What You’ll Discover in Jeffrey Gignac Life Response Frequencies
Jeffrey Gignac – Life Response Frequencies
Find out more about the space Where leading-Edge science meets angelic guidance
Clear The “Energetic Mud” This causes the Flow of Happiness, Prosperity Peace and Health To Stop, Pause OR Reverse. Instantly Raise Your Vibration AND Your power to achieve your goals, dreams, and wishes.
Let me ask…
What would you do? one, BUT Two Spiritual healers said that you can get help from spiritual healers. “Angelic Guide Group” You wanted to make something that you had created for a “gateway” to clear people’s energy so that they will Naturally, more people will be attracted to you What is happiness, health, prosperity, peace and well-being?
Do you believe them? OR would it be dismissed?
What would you say to everyone? OR, would it be better to keep it? secret?
This is exactly what I experienced eight years ago.
An Angelic Guide Group asked me to use one of my products in order to energetically balance and clear the group. 4 The wheels of Life…Happiness, Prosperity Peace and Health.
It was hard for me to believe this but the two spiritual healers were capable of convincing me beyond a shadow doubt. (I’ll give it a try later.)
I find it hard to talk about such things without sounding crazy, but for me, It is. been even harder because everything I’ve done in my career up to now has revolved around science-Technologies based on the Internet.
It would have been different if it was me who is known for teaching and talking about this type of thing. but I’m not…
…So, I did what I think most people would have done in my situation; It was kept a secret.
The Day That Changed Everything Life Forever.
Even today, I am not 100% sure. “why” This gift has been a blessing in my life.
Two people who know the “Why” But they won’t tell you everything. They only give me bits and pieces, and I must put the rest together. That’s all part of my journey.
I didn’t ask for what happened to me. I was happy to live in my house. “science only” Right-Brained world
It worked well for me because all my beliefs and understandings of the universe were neatly packed in boxes.
All of this started 15 year ago, when I was training my Hypnosis skills and NLP skills with a top Master Trainer of Neuro.-Linguistic Programming, Elizabeth Butler.
I didn’t know it at the time but Elizabeth is also the second most powerful spiritual healer I have ever encountered. It was true then as it is now.
The difference between now and then is that I’ve met dozens of high-Elizabeth is a level spiritual master and I can safely say that she is the most spiritually and energetically connected person that I have ever met.
Norma is the exception. Norma is the grand-Master of all masters. She’s also Elizabeth’s teacher and friend.
15 Years ago, Elizabeth introduced me to Norma because I happened to own a web development company and Norma needed help in bring her life’s work to the world-Wide web.
Elizabeth was certain that I was the person who could make it happen.
There is proof “Truth” Fiction can sometimes be stranger than fiction
Norma’s project was called “Life Response”. It was an online web application.
Many people worked before me to get this. Life Response Online, but they all moved on to different projects for different reasons.
This job sounds easy on the surface. Boy was I wrong!
If I knew in advance what I would face, I may not have accepted the work.
“Every detail of Life Response was dictated to Norma from the Angelic Guide Group.”
It wasn’t until I accepted the job that I learned what I was capable of. “Life Response” It was approximately. I was told that the Life Response This project was divinely inspired by an angelic group spiritual guides.
I had many great ideas on how to get it online. However, they were not in line with what the guide group wanted. I needed to find another way.
To cut a long story, I finally got Life Response You are up and running.
After Life Response Once it was online, I had to create and maintain a support forum.
After seeing the feedback and testimonials from people who used it, I was completely and totally blown away.
The Life Response Web-The application process was straightforward from the beginning-user’s standpoint. Users would log in, then press various keys on the keyboard which were marked with different colours. It took approximately 10 minutes for the entire process to be completed.
The Big Reveal…
Science is a science-It was only a matter of perspective that the flood of results could have been achieved.
“I pressed both Norma and Elizabeth for answers that I could understand. Here’s what they said“…
The Life Response Web-Application is used as a conduit to send three special energetic gifts.
