What You’ll Discover in Jason Teteak Conquer Your Fears
Is it true that people’s perceptions of you have an impact on your professional success? You may not be aware of your public speaking fear
Jason Teteak – Conquer Your Fears
What to Expect Jason’s
Conquer Your Fear Public Speaking Bundle
– Become a noticeably better speaker right away.
Learn to be confident and not nervous.
– Feel confident about Q & A sessions or impromptu talks.
Find your authentic stage presence
– Learn to look professional — even in (very!) stressful situations.
You can learn at your own pace.
Once you have completed this program, it will allow you to:
• Increase Your Career Opportunities and Influence
Does the perception of you by others have any impact on your professional life and career? While you might view your fears of public speaking as a nuisance to others, they may see something entirely different. BUT, where you are now, does not have to be where you will end up…
After you take our Conquer Your Fear Program you’ll learn the techniques that’ll have you being an influencer in your field. The days of fear winning will long be gone. Don’t let your fear win! Let your talents and skills START taking you to the next level!
Talk confidently every time you speak
It’s not enough to feel confident (and YOU WILL once you’ve completed our program) BUT you also need to look it. Unfortunately, people can make harsh and quick decisions based on your mannerisms when you’re up on stage. It is essential to present a confident, in control speaker.
The program will provide you with the building blocks for transformation. “fidgeting” to CALM, COOL & COLLECTED. DO THIS– and you’ll start winning over your audience and earn the credibility that it turns out is oh so important for both your personal and professional life.
Manage difficult situations or members of an audience
Bottom line…If you don’t feel confident in yourself and your abilities it’s really easy to find yourself in front of an unruly audience or in really AWKWARD situations. It’s easy to stop problems from getting worse.
After you take our Conquer Your Fear Program you’ll be learning the ART & SCIENCE of handling undesirable situations and all that fear that comes along with it. Our techniques will help you manage apathetic, negative and despondent participants so they don’t throw you off your game.
Delivering live or virtual impact can make a difference
It’s all about wowing them! A clear presentation is essential. BUT more likely than not, it won’t be enough to truly make the IMPACT that you NEED to make.
The Conquer Your Fear Program will give you the techniques you need to get the instant wow factor—to create and deliver an amazing presentation, gain your audiences respect, and earn their applause! You’ll be one step closer to becoming the rock star public speaker you’ve always dreamed of!
The Conquer Your Fear Bundle Includes…
Course One: Calm: Phobic and Epic
Be confident in public speaking.
Your five-minute presentations will inspire and motivate others to realize their dreams and goals.
To ensure that the audience leaves the presentation feeling confident, you should know everything before, during and after the presentation. “Wow, that was an amazing presentation.”
Use your natural style to entertain and make your audience feel at ease.
You can increase your credibility and sales in front of people, boards, or sales calls with a great presentation opener.
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