What You’ll Discover in Jonathan Goodman The Online Trainer Academy
The course is open to all and there are no deadlines. You also have lifetime access. So if you’re working a full time job (or you’re a full time parent)… File Size: 7.8GB
Jonathan Goodman – The Online Trainer Academy
The Online Trainer Academy For fitness professionals, certification and mentorship are the only way to achieve these results.
“I’ve trained 140 clients and earned an extra $30,000 in one year of online training—and I did it while caring for my mother following her fourth heart surgery. I also treated my children and husband to a three-course dinner after she was fully recovered.-month trip through Europe.“
Arpita Boyd (India) | mindandbodypt.com
“With the extra few thousand each month I’m able to work less and have more time with my son. I spend about 10 hours a week training in-home, and 5 hours of training online. That’s it. I’m like a stay-at-home dad.”
fb.com/Malcolmw88| fb.com/Malcolmw88
8 doforyou-niki
“Sat out on the patio this morning, drank my coffee, wrote my client’s programs, and I’m good and I’ve made my money for the day. I can do that anywhere.”
Nikki Martino (USA) | fb.com/niki.martino.9
OTA is a mentorship program for personal trainers interested in:
Deliver better results…
To more clients…
From anywhere in the world…
While building a business that supports your dreams and lifestyle—not someone else’s.
Get clarity
Our proven systems will help you know exactly what to do and when to do it.
Download immediately Jonathan Goodman – The Online Trainer Academy
These scripts, forms, templates and systems are ready for you to create your own. You won’t have to stare at a blank screen anymore or try to create your own.
Get feedback
Be confident in your work.
Unlimited access to mentors who are skilled for one-On-one feedback. You’ll feel calm and confident making business decisions, knowing successful fitness business mentors have reviewed your work.
Get Results
100% risk free.
With thousands of students, our program has been proven to work. We’re so confident that you’ll make at least an extra $1,000 a month that we’ve backed our program up with an incredible (and completely unmatched) 10 year guarantee.
“It’s like getting a degree In building an online fitness business.”
We know that in health and fitness, there’s no “magic pill”There are certain ways to lose weight, gain muscle, increase endurance and feel your best. The Same applies for growing and starting your online business in fitness.
The Online Trainer Academy takes work — but unlike punching a timeclock to build someone else’s dream — it’s work that’s worthy of your time and life energy. It’s work that you’ll feel proud of and remember for the rest of your life. It’s work that puts you in the driver’s seat of your career and life.
Here’s what you’ll learn in the Online Trainer Academy:
Getting Started
Your profit plan
How to Structure Your Business
Create Your Business Systems
Take Care of Your Clients
You can expect amazing (and predictable) results
How to get clients
Increase your client base and grow your business
Bonus: Skills Module
Master Online Marketing and business
Bonus Mini Courses
Finish what you start | Fitness Instagram Mastery | Create Your First Website | Facebook Ads for Online Trainers
The Online Trainer Academy won’t make you a millionaire overnight (if anyone tries to sell you something that will — RUN). However, it will help you grow or get your business to a minimum of five clients.
The course is open to all students and there are no deadlines. You also have lifetime access. So if you’re working a full time job (or you’re a full time parent) — you can go at your own pace.
That said, if you’re ready to make a rapid change and finish the course in the next 8-12 weeks, you can expect to invest 3–5 hours each week on the program. Here’s how a typical study session might look:
Step 1. Step 1.-40 mins)
Step 2. Step 2.-7 mins)
Step 3. Step 3.-15 mins)
Step 4. Step 4.-On-One session is all it takes to get past any questions or barriers.
Each section of the course is immediately applicable, so no matter how much time you’re able to dedicate, you’ll start seeing the rewards.
Many of our students are stunned at the speed with which they return their investment.
Matthew Clines
“I am about halfway through and really only started implementing everything hard last week. I already have five clients paying me $400/month. And the best part is that these are people whose lives I can REALLY impact, that truly need my help.”
Matthew Clines (USA) | IG.com/mattclines
“I’m making enough extra every month that I don’t have to worry about my bills.” Zachary Wayne Springer
Most of our students aren’t looking to buy yachts or lamborghini’s when they join. They want to have enough money, time, and freedom to:
Buy nice dinners for friends and loved ones — without worrying about the bill.
You can be guilty.-Enjoy free vacations
Feel confident quitting unfulfilling jobs.
Spend less each month and save money “cut back”.
This is what we refer to as a “Freedom number” Oder “freedom goal”. It’s the realistic number, that gives you the freedom to add security, joy, and options back into your life. And it’s a lot closer and more realistic than you might think.
What can an internet business do for me?
Calculate your earning potential to see the results for yourself
How an online fitness business can help you:
Show me how much money I could make
Thomas Madden (USA) | satellitefit.com
“My freedom goal was to have enough money in the bank to not be worried about going out to dinner and having to keep the bill under $50. My freedom goal was to spend Christmas with my family without worrying about travel expenses and gift buying. My freedom goal was to get enough clients to bring on another coach. Full disclosure – I am 50% through the course, and I have accomplished all of that.”
Download immediately Jonathan Goodman – The Online Trainer Academy
“It’s not just convenient and affordable for our clients but also it allows for trainers like me to still be able to do what we love whilst raising a family at the same time. I work around my kids, what more could I ask for!“
Yusra Eshaq (UK) | fitshatzi.com
“OTA helped me realize I can help change lives while making more money than I ever dreamed of. Today I work with over 150 clients while traveling the world with my girlfriend.”
Marc-André Seers (Canada) | fb.com/marcandre.seers.9
Sue Kauffman
“It works! You just have to get a system in place and do the work. Even though I’m a full-time teacher, I made over $500 of extra income last month.”
Sue Kauffman (USA) | exercise-Fitness-nutrition.com
“A few months after completing OTA, not only am I on track to double my gross revenue, I have also fully replaced the gym’s membership revenue with online training. Now, I have the option to keep the studio without worrying about overhead costs or to sell the property to make a profit. It’s a great freedom for me and my family.!“
Devon Brown (USA) | fb.com/changeyourfitness
Join the Online Trainer Academy, results like these aren’t just possible, they’re predictable.
Built for trainers, fitness professionals, gym owners, and health and wellness coaches, you’ll be able to start (or grow) your online business if you already:
Are certified as a trainer, coach, instructor, or nutrition coach: We’ve seen successful students who have ranged from group fitness instructors, to powerlifting coaches, running instructors, to nutrition consultants.
Are able to write programming and deliver results for clients who have been trained.
Comfortable using basic functions-Technology such as Google Drive, email, and video calls.
Here’s what you don’t need in order to start:
You don’t need a large audience (we’ll show you how to build one).
You don’t need a niche or specialty market (we’ll help you find it).
You don’t need an LLC or business license (we’ll give you resources for what to do).
You don’t need to know exactly what you want to offer yet (we’ll help you figure it out).
You don’t need a website (we’ll tell you what to build).
“Oh man, before OTA, I had
There is nothing.
I don’t know where to begin. It’s given me a
Continue to build a solid foundation
improving upon.” – Kerri Grace
You’ve got an important decision to make: Keep building someone else’s dream—or start building your own.
According to the Old Way, trainers are allowed to keep around 35% of what they make. 65% of the proceeds go to the gym and overhead expenses. The New Way allows you to keep up to 75-You can make 80% and spend only 5% overhead.
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