What You’ll Discover in Josh Rossi Compositing Secrets
Compositing Secrets This course is designed for photographers who want to learn how to properly shoot, light, composit, color, and compose. The full course is available for $47 (normally $297) right now That’s 80% off! Offer expires soon…. File Size: 5.19GB
Josh Rossi – Compositing Secrets
This Photoshop course will give you the perfect look to attract high-quality clients.-Clients who are paying
Compositing Secrets The complete course is for anyone who wants to master lighting, composition, coloring, and compositing. For $47, you can get the entire course (normally $297) right now. That’s 80% off! Offer expires soon.
Here’s what you get…
Lighting 101
Find out how to creatively light any scene
16 edited backgrounds of mine for compositing (350 USD )…
It was the same 20 years ago, when film photography was out of fashion and digital photography took all the work. Don’t let this happen to you…
In 2009, I began my career as a flood cleanup man making $1200 per month. After being called at 3am to clean up sewage, it was time to start my own business. While it took me some time to learn photography, after two years I started getting work from clients like Acura and Adobe. After a few more decades, I was fortunate to work for clients like…
DC Comics. LG. Warner Bros. Paramount. Sega. Logan Paul. Adobe. Acura. Amazon Prime. Champion USA. Xerox. Wacom. Mt Dew. CNN. Daymond John. Daymond John. Daymond John. Biebers. Glenn Beck. Ray Fisher. Lindsey Stirling. SurfAir Airlines. Twin.-lab, The Color Run and Make A Wish Foundation.
My work has been featured on People Magazine, Huffington Post, The Today Show and has been viewed over 450,000,000 times. Lurzer’s Archive named me one of the top 100 digital artists in the world.
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