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What You’ll Discover in Jaws And Body Connection
Jaws And Body Connection
Understanding how the jaw interacts with your body will help you understand why your TMJ is causing your neck pain.
TMJ dysfunction, for the most part is caused by dysfunction of one or more muscles that keep the joint in position. This affects the disc’s pressure. And when it comes to the musculoskeletal system there’s really no such thing as isolation.
Although the effects of the jaw on your body are not often recognized in the fitness and health arena, they can be a crucial link to your progress.
You will learn how to:
Identify the impacts of the jaws on athleticism
As an intervention step, understand the role of mouthguards
Combining theory and knowledge can help you assess your jaw health.
Increase muscular strength, power, endurance, and stamina
Jaw rehabilitation can improve balance and stability.
Learn effective strategies to relieve TMJ-related symptoms
Understanding the relationships between the jaw, tongue, and teeth
Identify and explain the relationship between TMD and other factors
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