What You’ll Discover in Kyle Sulerud AdWords For Local Businesses
Kyle Sulerud – AdWords For Local Businesses
For local business owners and marketing agency owners only….
You can now take a complete step-By-step system for getting More quality leads From AdWords and increasing sales… without paying too much per lead and without paying Google more than you need to.
This training is not for: tech startups, ecommerce, apps, online services, coaches, authors, or any business that’s prohibited by Google AdWords (tobacco, firearms, MLM, etc).
This training IS for: Local business owners, as well as marketing agencies that wish to create and manage campaigns for local businesses. They are ideal for any type business you would find in the yellow page.
Here’s A Sneak Peak Of What’s Inside the AdWords For Local Businesses Training…
- How to optimize performance of your ad extension. This is the most overlooked strategy for optimizing your campaign, but it can yield amazing results if done properly.
- The truth about AdWords How income demographic targeting can be a problem if you are trying to reach customers at a particular income level
- What can you do with your “thank you” Pages that increase sales immediately. This page is often ignored by business owners, but it is an important one on your website that should be addressed.
- It is important to know the setting preferences for remarketing campaign settings.
- My own unique strategy for creating highly effective remarketing ads that you don’t need to design or write.
- An AdWords ad framework that enables you to enter the conversation already happening inside your prospect’s head. This is the fastest and most effective way to convert prospects into paying customers.
- Advertisements that reach people outside of your area are not the best method to advertise to them. This traffic is usually worthless, but you’ll discover how to target the small percentage of it that IS worth paying for so you can generate bonus leads from your campaigns.
- If you use location extensions, there is one setting you need to change in Google My Business. This is something that very few people do, but it is essential if you want your leads to come from. AdWords. (People have lost clients because they weren’t aware of this one little setting!)
- The two questions to answer when building your keyword list…ignore these questions and the quality of your traffic is guaranteed to suffer.
- Where to find all of the “default” These settings are hidden behind dropdown menus or hidden in tiny holes within your account. Google wants you to leave these options alone, but you’ll discover which ones to change, which ones to leave alone, and which ones need to be tested if you want to survive in the increasingly competitive and shark-Infested AdWords waters.
- How to ensure your ads are relevant to all keywords searched for without having to write a new ad for each keyword. This simple process will allow you to set up all your ads within 10 minutes.
- There are two very effective methods to increase sitelink extensions. To ensure the greatest boost from this valuable resource, you can choose one of these. AdWords Ad extension
- How to determine which phone calls are coming through your call extensions. Set this up any differently and you could have no idea how effective your ads are because Google won’t report most of your calls.
- Examples of cash-How to avoid keywords being added to your campaigns that shouldn’t be, and how to avoid them more ruthlessly than a millionaire who avoids paying taxes.
- A system to transcribing and sorting good keywords that are already floating around in your head. Start with this system and you’ll cut your keyword research time in half.
- A method for brainstorming and planning your marketing lists. You need more than one remarketing list. Find out how to set up your lists for maximum impact in your remarketing campaigns.
- There are many levers you can pull to optimize your work. AdWords campaigns. See when and where to pull them so you’ll know exactly how to improve the performance of your ads every time an opportunity arises.
- The location targeting trap that allows Google to show your ads to people OUTSIDE of the locations you are targeting – sometimes causing you to pay for traffic from across the globe. Most advertisers don’t even know they are making this mistake. Learn how to identify this trap and disable it.
- There are three things you need to know when setting a budget.
- · How to handle “limited by budget” Campaign issues. This is a sign of campaign health but it’s not a death sentence. See the exact steps to take to improve your campaign’s performance when you see this warning sign.
- · The top use advanced location targeting strategies AdWords The system is used extensively by professionals, but not often by amateurs. You’ll get the complete system that you can follow, step-By-Step 2, to apply these exact targeting strategies to your account.
- · It is one of the most infuriating ways to write ad extension. Nearly everyone does this, but it doesn’t help your ads and could actually be hurting you.
- · These are the two most common ad extensions you should never use. This conclusion is based upon extensive testing. You can save yourself a lot by learning from my findings and applying them to your campaigns.
