What You’ll Discover in Linda Bernardi & Sanjay Sarma The Inversion Factor How to Thrive in the IoT Economy (The MIT Press)
Linda Bernardi & Sanjay Sarma – The Inversion Factor: How to Thrive in the IoT Economy (The MIT Press)
Why companies need to have a company? to Retire from a “product first” Orientation to Innovation based on customer needs.
In the Past success stories show that companies have had great success with products.-First orientation: They created a thing that did something. TheInversion Factor explains the reason. the Companies of tomorrow and today will be able to rely on each other. to abandon the Product-First orientation. Instead of asking “How do the products we make meet customer needs?” Companies should ask. “How can technology help us reimagine and fill a need?” Zipcar is an example of a vehicle that Zipcar developed to transport people from A to B. to Point B, redefines how people interact with vehicles. Zipcar inverted the Mission of traditional car companies
The authors explain how the Introduction of “smart” Items that are connected to the The Internet of Things is a major change for businesses The IoTWhere digital and real coexist, cryptocurrencies are powering new ways to Meet human needs. This is what companies such as Amazon, Uber, Google and Tesla know, but also smaller ones like Tile, Visenti and Augury. The Inversion Factor provides a roadmap to businesses who want it. to Follow in They followed their lead.
Download it immediately Linda Bernardi & Sanjay Sarma – The Inversion Factor: How to Thrive in the IoT Economy (The MIT Press)
The authors chart the evolution of three IoTs―the Internet of Things (devices that are connected) to the Internet), the Intelligence of Things (devices which host software applications) the Innovation of Things (devices and experiences that can be used to create new things). These devices provide a roadmap for businesses to follow. the Transition to Interviews with executives of major companies and games about inversion-Changes in startups
At the heart of a growth mindset is a concern for customer needs and a desire to be a good steward. the Microsoft’s continued transformation is at the core of its success. The The authors lead us on an important, necessary exploration of this inversion journey that goes beyond product strategies. to Innovation, technology and culture are the key to breakthroughs.
―Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft
The Inversion Factor offers a compelling vision the Evolution of IoT. The Book greatly expands our imaginations and analyses the Cultural, technological, and business considerations in Order to Invent an entire new world of services and products through a process the The cleverly named authors the Innovation of Things.
―Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab; Whiplash author: How to How can you survive our faster future?
The groundbreaking use of networked technologies in Service of the real north star―customer satisfaction and experience―is one of the Zipcar’s success is due to these reasons. This book explains why Zipcar was successful. the Dynamic real-Time digitization can positively impact lives. the Right people-Centric focus
―Robin Chase, cofounder of Zipcar and Veniam; author of Peers Inc
The Inversion Factor is all about the Hyperactivity has implications-Connectivity, especially in the Internet of Things. It is a place where you can think.-Inspiring approach to arguing against the The conventional wisdom that’make people want products’ is still valid in For better strategic planning. This book is essential to technologists as well as managers. the general reader.
―David Hsu, Richard A. Sapp Professor and a Professor of Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
About the Author
Linda Bernardi Is a serial tech author, investor and entrepreneur. Formerly Chief innovation Officer IoT & Cloud at IBM, she runs the technology strategy firm StraTerra Partners.
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