and made every employee extremely valuable to company …. then it’s going to be a lot.
It’s not hard to see why…
My team is what HBO Television is television.
Bold. Detailed. Hit Makers.
If you’re able to do that, then This will be your most favorite page all day.
- My personal “People Pixel Strategy Secret” It’s like taking data out of ad campaigns and applying that to your team members in order to make powerful decisions for explosive business growth within a year.
- I am the source of my daily business solutions “seasoned pixel brain.” This is something I have been doing for a while. Learning from my successes and failures is like hitting gold in terms ROI.
- How to organize your short, mid, and long term goals using your profits and data. Many businesses fail here because they get caught up in the numbers. “sales emotions” They are in a bind …. and always looking for the answer. “next sale” Strategies that are sustainable, not just strategies that work.
- My “hands on” When I was 17, I found my first business tactic. This allows me to see where and how to make money in my business every day without worrying or hesitation.
- How Israel has made it possible for me to do business and live in Israel. “cash cow” It is possible to run your business without becoming dependent on credit lines.
- How to make your life permanent “cash positive” In your business to ensure that you don’t panic because you didn’t make sales yesterday. This includes being more disciplined with costs in areas with lower margins.
- My personal and simple-To-use equation I call: “How I’m Gonna Make A Sh*t Ton Of Green™️”. This is how I calculate the cost of any project before I start it. Many business owners don’t consider the cost of media and advertising. This is the core cost that impacts all businesses.
- How to avoid the fear “STUCK” Scaling your business is possible by following these steps:”fear of scaling” It’s a reality, but it doesn’t have to be. This happens because business owners are used to scaling campaigns in the same way. You will be able to overcome this fear with my clear explanation of how to build a team.
- What metrics should you be looking at? If and when Scaling your business is possible, with details about where to start and how to do it. This will help you save a lot time, money, headaches, and effort. (I will give you a proven path to follow.
- My secret to making more money is working less and turning off my brain. One wise man once said: “if you’re working too much, then you don’t have time to make money.” It was like opening up floodgates for more creativity, revenue streams, once I had grasped the concept.
- What I use to quantify everything within my business. That is, I know the ROI on every decision I make and for every person I hire.
- My philosophy as to why I will pay the extra money just so that an employee thinks more (and how this increases my ROI across the board).
- Why I avoid hiring “professionals” Why you should be on any platform. This is counterintuitive for many business owners and is why my training program is unlike anything else.
- My most coveted “Self Analysis” A checklist that is like a screen shot of money coming in, money going out, knowing your next move and why (detailed in Chapter 3 at 10:12).
- How to Cut “business bloat” Profit every month, for more and less “costs.”
- Why 90% of the work you do should not be on your shoulders. This secret is kept from the rest of the entrepreneurs.
- The science-This is why all my employees are required to videotape their tasks and keep them in file.
- How to get the most creativity out of every employee and why this strategy makes employees happier and more relaxed and encourages them to stay with the company till their last breath.
- This is the first question I ask before I begin any project. This is what I discovered while working in Israel. American business owners are 98.5% focused on making their businesses succeed. “cash register ring” They lack the simple strategy that will give them the edge. “ringing” Cash registers have more impact without going “cash negative.”
- My “Money Fasting Method™️” This is similar to injecting your business with top-of-the-line growth hormones. Your company will be leaner and stronger.
- The most-Profitable reason: I treat my business as a family. “product” Instead of focusing on a company, I focus on my competitors and how it makes them panic even though they are not in my thoughts. If you aren’t doing this, how can you distinguish yourself from others?
- It is vital that you locate your personal information. “secret sauce” Fast and use it well, but not with anyone …. even your closest friend.
Let me let you go with that last sentence.
I discovered this “secret sauce” Method was my 18th birthday and I worked as a technician at a very large company. “shady” pizza parlor.
I knew there was something wrong, but couldn’t pinpoint it. I put my head down, and I worked.
