What You’ll Discover in Kristen Allott Nutrition, Mental Health, and Coronavirus Eating Strategies to Help You Deal with Pandemic Anxiety and Stress
- Faculty:
- Kristen Allott
- Duration:
- 2 Hours 40 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- Mar 26, 2020
Dr. Allott These tools are easily accessible to While you are at home, thrive!
The ability to create hope is the key to our success to Waypower (a path) and Support to problem solve obstacles) and Willpower is the ability to identify your goal. and You should be able to stay in your responsive brain, not your reactive one.
It is a moment to remember to Hold on to hope. Set goals to Know that you have survived in the face of hardship. and Manage your daily energy and This Great Pause can give you mental clarity, so that when we turn it off, we have new skills and new self-Knowledge to thrive.
Manual – Nutrition, Mental Health, and Coronavirus (11.1 MB) | 72 pages | Available after Purchase |
- Five tenets to Encourage immune system support
- It’s difficult to It is possible to improve the immune system, but it is not difficult to You can’t suppress it
- A schedule is important
- Maintain circadian rhythms
- Eat every four hours of protein
- Movement is essential for your immune system.
- Get out in the sun and Fresh air and ‘forest bathing’ are
- Social distancing can lead to the loss of relationships.
- Learn – What do you want and what does your client need? to When the pause is finished, you can have
- Before you go to bed, take out your screens
- Watch alcohol and marijuana intake 
- You will receive handouts 
- Manage anxiety and Increasing energy and Mental clarity with protein rich foods
- Reactive brain verses responsive mind
- How to treat lizard brain problems with Anxiety, irritation, agitation and 3 AM waking are all symptoms of PTSD in adults and children, and Transitions to You can find new activities
- Try to eat protein every 3 hours
- How to Read food labels to Know what your energy level is in 3-4 hours 
- You will receive handouts
- Help Clients start to cook
- This is an excellent opportunity to Be present at a client’s house and Help them learn how to Self-Care skills like cooking and movement and It is important to establish a routine. 
- Help Client strategizes about what to Cook and Eat out or take-out and Eat
- For each topic, handouts will be available
Kristen AllottND, LAc Similar seminars and products: 2
Dynamic Paths
Kristen Allott, ND, LAc, High energy and Passionate speaker about integrative medicine. As a licensed Naturopathic Physician and She is an acupuncturist and has her own private practice. with Clients of mental health professionals and Dr. is passionate about achieving results. Dr. Allott Clients can make simple changes to their food choices with our assistance. This has earned us a good reputation and For addressing nutritional deficiencies that can contribute to Anxiety, depression, and addiction symptoms and Other mental health conditions Dr. Allott Regularly presents at conventions for psychiatric nurse practitioners on non-Medications for mental health. She consults with other professionals. with Court Improvement Training Academy (CITA), University of Washington to Develop the Protein for All Project to Optimize the brains in high-stakes Juvenile and Family Court System in Washington State
Dr. Allott As a residential counselor for adolescents experiencing mental health crises, and Advocated for individual educational rights with learning disabilities. Bastyr University has her on its academic faculty and Serves as a guest lecturer in a variety of groups. As a physician and As an acupuncturist, she loves to study how everyday life influences the biochemistry and physiology. and Qi (energy) is the life force of the body. As a black belt of Aikido, she studied the intimate connections between the mind and emotions. and body.
Speaker Disclosures
Financial: Kristen Allott She is currently in private practice. PESI, Inc. provides a speaking honorarium.
Non-financial: Kristen Allott Refer to the off-Use of Nordic Naturals labelsOnline viewing or digital downloadand Carlson’s during her presentation.
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