Maximum Persuasion II – The Next Step
You have Maximum Persuasion and have amazed yourself at the power it has given you. Now you want to go further – much further, and now you can.
Maximum Persuasion gave you a phenomenal platform of skills. . . a base that enables you to slide into the mind of another person and influence them in the course of normal conversation. It’s been credited with:
- Millions of dollars of increased sales
- More relationship success stories than I can count
- Huge jury verdicts
- Successful negotiation wins
- Job promotions of every kind
- Salary increases
- New business start-up success and
- Huge increases in conversion when applied to copywriting
- and much, much more!
I have a confession to make – for a few months I have wanted to write to you about the phenomenal success I am experiencing with Maximum Persuasion. Frankly, the results keep getting better and better as I apply your strategies, and I was afraid of writing too soon and missing something big!
I want you to know that I own just about every “big name” and most of the “small name” NLP, hypnosis, persuasion, and marketing courses available. In fact, over the last 12 months I have spent over $7,500 on home study courses, books, tapes, and videos in this category alone.
Maximum Persuasion has PROVEN (in terms of Profits and Persuasiveness) to be my most valuable investment by far!
I was an “above average” persuader before I invested in your course. And if someone had said then that my persuasive abilities would triple after applying MaxP.I might not have believed them.
But that was before I learned about your method of Criteria Elicitation.
When I began to use this strategy, I quickly noticed every other persuasive skill literally multiply several times over in effectiveness. It became easy to make whatever I was offering the answer to my prospect’s (or debate opponent’s) most important values, ideas, and beliefs. (I still can’t believe I was missing this “master key” of persuasion. And, now that I understand how effective it is, I appreciate the “ethical” concerns you discuss.)
It didn’t stop there.
I am an active Entrepreneur. When it comes to business, marketing and sales are my lifeblood. Five weeks ago I began testing and researching a new business concept. After eliciting criteria from a handful of my “ideal” prospects, I rewrote and tested my sales letters using your 18 power words (particularly the cause & effect category), a healthy dose of binds and double binds, time-released suggestions, and the 2 closing patterns you revealed.
Now, at this point, I already knew the strategies you teach work – and work phenomenally well – in live conversation. I was not so sure about translating them to print and the Internet.
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