But that’s irrelevant…
Here’s my memory:
The pizza sauce was finally ready for the owner.
Everyone Had To Leave. Nobody was allowed to learn the secret that set him apart from everyone else.
He understood that what set his business apart from other pizza shops was his literal. “secret sauce.”
He was able to tell if his “secret sauce” He was able to get into the hands of a new pizza shop with better prices, better customer service and a better location …. so it was only logical that he would close down his business.
This is what you should ask yourself: Really What makes you different?
Why should people care about you or what you bring?
You can find it, shine a light on it, and make it work harder than any other aspect of your business.
Also, keep it up “HOW” You can keep it locked away. This is another reason this training is not cheap ….. Actually, I am sharing my “secret sauce”).
Here’s more about the lessons you will learn in My Business Scaling Training:
- Here are 6 top departments that you absolutely should outsource to the right individuals (including how to locate them and what to do with them). “red flags” Keep an eye out.
- You should never outsource your brand, voice and business goals.
- How to create a corporate culture so respected that other companies will compliment your work and treat your employees with respect. This is what makes the difference between the “perception” Employees are the best thing about a great company. This is why I have kept my employees on my payroll for more than 10+ years. They love working with me.
- This is the #1 way to ruin your life “Business Conversion Rates” How to avoid repeat orders, more clients and other issues. You’ll be more if you don’t avoid it. “walk-outs” And less respect on the market.
- If you are serious about your brand and voice, it is important to speak at industry events at least once or twice per year.
- A “company cloning secret” That creates an illusion of “choice” Fickle clients
- My personal “War Chest Analysis.” This is what you follow IF everything in your business decides to take a sh*t. This includes how much to have set aside, how long you can last, assessment of damage, and knowing exactly what to do to become cash positive as quickly as possible.
- The “True Loss Calculation” When testing new offers, I review (and where to go from) every month. “projections” To “actuals” It takes the least time.
- Why you shouldn’t hire more media buyers. This reasoning is explained in Chapter 3. It also explains why 97.6% businesses are doing this wrong. You’ll learn how to save money while still getting bad media buyers.
- It is a great investment to hire a new employee. Maybe. However, if they are NOT… a good investment, many businesses don’t realize it until it’s too late and money has been drained from the company. This is what I will show you: How to spend as little as possible “employee testing funds” Check to determine if the employee is worth it. “scale.”
Let me get away from that last. “highlighted bullet” You’ll be able to tell another story.
This is what I was first exposed to. “testing employees” When I was a manager and operator of a highly successful call center.
It was very easy to do the math
If you can’t fire a bad employee quickly enough, Potentially, you could be missing out on millions, if certainly not billions of dollars in revenue Because you were taking time and leads away from others “proven employees” That could result in sales.
How do I determine if someone is a? “bad employee”?
It was stressful because I had the responsibility of keeping an eye on them, listening to their calls, giving notes, training them, motivating them, and so forth.
This required a lot of energy and time, which resulted in me spending a lot on finding someone. “up to speed.”
What did it make you feel when you realized that the employee wasn’t going to work for your company?
This scenario is familiar to many business owners, particularly those who are involved in training media buyers.
It is discouraging as it costs the company money. Many business owners also start to question how they have hired the wrong person.
The easiest way to get rid of the frustrations associated with hiring is the “wrong person,” I decided to conduct a scientifically based study, despite the time and costs involved.-Psychologists use this proven strategy in their practice. In less than 30 days, my turnover rate dropped from 80% to nearly 0 %…..
Actually, my method worked so well that I had to stop hiring anyone else. “bad employee” Never again. (Revealed at Chapter 4: Building your Team
Wait. There’s More, Sugar.
Here’s what else you’ll learn from My P3 Scaling Training:
- The feeling of being overwhelmed by the world is gone. “second guessing” When it comes to hiring the right person, you can decide who you should first, second, and third. My personal Media Buying Labor Pyramid is revealed and I break down each step according to cost and importance. This can be found at Chapter 4: Building Your Team.