- · The “catch-all” Keyword strategy: What it can do for you and how you can reduce the risk.
- · How to set your own website AdWords links so you can pass TONS of valuable information about EVERY CLICK into Analytics and other systems…keywords, ad position, network, device, and more!
- · This is the only way to get a 50/50 split.-Test your ads. This used to be impossible – Google’s A.I. would start to prefer one of your ads and skew your results BEFORE there was enough data to declare a winner…even if you told Google not to! But now there’s a little-known feature that lets you run a true 50/50 test, and you’ll discover exactly how to manipulate it to take control of your split tests.
- · Every “recommended” And “suggested” Setting you must avoid. Google tries to cram a lot of garbage down your throat, but it’s OK to say “no.” (You SHOULD) “no” You can do a lot of things if you know what to instead. You will not only learn when and where to speak, but also how to do it. “no” – you’ll find out exactly what to do instead.
- · Google Maps is your only chance to have your ad show up. “3-Pack” (When you view an ad here it becomes a “4-Pack” Because YOUR ad will appear at the top
- · 11 proven formulas that you can use to write your ads. Never be at a loss for what to say in your ads again – simply pick a formula, follow the examples, and start producing magnetic ads that people can’t avoid clicking on.
- · When your business is closed, the best time to use your ads is when you are closing it. Do this wrong and you’ll either be missing out on good sales opportunities…or grossly overpaying for them.
- · When creating campaigns, there are three steps that you must skip when setting up your campaign. Not only will this save time…it will save your campaigns from almost certain failure.
- · The “high to low” You can use this method to check if your keyword target is too broad. If it is, you can quickly fix it. This will allow you to eliminate any irrelevant traffic before you pay for it.
- · Negative keywords are the most underutilized type that local businesses should not be using. Spending seven minutes correcting this oversight could make your time more worthwhile than playing. “7 Minutes In Heaven” When you were in high school.
Download it immediately Kyle Sulerud – AdWords For Local Businesses
- · This setting is what you should change to ensure that your ads reach the maximum number of people. (If you keep the default setting, Google’s algorithms will pick and choose when to show your ads and when not to…and the algorithm they use for this is NOT set up to benefit YOU.)
- · The reason for the “Keyword Broadness Spectrum” It is the easiest way to solve a problem ‘too much traffic’ And ‘not enough traffic’ problems. This is traffic fine-Tuning at its finest
- · Enticing campaign settings that sound too good to be true…because they are. These are the settings you need to make your campaign a success. “opportunities” You could spend weeks, sometimes months, getting your campaigns back on track.
- · How to take a basic keyword list and generate hundreds of combinations and variations at the push of a button with my Keyword Burst software – free inside this course. (And how to push another button so Google filters this list for you…you’ll be left with a clean set of highly relevant “buyer-driven” Keywords unmatched in the competition
- · How to force Google to stop adding things to your ads that you never asked for (you may not even realize this is happening, because they don’t tell you!). If you don’t force them to stop, they’ll keep doing this without your permission…but there is a way you can tell them “no.”
- There are nine key settings that you should consider when optimizing your campaigns. One of these settings can make a difference in your campaign’s success. Tweaking all nine (when you know what to look for) can produce exponentially better results…results you didn’t even know were possible.
- A method for analyzing your competitors’ ads to make sure you’re not just another red & white striped shirt in a Where’s Waldo book full of Waldos. Your ad should stand out in order to get more clicks and leads.
- Two of the eight bidding strategies I use, and the one I use 98% of my time. This strategy is superior to all other strategies.
- The ultimate “traffic sculpting” This method ensures that the correct ad shows up for the correct keyword, so your campaign runs as you intended. Even if you know this method, it could take you hours to set up correctly…so you’ll also get (for free) a piece of software that does it for you in seconds.
- It’s a clever way to exploit all the negative reviews you competitors have received on Google. This is completely ethical, it won’t upset your competitors, and you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!
- How to ensure the right balance with your remarketing ads so customers don’t forget about you, and also don’t feel bombarded to the point they don’t even notice your ads anymore.
- You need to know the bidding paradox that can cause you to get less traffic even though you increase your bids. You’ll smack yourself in the forehead when you realize you may be able get more traffic simply by lowering your bids.
