What You’ll Discover in Josh Macin VIP Detox Coaching
Josh Macin – VIP Detox Coaching
These are the Three Things You Should Know Invisible Threats That is what you are. You are destroying your health every day …How can you safely dispose of them?
…Keep reading Find out what they are and how you can help!
Let me ask you: Ask a question:
• Do you feel like you lack energy and focus during the day?
• Are you not getting the gains you’re looking for in the gym?
• Is it a constant struggle figuring out what to eat and what to avoid just to stay healthy?
…if so, then Read on Learn how to be a part a new program dedicated exclusively to getting you healthier and fitter than you’ve ever been in your life!
First,, let me introduce myself…
My name’s Josh Macin,
In 2012, I held 2 major Brazilian Jiu-High Jitsu champions-A job as a salesperson, an apartment in the city and a lovely girlfriend. I owned an internet company that taught men how to crush online relationships. ‘had it all’ In your life.
In a matter of months, my mental and bodily health began to decline without any obvious reason. I started taking large amounts of anti-depressants.-Antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs and pain medication…and became suicidal.
I quickly realised that Western medicine and psychology didn’t have a single answer for what I (and millions of people around the world like me) was suffering from. They did nothing but mask symptoms and not address the root cause.
I dedicated the next few years to a spiritual quest, spending More than $100,000 On everything, from vipassana meditation, more than 20 ayahuasca ceremony, ketamine, as well as any other information I could find to help with my constant anxiety, depression, pain.
I was able to gain profound insight into the nature of consciousness and how we are interconnected with the planet and nature. I also realized the root cause for all my mental anguish.
I finally figured out what the mainstream media, medical doctors and psychiatrists wont tell you…
All of us are being poisoned every single day!
Now, I don’t say this to shock or scare you. I simply feel it. it’s time you were told the truth about what’s going on in the world, and why your health is suffering as a result.
There are many. These are the three main causes of the vast majority of illnesses – whether it’s chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, and even depression.
These three causes aren’t in the medical textbooks. They’re not taught to doctors or psychiatrists. Even so-called ‘holistic’ These killers are seldom discussed in depth by the health media. But, they act silently and simultaneously. destroy your immune system, Eliminate the good nutrients from your bodyAnd incapacitate your body’s natural mechanisms for removing toxins.
Cause #1 – Toxic Load Chemicals
A 2013 study conducted by the Environmental Working Group showed that women in the US had concentrations of industrial flame retardant (known as ‘PBDEs’) over 40 times higher than established safe limits Their breast milk. How did it get there?
Unfortunately, PBDEs do not represent the only way to get rid of them. More than 100,000 novel industrial chemicals that have been created since the 1950s – and they’re Literally everywhere. They’re in your drinking water (along with pharmaceutical drugs that don’t get filtered out), they’re in your skin and hair-care products, and they’re in your food and its packaging.
While it’s true that our bodies do have mechanisms to break down and remove the toxins that exist in our natural environment, none of these new chemicals are natural. Your body simply doesn’t have the means to get rid of all these chemicals (none of which have ever been tested together to see what the cumulative effects are!)
If you believe that a “5-day juice cleanse” You think it will work? I have bad news. You can’t get the money out of your pocket with all those cleanses! Juice ‘detoxes’ don’t remove any toxins – in fact, the high sugar content means they’re more likely to increase the chances you fall victim to our next cause on the list…
Cause #2 – Parasites
Yes, it sounds crazy. Although I spent my entire life in New Jersey, I found out that my body was infested.
Parasites come in many forms, but fundamentally they’re all doing the same thing to without you realising – leeching away all the nutrients you’re eating every day• Taking out their toxins and letting them back into your bloodstream.
Problem is, even if you eat extremely healthy, it doesn’t make a difference.-clean and healthy every day, all you’re doing is feeding your parasites super organic healthy nutrients! And every over-The-The best way to get rid of parasites is online.
Cause #3 – Heavy Metals
My realization that depression was not a simple root cause was what allowed me to get back my life. mercury In my dental fillings.
We are being bombarded with heavy metals more than any time in human history. Combinations Nearly all vaccines contain mercury and aluminum – A toxic load is administered to a man weighing 350lbs. Directly into the bloodstream of children, multiple time from birth to teenage.
Even if you survive or refuse vaccinations, our oceans are so polluted that you’ll find Mercury in seafood can cause mercury poisoningParticularly tuna. And this morning you probably applied toxic aluminium to your lymph nodes – Spray or roll on your deodorant.
“So what can I actually do about all of this Josh?”
Hopefully, after you have learned the truth about these three major causes of illness, it will inspire you to take action. I salute that!
Each of these causes must be addressed. But, I warn you right now (having come close to death trying to solve this stuff on my own) – you must to do it in the right order, in the right way. You should not do anything in a random order as it could cause your liver to become more toxic and even make it worse.
I’d love to tell you there was a quick-There is no quick fix or miracle cure that will solve all these problems. Hell, if I figured that out…I’d be a billionaire already!
The fact is – I can’t hand you one single, simple and easy pill, drink or supplement to just make all these problems go away. But, I’ve put together a program that I believe is the next best thing…
Here’s how it works
After years doing all the research and spending over $100,000 fixing my own body and mind from total shutdown, I’ve put all my learnings into a complete 3-Month-long detox coaching program that’s practically guaranteed to bring you to a state of optimum health & wellness:
What You get
When you register, I’ll personally reveal to you the fine details of Gut healing in general, Parasite killing, Restoring nutrients And metal & toxin chelation.
This is the Same protocol I developed and used personally To You can heal yourself And Balance restored Harmony to my body, mind and soul.
Register now to receive your Save more than $4,000 As an Infinite Man Academy Participant (my coaching at the moment $5,000.00 and I’m no longer accepting any more 1:1 clients)
Program Benefits
- Your detailed breakdown Personalized supplements and detox plans (VIP only)
- Access to the Internet for Life Your 7 Video coaching modules This guide will show you how to proceed through the entire process, including when and what steps to take.
- Unlimited support The online private members Facebook group (VIP only)
- Explanation of ancient healing modalities…and which ones to implement for life-changing benefits
- Detailed action plan for lifestyle changes and avoiding toxicity…as well as elixir, superfood infusion, suppository and diet recipes and supplements
- Skype consultation 1:1 Josh (VIP only – first 5 buyers!)
Sale Page : http://archive.is/fRIfD
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Josh Macin – VIP Detox Coaching” Completely Downloadable And Available In your account
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