- My belief is that “3 Brains Are Better Than 1” This is why I split-test EVERYTHING, down to the employees I hire.
- My exact “carrot dangling” I use this technique to maximize the performance of my employees while simultaneously decreasing costs and increasing performance.
- How to pay outsource labor and still have the employees you hired in your office
- You want to reduce your time-Waste “back and forth” Copywriters, videographers and operations to get campaigns launched and live with no hiccups? You can see how I do it in Chapter 4, at the 20:44 mark.
- You’d never believe it was possible to achieve a gangster level efficiency, no matter how many times you tried to get everyone on the same page. This is how I achieved my efficiency: I have a creative team of Ukrainians who don’t know a single word of English , and they take care of my clients who don’t know a word Russian. It works!
- My GEO Hiring (aka how I keep my company running 24 hours a daily, 7 days per week, without any snags and complaints).
- My quiet and subtle way of boosting “revenue responsibility” Each employee is credited with the task without having to say a word. This method eliminates all traces of slacking. This method also improves the overall quality of work.
- This simple email response to media buyers is so powerful that it should be used as an interrogation room. This is the exact email reply I need to send. I almost always get an email back within five minutes from my media buyers explaining what went wrong in a previous day’s campaign and how it will fix it.
- The “self-monitoring” System that allows me not “check-in” With my outsource employees.
- It is a cultural reason that people are hired from other countries to perform specific tasks. This is a method of hiring. “professionals of a craft” The system dates back hundreds of years. I’ve modernized the system to allow me to use it for my many companies.
- How do I find it? “Seal Team 6 Assassin” People who ride or die often end up working for me for many years. (This is me “Diamond In The Rough” theory. You can learn how to identify potential employees and hold onto them like your child.
- My Top 5 Hiring Preferences Order (and the reasoning behind them).
- Why I avoid popular Facebook job boards. Surprisingly, I have a copywriter who may be the best advertorial copywriter, but she is not well-known in the many copywriter Facebook groups. She’s one my many. “Diamonds In The Rough” And I’ll show how to find yours.
- How to get the greatest ROI from hiring “untrained people” Instead of “trained professionals.”
- My silly “simple value” How can I build strong relationships? This is crucial for when I need help finding employees. All of a sudden, I have several people referring me top-notch talent.
- My 7-The step hiring process includes an in-Depth “Personality Test” This must be filled in. This goes back again to eliminating “turnover” Hiring “bad employees.
- The psychological reason why I have my employees take part in the hiring process, and why I only hire a “Unanimous victory” from myself and all of my employees. (Note: you want loyalty? This is how you do it.)
After the interview, I ask my employees…
The 3 Most Important Interview Questions
And they are:
- Is the candidate a nice person? (important for our industry)
- Does the candidate want to make money? (want to gauge the level of “Motivation” and money is a huge motivator)
- Will they screw me over?
That last question is important. Remember: you have an edge in your industry, and you need to keep that “secret sauce” secret.
Plus You’ll Also Learn:
- My strange but logical reasoning on how I put candidates into different baskets based on real life character traits.
- The “Chain of Command” reason why I only meet with my possible candidate last (after all of my employees met with him/her) and why I only meet with them no more than 5 minutes. Without this step, it could cause weeks if not months of confusion and misunderstanding and profit loss (Chapter 5, 37:18)
- I have a saying: “New brooms sweep beautifully” This ties in perfectly when hiring new employees. It’s the reason why I keep an eye on an employee after a couple of months after hiring and see how they have progressed and if they are still acting like that “A new broom.” Then, if I want to see what kind of employee they really are, I do something specific out of the blue without telling them and see how they react. (Chapter 5, 40:59)
- The research-backed reason why I shuffle furniture in the room or have a lot of commotion going on when interviewing a new candidate.
