What You’ll Discover in Jason Fladlien Pure Webinars
Jason Fladlien – Pure Webinars
How to Make a Website Webinars It’s a sell
Jason Fladlien here and I’ve relied on a 4-Part outline to script webinars, which have produced over $20,000,000+ in annual sales. This sales letter will contain the outline.
First, let’s get down to brass tacks. I’m probably known as one of the top five webinar sellers of all time – many respected marketers put me at the very top as the best in the world at selling on webinars.
Because of my unique position, I’m going to take an interesting approach to selling my latest webinar secrets. Here it is…
There is no shortage. It costs $2,000 and there is no payment plan.
There are no refunds. Don’t buy if you’re not 100% certain you want this.
No Webinars. I’m using an old fashioned sales letter to sell you on a product on how to do webinars. There is a reason for this…
Why is it so hard?-Linear approach?
Simple – this training was created for a specific individual. Who? Who is it?
The smartest thing that person could do is buy this before their next webinar… because I know with absolute certainty that this webinar training program will pay itself…
Ten-fold. Immediately.
Plus, consider this – I get referrals all the time because of my rep as a stone cold webinar closer. I hope people will help someone who says they need help with a webcast.
Download it immediately Jason Fladlien – Pure Webinars
Then we’ll see if they’re actually serious about making money or not. If they are, they’ll buy this without much thought.
With that out of the way, let’s get down to business. I am now a certified trainer called Pure Webinars, we dissect in depth this formula which has made me a…
Multi-Millionaire before the age of 31
Here’s the outline for the webinar pitch:
Section on Introduction
Immediate Interaction
Induce Greed
Chip Away Objections
Establishing Authority
Section Content
The “One Thing” Road Map
Action through Imagination
Cement Authority
Dismantle Objection
Advance Results
Agree, Commit, Tie-Down
Validation Vs. Declaration
Show, not Just Tell
Section on Transition
60 minutes in 60 seconds
You can create a positive momentum
Introduce “The Problem”
Do them a favor by giving them something
Close Section
Current Offer
Price to Offer Anchor with Scarcity
Bonus Stack
Destroy Objections
Risk Elimination
Controlled Q & A
The Kitchen Sink
Believe it or not, almost every webinar I’ve scripted in the last two years – including the “famous” one that sold over a million dollars in a 24 hour period… followed this outline.
This is why it’s instructive
Time. You’ll never have the ability to craft the perfect webinar if you’re a true blue blooded money getting business person. Why? Because there are always more opportunities than you can handle.
It is important to do what you have to do in order for things to get done. The outline is the result. It’s not just that webinars sell like crazy… but you can knock them out in a weekend. You can even do it in a single day. Or for just a few minutes.
It’s crazy, but I have never spent more then 3 days crafting a webinar. Would you? Maybe. However, this outline takes 90% of the work and thinking involved in creating the webinar.
After thousands of webinars, it just so happens that I have perfected this outline.
Let’s take a deeper look at each part of this webinar outline:
The Introduction Section
Here’s a mistake almost every webinar pitch person makes – they take too long to sell. I start selling right away and never stop. I only increase.
Everyone is focused on only the “closes” The pitch portion of this webinar.
Even though your introduction will generally be less than 10 minutes long if you do it right… I’ll spend more time and focus on crafting the intro than I ever do the close.
Let’s look a little deeper into the introduction:
Immediate Interaction – buying is the ultimate interaction. This is the beginning foreplay. This is where we start. We will continue to make small promises throughout the presentation.
Induce Greed – we set a frame to short-Instead of ignoring the logic and critical mind, you can immediately address it. “emotional” It is the mind that makes all the purchasing decisions.
Chip Away Objections – there are only a handful of objections related to any purchasing decision. These objections matter so much that we treat them differently in each section. In the introduction, we do this secretly. Often I will short circuit objections in the first few minutes… most marketers wait too long to do this!
Establishing Authority – this is obvious right? There are so many other things to consider.-obvious (aka better) ways to establish authority on a webinar that most people don’t know about. Hint: “engineered epiphany”.
You can see how it’s a simple formula we just follow right? And…
In a few minutes you’ve accomplished a lot
You’ve destroyed or at least softened buying objections in advance… removed their pre-built biases they brought into the webinar… got them comfortable with buying even if they don’t know you’re selling them something…
And we’ve set up the impulsive buying frame. Powerful.
Do you think I am? “go to” Are there ways to create greed? To achieve the most powerful form of immediate interaction Techniques to remove objections in a matter of seconds
Sure. That’s behind the pay wall. It’s all available to you when you buy Pure Webinars below.