- How to use your campaign data to see what your customers are already searching for and start to target these search phrases more deliberately…so you have more control over your ads and your targeting.
- The most aggressive way Google tries to control your account without your permission (and how you can identify and stop this flagrant abuse of power so you aren’t left licking the crud off Google’s boots).
- It is easy to add negative keywords into your site. AdWords By quickly analyzing what millions have searched on Google for, you can easily build your campaign. This should be done BEFORE starting your campaign, and BEFORE paying for unwanted traffic.
- Personally, the targeting strategy that I use to target large areas is 1-You can still profit from word keywords (while also getting valuable information on my customers).
- This is the most talked about-Up AdWords This is a feature you shouldn’t use. This has been the subject of thousands of dollars worth of testing and the results are overwhelming: “Do not use it.” Avoid this feature, save time and money and focus on the important things.
- You are stupid-simple ways to use Google’s Keyword Planner that will help you find all the starting keywords you need for a campaign in a matter of minutes (not hours).
- Find out exactly what you should do the first hour, the first day, and the first week of any new campaign. It isn’t rocket science, but it isn’t faux flat-It’s also not rocket science. A little critical thinking guided by the instructions you’ll get from this training will send you down the right path during these critical stages of your campaign.
- How to organize your life AdWords Dashboard so that you can focus your attention on only the important things. This is a crucial skill that can help you save a lot of time and deliver better results in your campaigns.
- How, when, and why price extensions and promotions extensions should be used in your ads. These aren’t always a good idea, but when you use them correctly they are two of the most powerful ad extensions available in AdWords.
- The “so you can” This is the model for creating ads and why it’s so effective. (No, this is not a modified Obama campaign slogan – it’s a model based on simple human psychology and decades…if not centuries…of advertising research and practice.)
- Every time you log in, the most important thing is to be sure you do it correctly. AdWords account. You’ll discover not just what to do…but HOW to do it to maximize your campaign performance and consistently generate more leads and sales from your ads.
- How to stop your remarketing ads appearing on embarrassing (and worthless) websites. This is a common problem that is easier to solve than you may think.
Sign Up For AdWords For Local Businesses Today, You’ll Also Get Immediate Access To My:
“Get More Clients” Marketing Agency Training
Where You’ll Discover…
- Here are seven types of businesses you should avoid working with clients. These businesses are more likely to fail than others, so your time and money will be wasted. Clients will not be happy. I’ve made many of these mistakes myself and now you can learn from my failures.
- How to evaluate your own experience when speaking with large companies-budget prospective clients to ensure you never risk your reputation and get in over your head (and how to benefit from these prospects anyway…even if you’re not experienced or confident enough to help them.)
- Local You can join or go to business groups. These groups are full of business owners who urgently need your assistance. There are also specific groups that you should avoid. You don’t need to spend a dollar to get in front of these groups and they can be a major source of new clients.
- The number one red flag that will virtually guarantee you can’t keep a client happy…even when you are producing above average results with their AdWords campaign. You can’t keep everyone happy, but the most important person to keep happy is yourself and you can do that by noticing this red flag and running the other way.
- The back-The-A behind the scenes look at how I set up a small local FB Group that has brought me new clients, partnerships and local notoriety among local business owners. (This is how I started my FB group. AdWords The Marketing Strategy group grew to more than 5,000 members in a year.
- The “Practice Post” This is a great way to find new clients. Copy & paste this exact post onto your social network profiles and you could have a new client within a week. Fernando used this method in fact to land his first paying job. AdWords client…
The Marketing Agency Training Also Reveals…
- How to reach out and find clients without trying to sell them. The goal is not to get your friends signed up as clients…it’s to find out who THEY know.
- LinkedIn Hack that will increase attention to your profile. It will also help you to skew Google search results in favor of prospective clients who are searching for your services.
- What is the difference between “passive” “reactive” And “orchestrated” Referrals and how they can help your business last a long time
- You should consider these five factors when deciding whether a client is worth your efforts. One difficult account can easily take up more of your time than five easy accounts, and you’ll discover exactly what to look for in a client before you ever accept payment.