- The same reason why after I hire a new person, I don’t talk to them in their “familiar” area, but instead transport them to an unfamiliar location to have a conversation. (Chapter 5, 42:44)
- My “Vladimir Putin Mental Game” I use when I want shift the conversation dynamics and get real, honest information. (Chapter 5, 43:55)
- Why I love hiring moms that want to get back into the workforce. And why hiring more moms will make your business run smoother, easier, and more relaxed.
- The reason why you should fire quickly. This goes in line with my philosophy: don’t spend excess amount of time to “Take the following steps:” an OK employee great. There are already plenty of great future employees waiting for a job. Fire quickly and hire a person that makes you go “Hell yes.”
- How to use UpWork like a gangster and make it your asset, not your frustration.
Take A Look Below…
Look at it again.
I’ve spent over $250K on UpWork.
And that’s all from only one company.
I still work with numerous contractors on UpWork and they continue to give me on-time, dedicated work.
I hear many business owners complain about UpWork and other freelancing sites.
I hear things like “Flake freelancers” or they deliver bad work, or the communication was terrible.
Lots of reasons…
However, with the way I do things, I set a very specific and proven “Filter” on UpWork for certain jobs…
See, I’ve split tested people.
And based on my countless results…
I know who will be a right fit BEFORE the person even sends me their resume and work examples (sometimes I don’t even ask for examples… I already know they’re going to be perfect).
I use a method I call “Business Profiling.”
But there’s a problem, and one of the reasons why you have to sign an NDA after you purchase…
In today’s “Heated” world with the tip-toeing around political correctness and not wanting to hurt each other’s feelings…. my method may not be looked upon favorably by those easily offended.
But those people that would shake their heads in disgust haven’t done the testing, and they are also not scaling at the heights I am.
Plus, how I found my method was by doing in-depth research on cultures and customs.
I then leveraged those deep-rooted customs and beliefs for various positions I needed to fill.
In short: when I hire, I do it with an almost 100% surety the work will be professional and exactly what I’m looking for every time (revealed in Chapter 5).
Here’s More Of What I’ve Done With My Tested And Proven P3 Scaling System:
- How to manage without “seeing” what they are doing (and why always watching your employees is a “rookie move” that doesn’t increase responsibility and confidence in the employee).
- Worst possible people to hire and why should run away from these “Types” at all costs…
- Why I seek out “underprivileged” and “undervalued” people all the time, and why they end up becoming my biggest champions (Chapter 5: “What to Look For…”)
- Where I go to recruit the absolute best of the best employees (Chapter 5: “What to look out for…”)
- Are you leveraging the unemployment office? Why not? You should and I go into detail why in Chapter 5: “What to look out for…”
- The 2 departments with LOTS of room to create an edge that no one can touch (I also reveal why I’ll always win in this specific department, and how…)
- The simple and cheap formula to create an edge if you don’t already have it (Chapter 5: “What to look out for…”)
- Why I pixel and re-market to job candidates (Chapter 5)
- How to achieve the highest level of trust and respect from your employees, and how one single word on a social post could ruin that “Status” for good…
- How to set up an effective compensation plan where everyone’s happy (this is tricky, and most businesses fear trying this, but the truth is…. this is how I get the most out of my employees and keep them hustling).
- How to keep conversations productive and time sensitive, including the conversations in Skype, Slack, or wherever you maintain communication (and why I’ll remove people from certain conversations…)
- The absolute best practice to train people. For some, this step may seem “Old-fashioned.” But there is a psychological reason why I train this way because it “It solidifies” each step in their brain like a branding iron.
- My “A little bit wild” way of putting fire under the asses of my media buyers…. and why they’ll never make the same mistake a 3rd time (revealed in Chapter 7: Mastering Operations).
- How long I think it takes to train a media buyer to get them up to speed and gain their trust.
- Which platform I think is the best starting point to train all newbie media buyers (and no, it’s not Facebook). Which brings me to…
- Why I teach media buying on Facebook last.
