What You’ll Discover in John Alanis Secrets of Personal Authority
John Alanis – Secrets of Personal Authority
“Secrets of Personal Authority: How to Get Other People—Especially Sexy Women—to Want to Do What You Want Them to Do.”
This remarkable product comes on five CD’s, (and you get a sixth one if you take fast action), and includes a transcript of Each CD.
These are my secrets on this amazing recording.
CD #1: The Truth About Authority—What Society Does NOT Want Men to Know
- Why men are confused about what authority truly is… and why you continue to suffer the consequences, even though it’s not your fault
- that authority is, what it is NOT… what society does not want you to know
- How to easily use authority and attract others (especially the women that you want), rather than chase them away as losers and jerks.
- You want authority for an unusual reason of Charming
- These are the two main reasons men don’t have personal authority. Here’s how to fix them fast and easily. Authority is a personal decision that you make. You can choose to turn it on or off when you learn this simple trick.
- How do you generate? “instant attraction” Simply “turning on” Your personal authority. Not one man in a million men is aware of this little secret. However, it can help you get as many women as possible as you wish.
- Why you don’t have to make any changes “who you are” to use personal authority (a common fear among men, luckily it’s just not true)
- Why “fake it ‘til you make it” is complete BS (and can get you in a lot of trouble) when it comes to personal authority
- The truth about women and authority—and why the media, government and public school system has it all wrong
- Why abuse is NOT authority and why it will backfire
- Myths about authority that are holding you back from succeeding with women
- Why and how any man can turn on his “natural authority” no matter your looks, age or income
- The two types of authority—and which one you must use when attracting women… and why you must NOT use the other one
- The story of two submarine captains… what made one “good” and the other “great?”
- Why you must turn on your authority when attracting (and keeping) women, or risk being celibate for life
- Why independent “feminist” women crave men with personal authority, and why they are truly frustrated with men (Warning: when you turn on your personal authority around these kind of women, you must be careful not to attract too many of them—imagine, a flock of feminists fighting over YOU!)
- Why true authority is NOT controlling, abusive, or just plain mean (and why guys who try to use authority in this way always fail miserably)
- Yes, nice guys really do finish last—here’Here’s how you can instantly stop being a zombie. “nice” It’s a way to make women crazy.
CD #2: How to Instantly Get Rid of Your Authority The Killing of Habits
- How to instantly boost your personal authority and get rid of these authority killing behaviors… how many of They are YOU guilty of?
- You must eliminate this strange reason of You must make sure that you are not surrounded by people who lack personal authority in your life.
- How to stop a psychotic relationship in its infancy of misery—imagine, being able to “disqualify” You can meet a stalker, bitch, or gold miner within 15 minutes of meeting her. Not six months later.
- It is vital to understand why it is important to obtain ‘round you people who are like you—and get rid of those who are not… and how to do this quickly, easily, and painlessly
- The unusual—and necessary—characteristic all “masters of authority” have—do you have it too? If not, don’t worry, it’s easy to “turn on”… once you know this secret!
- The best way to get a woman to like you is to try to impress her! Most men subconsciously do this and then wonder why they never go on another date.
- Discovered at last—what women really want! And you won’t believe how easy it is to give it to them.
- The crucial difference between abusive authority, real authority (most men screw this up in a royal way, chasing away women who would like to be with them).
- Why most people are liars and don’t even know it (and why, strangely enough, this is a HUGE opportunity for you to attract incredible women)
- This is the truth about apologies, and why you should never accept them. of What society teaches is what women fail to learn, and it is a major reason men fail to get along with women.
- Unusual truth about “favors” and authority—it’s NOT what you think
- How to deal with moochers or freeloaders and why you should always be looking out for them
- What to do—and not do—when you’re royally pissed off at a woman (and why you must be careful not to create an “authority crisis” This can be a long-lasting effect.
- The subtle difference between self promotion and bragging—why one behavior creates authority, and why the other kills it.