- How to properly position yourself and your agency so you don’t suffer from the “me too” Marketing industry is suffering from a syndrome that can cause problems and result in clients being turned away.
- How to set reasonable expectations for your clients so you don’t sacrifice your reputation or your sanity…while also making sure you don’t scare them away (even if you’re an absolute beginner).
- How to “Yellow Pages Test” It can make your life easier AdWords Manage your business and take on more clients than ever before.
- A simple way to approach businesses you already know as a patron, customer, or client is to simply reach out. You can approach them to offer your services and get their attention. This is perhaps the biggest untapped source of clients at your disposal, and you’ll discover exactly how to tap into it. Roy used this method to start working with his deck contractor client…
There are more secrets waiting for you For You are Inside the “Get More Clients” Training…
- These six questions will help you determine if you have the ideal client or a wreck on your hands. You need to filter your clients early so you don’t get bogged down trying to please everyone but yourself.
- How to leverage the success you’re having with your existing clients to generate more leads and referrals. You’ll discover exactly what to say to your clients to ensure they recommend you every time they have an opportunity.
- Here are seven things that define MY ideal customer. This template allows you to create 6-Figure agency that serves happy clients. I enjoy working with them (while still having the time to create training material and help other agency owners.
- The “Value Stacking” This method allows you to find clients in online groups and forums without having to upset the group owners or get banned.
- These are the four most important questions to ask any industry in which you’re considering building campaigns. The answers to these questions could mean the difference between a walk in the park and an epic disaster, and they’ll take you just a few minutes to answer.
- How do I find? “easy win” Easy to work with clients who are happy to stay satisfied. Ignore this advice and you’ll be making this business a lot harder than it needs to be.
- The exact post I made in someone else’s FB group that netted me two new clients (and is still generating likes, comments, and messages more than a year later). This was before I ever had a course or my own FB group and before anyone knew about me.
- There’s so much more!
- BONUS #1
- Get all of your questions answered by me and my other students…
- The group is full A-You can expect to see level players who bring value to the table.
- This is different than all the public FB group you are in.
- BONUS #2
- Questions for Customer Research
- Gather information that will assist you with your campaign. These questions can be asked over multiple phone calls or via a series email. I don’t recommend sending this entire list to a customer as it can be overwhelming and the answers won’t be as good as they should be.
- System Access Checklist
- Before you start working on a new client’s campaign, make sure you have access to all these systems. You will face roadblocks later if you don’t get access to these systems now.
- Prepare For 3rd Action-Party Integrations
- Now that you have access to all the systems you’ll need, make sure they are integrated so they all work together in beautiful happy harmony. It’s like a hippie commune of systems!
- Pre-Launch Checklist
- Make sure you didn’t make a stupid mistake while setting up your campaign. Complete this checklist before starting the campaign and you’ll be A-okay.
- Checklist for Campaign Optimization
- Now you’re ready for the fun part! Use this checklist to help you optimize your campaign, discover what is (and isn’t) working, and improve your results.
- BONUS #3
- BONUS #4
- BONUS #5
- Each ad was placed in the top position of the city in which it was located.
- You will see the good, bad and ugly. Quickly gather ideas to see which ads stand out and which are easy to ignore.
- This is the ultimate swipe folder for serious users AdWords marketers.
- BONUS #6
- 80/20 Fast Track Roadmap
- If you’re brand new to AdWordsThis is the guide to the most important lessons so that you can begin running ads immediately.
- This is the roadmap that will guide you through the 20% most important portions of the course. The stuff that’s gonna give you the biggest bang.
- If you’re lazy (I’m not judging), you NEED to start with this 20%…it’ll be enough to get you up and running right away.
- After you have mastered the basics, you can go back through them all.
- BONUS #7
- BONUS #8
- “Elite Conversion Optimization” Course
- BONUS #9
- ????????????????????????????
- Here’s the dealio…
- This is THE way to go. AdWords Lead generation.
- But there’s still more content I want to add.
- Because AdWords The course is always changing so I might never feel the course is complete.
- But don’t worry…as I add new lessons to this course, you will get access to all of them.
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