The main takeaway is that each of these actions are done in the introduction “different” They are not done the same way that 95% of webinar presenters do them. If you’re doing it like everybody else does them, you’re going to get the results they get – which are “so so”.
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You want…
million dollar results
You want your industry to be the leader in selling webinars.
It all starts with the introduction. This is the most important step in the process. You can do it the way I have shown you and create a greased chute which leads to the add to basket button.
Before we move on to the next section, let me remind you of one thing. In any webinar you make (or lose) two sales – the sale today and the sale tomorrow.
The way you’ll do your introduction based on my formula… in addition to getting the sale today – will create a favorable association of pleasure to you and your brand and make your future sales even easier.
Moving on…
The Content Section
It is a fascinating dichotomy to find the content portion of a webinar.
The more self-sufficient-reliant you make your attendees the less likely they’ll need to buy from you. The less reliance you place on them, the more you can sell.
Pretending these diametrically opposed forces don’t exist will limit your money making ability.
This is how we can resolve the conflict. Simple – we teach emotionally, not logically. It all starts with the…
“One Thing” Road Map
One of the biggest mistakes I see is when marketers try to teach multiple subjects in a pitch webinar. Sigh.
This is what you get when you do it. You create an emotional state in the prospect’s mind called confusion. A confused mind will often say no. They often associate pain and uncertainty with You. You are best to do that.
Your pitch webinar should only teach one thing, unless you have very good reasons to do so.
This is the benefit:
You’ll make that one thing something the audience will conclude you are the foremost authority… and best at presenting in the world.
We create the “one thing” You will be unmatched by the competition. And if the customer doesn’t have something to compare it to, they only compare you to you. Then it’s just a matter of technique to close the sale.
This technique is clearly described in the Pure Webinars Program.
Now, you will learn how to do that “One Thing” In just 3 to 7 steps, you can show the customer what they want. Start by displaying all the steps on one slide. You then begin to break down the first step with the help of the “why, what, how” fOrmula. Once you cover the first step – which you do with “mini-steps” or “criteria” – you tie it down, get agreement then elicit commitment.
Next, break each step down. Continue the process for each step.
After you have done this, follow the steps in Pure Webinars…
What happens next?
Now your audience feels more confident about their ability to do the things you have asked. “taught” They will be available on the webinar.
And if they feel confident about doing it… and you continually induced commitment throughout the content portion… it’s inconsistent for them NOT to buy at the end. It will be difficult for them to invest with you if they are not willing to make the effort. If it’s easier for them to buy than not buy… well that’s why your webinar close rates will shoot up dramatically.
Get your instant download Jason Fladlien – Pure Webinars
In the context of teaching, “one thing” Also, we take into account the following:
Action Through Imagination – If they can see in their mind doing what you’re teaching, it’s physiologically that same as if they actually did it. This makes your offering more valuable “real” thereby increasing their likelihood of purchasing.
Cement Authority – The best way to do this is for your audience to think to themselves “this is the most insightful info I’ve ever heard on this subject” – the “one thing” Road map makes it a hundred times simpler to do this. There are other ways to cement authority.
Dismantle Objections – We chipped away at them in the intro, now we move closer to the throat. This video will show you how to do it. Pure Webinars we use a simple technique which makes the audience feel stupid for having even considered the objection.
Results In Advance – Anyone would buy a $100 bill for $10… if they believed it wasn’t counterfeit or there was no other funny business. This belief is created by showing them results from our research well before they are sold to. “content”. These best practices are also available. Pure Webinars.
Tie-down, Agree, Commit – Any powerful point you make you tie down. Don’t move forward until the audience understands how important this is for them. Get agreement from them that they understand how powerful this is – (hint: don’t do this in the cheesy, overtly manipulative way most presenters do) – and most important, commitment. Simple as: “and when are you going to start doing this?” can work wonders…
Validation Vs. Declaration – If you act like everything you present is a fact and hammer them with statement after statement, you’ll get push back. However, if you aren’t forceful and aggressive you’ll lose a chunk of sales. There is a compromise. We tell the audience some things, then we agree with them. We boldly proclaim other things. This balance must be considered when you host webinars. I’ll lay out of you the ‘best” balance and how to easily dial it in.
Show, Not Just Tell – Probably the easiest thing you can immediately implement to improve your webinars. You will see for yourself when you see real world, actual examples in the context of training during Pure Webinars.
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Remember we do all this in the context of the “One Thing”.
In addition to making whatever “content” you present (even basic, mundane stuff) put your audience in a confident, receptive, consistent to acting on it by buying your offer… it’It is also much easier to write. The relationship should be self-sustaining.-evident – the easier it is for you to put together content, the more likely it will come through clear as day to your audience. Does this make sense?