- The truth about “hollerin’ and screamin’ ” at people—when to use it, and more importantly, when not to (and why the most effective leaders rarely raise their voice)
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- Do you shout at women? The answers may surprise you…
- The worst thing you can ever do with any women—yet 99% of men always make this authority and attraction killing mistake (you’ve probably made it yourself—multiple times—in the past three days)
- You must avoid doing it to them, as they will hate you forever.
- The only situation you should ever argue about—and why every other situation where you argue kills your authority
- The truth about your appearance and dress when it comes down to authority
- How to get rid of the 13 deadly behaviors of authority of Each and every one of They
CD#3: How to Make Your Own Unique Personal Authority
- How to build your personal authority as fast or as slow as you want, to make sure you don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged
- The biggest component to personal authority—few people know it, fewer have it, even though it is simple and easy to do (you can instantly implement this secret)
- The most pathetic statistic in the world—does it apply to you?
- This is why you cannot tolerate people who lack this simple skill
- How to convince people to give authority to you even though they have never met you
- A surprising—yet important—way to get people to confer authority on you (it’s not what you think it is…)
- Humor is a big part of authority, and it’s a strange reason.
- What to do when you’re pissed and aggravated… and how to use it to build your personal authority
- Are you taking yourself too seriously, and threatening your authority? Here’s how to tell…
- Do self-deprecation and authority increase or decrease? Discover the startling—and unexpected—answer
- The truth about “positive thinking” “motivation”– is it BS, or is there something to it?
- How to remain positive even when the world seems to be going downhill
- Unexpected facial expressions that instantly put you in authority (and this secret can be applied in less than five minutes).
- Do you prefer to talk or listen in order to increase your authority? You might be surprised at the answer
- The power of positive—and relentless—self promotion
- Secrets of personal appearance—how to be in authority without saying a word
- Why everything happens in your life, good or bad. And why true authority revels such knowledge
- How to deal with other people’s screw-Ups
- How to build—or destroy—your reputation by doing this one simple thing
- How to instantly make a great first impression by doing this one thing few others do—and get the other person to confer authority on you
- Most people do the most inhumane thing in the world: they make it a habit of doing it.
- Why I hate apologies… Part II
- How to get others to help you build your authority (this is the ultimate). “lazy man’s” (A way to achieve personal authority).
- How to manage adversity while maintaining your authority
- Do you accept credit or give credit? Why most people fail to do this “test”
CD #4 An easy step-by-step plan to build your own unique design Personal Authority
- Why you shouldn’t care about the standards set by others
- Should you share authority? The shocking answer…
- How to increase your authority in a relationship. This simple trick could just change a marriage. And why your girlfriend or wife will love it.
- How to be comfortable with your own authority (most men are not, but it’s really easy to do when you follow these step by step instructions)
- The right and wrong way to impose your will on people (done right, people will literally love you, done wrong, they’ll revolt)
- Why women flake—and how to correct it for Good
- Secrets of good “followership”—why you must be a good follower to be a good leader
- How to deal with idiots
- How to walk and carry yourself for maximum authority effect—the secret of “command presence”
- The truth about “eye contact,” Why most men make this mistake royally
- The truth about authority & physical fitness
- Do you feel low self-esteem? Here’s how to quickly and easily sky rocket it
- Why women love a man with authority—and hate those without
- How to master the art of confrontation—and why it quickly leads to solutions, not hurt feelings (a common misconception)
- This step-by-step guide to master authority is easy to follow, regardless of how scared they may be at the beginning.
- The secret behind the little-known secret of “authority transference” (how to get others’ authority to rub off on you)
- How to tell if others think of These non-governmental authorities may be you.-verbal – and verbal—cues will let you know instantly they look to you as the leader)
CD #5 Authority Role models you should pay close attention to
- Why you must have authority role models to study… but never imitate
- Who should you model? And, just as important, who shouldn’t you model?
