What You’ll Discover in Julie Renee Beautiful from Inside Out
Julie Renee – Beautiful from Inside Out
Quantum Activations Accelerate Weight Loss
If you’re thinking about being truly beautiful from You are ready to transform your life from the inside out. Rocking Now is the time to get your body in shape for summer perfect time Join the quantum activations group Beautiful From The Inside Out Weight-loss eight week program
Beautiful From The Inside Out It is a proven method and we are excited to offer weightloss along with the program. ‘youthing’ program. You may be considering a facelift, or if you want to rejuvenate your body with tightening and toning.-This program provides you with the natural meditation method to achieve your goals in as little as 60 days.
If you like the idea of having a natural advantage and you’ve not yet succeeded with your weight loss goals (having tried other weight-loss programs with little to no results) ~ you’re probably missing a few important elements for weight loss success. Removing the DNA programs around overproduction of fat, and clearing soul contracts and curses, as well as emotions and past life issues, make all the difference in accomplishing your heart’s desire and owning the body you’ve always imagined!
These and many other items will be covered in your Beautiful From The Inside Out Weight loss Journey! Imagine your body returning back to its happy and healthy self! This program is the World Premier and first ever offered from Julie Renee.
This program has a beautiful element: you are the one who creates it.-You will experience a huge boost in self-esteem! These meditations make you feel good about yourself, happy with your body, and in love with yourself.
In the program we don’t teach you how to eat and we don’t teach you exercise – these are things you can get from Other programs. It’s perfect timing while going through the quantum activations. The activations and meditations focus on your 100% success with sustainable weight loss. You mold and model the body that you’ve always dreamed of having.
Can you imagine being the way you’ve always wanted to be? What about the cute little black dress? Or those skinny jeans that you used to love? It’s time to jump on board and receive the weight loss support you have never experienced before.
Here’s What’s Included
Part One – During the 8 weeks of classes we will activate your metabolism, enhance your master hormonal gland regulators, permanently clear away DNS over weight and imbalanced fat production issues, along with clearing spiritual parasites, and break the obsessive eating and dietary inconsistencies.
You will also be participating in the amazing quantum activations weight loss program. The meditation series will help you to get younger.
Part Two – This section aspect of the program includes three distinct beauty meditation sequences. Each program takes 60-days to complete.
Week 1 – Right permission and ability to lose, (gain) weight, to live in the body you imagine to be your ideal body and enjoy with ease and grace your beautiful life living in and owning your beautiful dream body
Week 2 – Metabolism – Reboot Liver and Thyroid (clearing and regeneration of both) we’ve moved the liver flush instruction up early in the class as many folks find this a very helpful weight loss accelerator.
Week 3 – Releasing and removing compulsions and addictions especially around diet, nutrition and loving to eat healthy well-Balanced meals and the ability to exercise are key components of a healthy lifestyle.
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Week 4 – Master Hormone glands – Balancing and improving we’ll be doing a regeneration of the adrenals, pancreas and ovaries. Even if you’ve had a hysterectomy, the ovaries in the blueprint play an important role in maintaining healthy weight.
Week 5 – Fat Ratio Correction. This session will correct the fat ratio, or what we call a “set point”, which is often a setting that goes up with age.
Week 6 – Fine-Tuning trouble spots. We will be working with our group to address any needs that are not addressed by the school.
Week 7 – Digestion ease clearing and regenerating the digestion with the focus on health assimilation and health absorption of nutrients as well as an easeful release of excess fats and ease in ridding toxin from The body.
Week 8 – Owning your body – clearing blocks for safety and joy in an attractive body. Sometimes we put off. from being beautiful, and trim because there is a fear of being unsafe or we won’t be able to handle the attention. We clear this so you’re comfortable in your own skin easily and naturally, not prone to attracting problem energies associated with being beautiful.
Learn more http://archive.fo/Mnu3O
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Beautiful from Inside Out
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