- Why using the phrase “Can you help…” boosts employee confidence and makes them feel empowered like they matter to the company (shown in Chapter 7, at the 19:03 mark).
- Why “Vacation time is mandatory” is a powerful tool to use for when you want to “clean up” all of the mistakes, including ineffective practices, bad relationships with clients, and discovering just how dependent you are with that employee.
- The key differences of hiring horizontally and hiring vertically (and why I ALWAYS prefer the former).
- How I close out each month, including cash review, project review, and plan creation.
- The proven and tested sentence to say when firing someone easily and cleanly.
- Who you should fire, when you should fire, and how to fire someone that won’t cause a scene and leave on good terms. (No one “Likes” to fire, but it has to happen. I’ve fired A LOT of people through the years and I’ve gotten it down to a science so it’s easy, smooth, and anyone can do it, even if you hate confrontation).
- The 5 most critical reports I need to review every week or else everything I’ve done is complete bullsh*t.
- How to “Spot” your first manager (aka your “Winner” employee, aka your “#1”). The person you can trust when to comes to training other employees and essentially help you grow your business.
- What books I start sending my managers how this is a subtle way to get inside their heads and start pushing them to be even better (Chapter 12: Executive Team).
- When I schedule my meetings, including the most important meeting that I hold between the hours of late Saturday night and all day Sunday. Without this meeting, I am an open target to the “Business reaction” that can cripple any company no matter how successful…
- Why UpWork is one of my favorite tools not just for hiring…. but for product research, job research, and market research. I go in-depth on how to use UpWork as an educational tool that has become exponentially useful for me as a business owner. I don’t see a lot of people using UpWork the way I do it…
- The single best “gamification tactic” I’ve used that booms a company’s morale and gets everyone playing (Chapter 13: Employee Engagement).
- And so much more including:
How to open up a business in another country, even if you’ve never been there…(Chapter 10, 2:36)…. the real reason why I think having a large “Creativity team” is the biggest asset, and will continue to thrive in today’s market (Chapter 10, 9:18)…. how to set yourself as the “Power structure” in the first 5 minutes of hiring a new person (Chapter 5, 37:01)…. the clever way to cover a lot more ground and have a lot more time to think and create (Chapter 6, 31:58)…. how to have other employees look at you as someone that has his/her sh*t together and can’t be bothered with small “Fires” (Chapter 13, 10:52)…. and much, much more!
Anyway, have I teased you enough?
Listen, I’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s inside my P3 Scaling System.
So, let’s go ahead and talk about…
Like I said, this training is not cheap.
P3 Scaling contains over 6 hours of serious business training.
This training is not for beginners.
This training is not for affiliate marketing “solopreneurship.”
This is a real business training on how to scale big in the least amount of time possible, without a huge team, and without blowing unnecessary expenses.
I Figure, If I’m Giving The Keys To My Kingdom, Then I’m Going To Charge A Decent Renters Fee.
So, who is this for?
This training is for advertising agencies, small companies looking to grow quickly and efficiently (no matter the industry), CMOs that want “The edge” in their department. And for business owners ready for bigger goals, bigger revenue, and bigger dreams.
This training works for any industry or niche because the principles taught in it are universal and designed for the working entrepreneur in today’s day and age, whether that’s in advertising, digital marketing, finance, lead gen, ecomm, agency, you name it…
When I first presented my “secret sauce” from A to Z, I charged everyone who attended $10,000.
Now, I’ve broken down the cost.
I’ve spent millions of dollars of my own money to experience a lot of success, and learn from my countless failures…
I’ve bottled everything, including case studies, proven methods, and my personal practices into one system.
The cost of P3 Scaling System, including the complete printouts and blueprints and slides that detail from beginning to end on how to build and scale a business with the right employees, is only one low payment of just $1,999.
Read more: http://archive.is/qhK5D
Here’s What You’ll Get in James Van Elswyk – P3 Scaling System
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