- These are the four people you need to be paying close attention to
- Authority Stories to learn
OK, that’s it. Now you have read the entire description. of the secrets revealed on these CD’s and what they can do for you. If you are at all interested in dramatically improving the results you get in life, these CD’s are a “must have”—you cannot get the information on them anywhere else.
Personal Authority is NOT something to be taken seriously “gray area”—either you have it or you don’t, and if you don’t, other people will control your outcomes… unless you put all the secrets I reveal on these CD’s to work for you.
But Wait, There’s More!
Two hours of amazing work was done by me recently “Ultimate Attraction Roadmap” Tele-Seminar in which I interviewed Shelley McMurtry (a stunningly beautiful woman) about how to attract, meet and maintain a relationship. “keep” beautiful women… from a beautiful woman’s point of view.
You missed it. The good new is, I recorded it, and, for a limited time you can get your hands on the audio CD’s and listen in on all the remarkable information Shelley and I revealed. These CD’s mesh perfectly with what I reveal on Secrets of Personal Authority, and there’s nothing like hearing a woman confirm what I teach.
Here’s just a small taste of Shelley’s insights on these amazing, “limited edition” CD’s:
- Why “confidence” It is irresistible for sexy women. “turn on” Instant confidence, regardless of your income, looks or age
- What women do to know if a guy is a man? “confident” or not… and how you can use this knowledge to exude total confidence, the kind that “magnetically draws” The most attractive women you can find
- The truth about how women really experience attraction (it’s vastly different from men’s experience, but when a truly sexy woman senses you understand her “attraction map”Be careful!
- Secrets of “instant charisma”– exactly what to do and say to a desirable woman you’d like to welcome into your life (the truth is, women like this are silently begging you to approach them, but you’ve got to know what to do and NOT do… or you’ll immediately be known as a loser)
- Are you looking for a woman who will share your life? You’ll discover exactly where to go to meet women who can be your true partner (and why you’ll be the only guy they’ll give more than the time of Day to)
- How to dress so women will approach YOU– never before revealed turn ons, and turn offs
- How to “get physical” in a way that makes both you and she absolutely comfortable– she’ll think you’re “psychic” because you’ll know exactly what to do at exactly the right moment.
- How to read subtle female attraction signals most guys flat out miss– once you understand this simple psychology you’ll be able to “read” a woman before you even speak to her… imagine never being rejected again!
- Why you must NEVER ask a woman for her phone number… and why doing so will kill a great relationship before it ever gets started
- One day in the Life of beautiful woman– things, as a man, you never knew stunning women had to live through. You’ll finally understand why such women can come across as “bitchy,” It will melt like butter if you show it “understand them” You can do it in a way that no other man has ever done
- How to maintain a relationship with a beautiful woman once you’re in one (if you don’t know these secrets, it’s almost certain she’ll suddenly leave you for another guy, just when it’s “going so good”… discover how to “keep her once you’ve got her”)
- How to turn a hot female friend into an even hotter lover (and make her think it’s HER idea)!
- Do you not want to be in a committed relationship? Are you looking for a serious relationship? of “fun” With willing women? Surprise! Surprise! of women are looking for exactly the same thing– Shelley will tell you just how to attract and identify these women, plus (as a neat little bonus) get them to refer their friends to you!
- The truth about why looks, age, income, or social status truly DON’T MATTER to desirable women… you’ll finally understand why the handsome, “GQ,” The rich man is in fact at a disadvantage to the poor, unattractive guy who can create magic of Attraction
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- Amazing, “developed personality” secret even I, The King, didn’t know… yet it’s something every women (no matter if she’s dog ugly or movie star beautiful) instantly looks for when she meets a man… in fact, this one secret can easily make or break your future success with a woman, moments after meeting her
You can find out more. You’ll be truly amazed by what happened, on this live, uncensored, “no holds barred” Attraction roadmap tele-seminar. But, I can tell you this for sure…
The Ultimate Attraction Roadmap Telephonic will Benefit You-Seminar CD’s in Three Unusual Ways
Unusual way #1: Although I can tell you over and over that looks, age, or income don’t matter when it comes to dating beautiful women, many guys just can’t get overthat belief… UNTIL they hear a woman tell them what I’ve been saying all along, and THEN explain exactly why this is true. Hearing this, live, as it’s happening from a sexy woman can make any “limiting beliefs” It evaporates into thin air almost immediately
Unusual #2: You’ll discover little known attraction secrets, most men will never know… but women assume you do. These secrets can be put to immediate use so that you attract the women you want.