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Give #1 To Balance and clarity people’s energy with respects to the 4 The wheels of life. Happiness, Prosperity and Peace are the keys to health.
Second gift To remove the residue, (You can expect energetic resultsYou can learn to manage past reactions and balance your energies so you can respond appropriately to everyday life.
Gift #3 To aid people Respond appropriately to the following Life These hands are for them With respect to Happiness and Prosperity, Peace, Health, and Well-being
The Day I discovered that my project was to be used by an angelic guide group
I watched in amazement as they continued to move. Life Response It worked miracles for people. Life Response These transformations have been amazing for people.
Norma was informed by the Angelic Guide Group one day that it was her turn to retire and bring the Angelic Guide Group with her. Life Response Web-Apply offline
That was it for me and my work with Norma.
After many years, I decided to quit my web business and focus my attention on my true passion. Through frequency-based science, I can help others.
I had made a few meditation and relaxation CDs which were sold in a chain of national health and wellbeing stores.
Government-funded agencies and corporations hired me for my expertise. I was hired by many famous coaches and teachers to develop frequency-based technologies they could resell.
After seeing John Assaraf make millions using the technology I created, I decided that my first website would be born. “Flagship” Mastering Meditation is the product.
“As I was putting the finishing touches on Mastering Meditation, I started to hear voices in my mind. These voices kept insisting that I change the name from Mastering Meditation to Life Response Frequencies.“
It was rejected at first. I dismissed it not because I didn’t like the name. Although I loved the idea, I knew that it wasn’t mine to use.
Norma, the Norma of the Life Response project were retired, I felt it would be blasphemous not to use its name because of how sacred it is Life Response The project was.
The voices didn’t go away. The voices grew stronger, and started to express very intense feelings.
I felt an internal pressure within me to change my name. This was a major stressor. It was so disturbing that I couldn’t sleep at night because of these voices and feelings.
At the heights of stress, my phone rings. Elizabeth at the other end.
Elizabeth, spiritual master, picked up the phone to call me, because she sensed something was wrong with me and needed my help.
I told her reluctantly what was happening. I said “Were reluctant“Because I was certain that she believed me when I told him that I wanted to alter the name of my project. Life Response Frequencies She was going to read me the Riot act.
“Instead, something else happened. When I told her, she went silent on the other end…”
I didn’t take her silence as a positive sign.
I assumed I would get in trouble for just asking. Elizabeth finally broke her silence, and she replied: “The Angelic Guide Group said yes!”
They would like to have your name changed and permission to use it. Life Response Frequencies in a similar way that they did with Norma’s Original project.
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It was amazing. I had so many questions. Why me? Why now? Why should I use my project?
I still don’t have all the answers to these questions but the one thing I do know, is that This Angelic Guide Group has been silently using Life Response Frequencies My technology has enabled me to assist people for seven years.
The Most Amazing Experience I Have Ever Had in Meditation
I first used Happiness Essentials 10-It was a minute long audio that I knew was special and powerful. Brainwave Entrainment has been my favorite tool for more than a year. It comes from many sources. Although yours was always my favourite, I had reached the point where I felt that I needed more. The Life Response The series is the perfect choice! It’s something waaaaay more than anything and everything else I have used… Furthermore, when I did the delta (Peace) audio, I had the single most incredible experience I’VE EVER HAD in meditation. I know it sounds weird and woo.-I was woo, but my spirit touched my face with love, acceptance, and gratitude. I’m serious! It was a new level of peace that I have never experienced before. Now, I am well into my second week and each day brings me a positive outcome. Even those days when I started completely stressed and anxious. Jeff, I am grateful. We are grateful for this valuable piece of work. You are generous for not being greedy, and for making this program affordable. I feel that spirit every time I use the program. It’s a profound and absolute feeling!!
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Here’s what you’ll get in Life Response Frequencies
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