Once you go through the content – which usually covers 45 to 60 minutes of the webinar – then we move onto…
Section Transition
This is probably the most overlooked section of a webinar.
How to do you set up the close so you simultaneously put your audience in the most conducive state of buying… while manipulating your own emotional state to present the offer as confidently and strongly as possible?
This is the way to go.
60 minutes in 60 seconds – In rapid fire succession you recap the whole content portion in such a way to fire off every “anchor” You can set the content section. All the powerful emotions created during the webinar are amplified at this point.
Create Yes momentum – We aim for 10 to 20 “head nods” The audience will be able to make the transition. If we get them to say yes to small stuff, then build on that to momentum to get them to say yes to big promises of benefits… then it’s natural they’ll say yes to the offer by buying.
Introduce “the problem” – Now we fire off the final emotion… which is fear. Greed and fear are the two most powerful emotions to sell with and we’ve strategically held back fear until right before the offer. You’ll love the technique I reveal in Pure Webinars To make it happen.
Do them a favor by offering them something – Yes, this final piece of the transition will get your audience to appreciate the fact you went out of your way to create something for them to buy. Perfect.
If you follow this, then the easiest section of all to script is…
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The Close Section
The reason you’ll find the close to be easiest part of creating your pitch webinar? It’s pure technique. Perfunctory. It is almost impossible to think of anything.
You can just pull from the many examples I use when putting together the closing.
It looks like this.
Present Offer – First, reveal the totality of the offer in one power-punch sentence. Modularize your core offer by adding a headline and three to five benefit statements. This will be your shortest section. People don’t care “what it is”They don’t know what it can do for you. They need to know enough of what it is to justify their purchase, but it’s not the main reason they buy (huge insight here). With real examples after real examples, I will show you how to present offers in. Pure Webinars.
Price to Offer Anchor With Scarcity – A psychological trick. The price is set against the “Core Deliverables” so the prospects weigh the money they’ll invest compared to what they get. Perfect. Then, we can add anything to that. “free” This reduces the value comparison and incites greed to its greatest extent. This is just one example of the many ways we accomplish this. Pure Webinars.
Bonus Stack – There is a very specific way to present your bonuses. First, bonuses are more important than the core offer. There is a way you can reveal your bonuses and it can make all the difference. This should be the only thing that you do. Pure Webinars It will be easy to pay off.
Destroy Objections – This is, by now the third time we’ve brought up objections. Since we’ve “warmed up” We can become very aggressive on massacring objections in such a way that the audience is open to them. This article gives specific examples. Pure Webinars… including money, time, confidence, competence, procrastination and “alternative consideration” These are just a few of the objections.
Risk Elimination – Including the guarantee I always use… how and when to use better than money back guarantees and an in-Deep dissection of the most important aspects “risk reversal” The single largest affiliate promotion in internet marketing history.
Controlled Q & A – How do you discern from non-Questions about buying and purchasing? Once you know how to do this, you’ll use every precious second answering questions that all lead to purchases. As far as how to answer those questions – “active, not passive”… a technique I learned from some of the scummiest politicians to live – you’ll use it for good, though.
The Kitchen Sink – This is where you reach into my grab bag of “go to closes” and pick and choose the ones that make the most sense to your specific webinar… and just use them. Then, one after the other after the next. What is the result? You will continue to see sales increase in waves.
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Also there are…
Two things that you should do during the closing
The first is to provide proof beyond a shadow or doubt. There are several ways to do this – pick some or all of them including Story Boarding Testominials, Dramatic Demonstrations, Social Validation, etc.
You must make frequent calls to action. There is a specific time to reveal the URL of where they go to buy (or whatever the action is to facilitate the purchase…). Then, after you’ve done this, there is a specific time for you to call to actions that you must follow throughout the close. All of this is in Pure Webinars.
What do you get if you buy? Pure Webinars today?
Pure Webinars Material for Courses
Video Training – broken down into five core modules: (1) Overview of the script (2) The Introduction Section (3) The Content Section, (4) The Transition Section, (5) The Close Section and (6) The Advanced Section.
PDFs of Slides – for each video… including the slides of specific webinars we use to illustrate each example and teaching point
Transcriptions – to each of the modules so you can grab and use word for word closes and pin point techniques to implement in your next webinar.
Session Insights – so you can easily reference specific methods to create, enhance and super charge all your webinar presentations.
Audio Downloads – for each session for easy listening on your computer, mobile phone, tablet… on the go, in the car, in bed, or wherever you want.
Sale Page: : http://archive.is/PEmCQ
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