#3 Unusual Method: Most importantly, you’ll get to hear me interact with Shelley, using all my “naughty boy techniques,” even while I’m interviewing her. If you’ve ever been confused about just how to let out your “naughty boy side” Listening to her talk about how she can help you attract the most people is the best way to do it.
You’ll actually experience me creating attraction on the call, using my personal authority, switching from “naughty” to sincere, and back again—you’ll never be confused about how to create attraction again. Reading about it is one thing, actually hearing me do it, live, and listening to her reactions are quite another… this may just be the most valuable part of You can listen to the whole call
More Good News!
Why am I telling you about these Ultimate Attraction Roadmap Teleseminar CD’s in addition to my new Secrets of Personal Authority Product? The answer is simple: they go hand in hand with my personal authority CD’s, and as such, I’m going to make you a “whale of an offer” You can combine both products for a FAT DISCOUNT, and receive a remarkable bonus as a reward!
So, now I’m sure you’d like to know how much is all this is going to cost. Well, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, you shouldn’t be thinking cost, you should be thinking investment, especially with this product.
You should also know that I am a bit of a skeptic. of The subjects feel an emotional attachment to the product of authority and leadership have long been near and dear to my heart, and I’m not going to let what I consider my finest work to date go for cheap. However, I won’t give in to ego and make it too expensive for everyone. I am passionate about getting this information into other people’s hands so they can put it to use, and get the same results I’m getting.
So, I’m going to charge a solid price. My original intention was to charge $997.00 but my head told me to lower it so that everyone can enjoy it. It’s going to go for less than half of what I’d originally planned, and in this case you can get it for $397.00.
HOWEVER… as you may or may not know, I have a soft spot in my heart for doers who take fast action, so when you take action and reserve your copy before the red expiration date, you may claim a $100 “Doer Discount” Get your copy now for just $297 and $12 shipping (shipped via UPS). For international orders, $15 extra shipping is charged. If you are quick to act, you will receive a special bonus.
Free Bonus CD: A Sexy Woman’s Perspective on Authority: Authority A Man is important to women
As I put together this package, I realized how little I could teach you. of You guys won’t believe it. That’s OK, because I’m that way myself. The best way to quickly change your beliefs about attraction is to hear a woman (a hot, sexy one) explain what male authority means to her, and why it’s important.
So, I asked my friend and fellow attraction expert Shelley McMurtry to sit down and record her thoughts on the subject, and she agreed—on the condition that this CD would be for doers only (she hates talkers as much as I do). I explained to her that the best way to accomplish that was to use it as an instant bonus for people who do fast actions (doers).
CD #6 Bonus CD – What a Sexy Woman Thinks About Authority
Why men allow themselves to get in abusive relationships… and what to do about it
How men misinterpret authority—from a woman’s perspective
A woman reveals how to stop women flaking
Early warning signs of a deteriorating relationship… and how to use authority to save it, then make it even better than before!
What women hate most about men with no authority
Why women love a man who smoothly takes control… and how to do so in a firm, gentle manner that will drive her wild with lust
The amazing link between lack and abundance of Bad authority and relationships
Why strong women prefer stronger men
Why looks, age, or income don’t matter when it comes to authority—from a woman’s point of view”
Why you should never be submissive towards strong women
Continue reading: a>http://archive.is/LcsQO”>http://archive.is/LcsQO
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