What You’ll Discover in Lisa Sasevich The Invisible Close
Lisa Sasevich – The Invisible Close
Get your hands on “The Invisible Close” and Discover…
Simple, no-You can start using cost-saving techniques right away to increase sales conversions by 20 to 50% or more.
You can find ways to differentiate between an irresistible offer and a large bundle of downloadable fluff. Yes, it is possible to tell the difference.
There are many creative ways to give away lots of stuff, while keeping it very affordable.
The The best secrets to getting someone to take action now.
No-To close the door to people who need it, you can use pressure “sleep on it.” I will give you the one million-Dollar tip for how to treat these people respectfully and without applying pressure
Step-By-Step, how to make a living as a platform speaker. You’ll be guided through a plethora of ways to boost your sales, all spelled out for your simple implementation.
How to create and present irresistible sales offers that are immediately accepted. No pressure. They will not pressure you if the offer is good!
How to motivate prospects to act and buy NOW. You are done! “thinking about it.” They’ll be ready to buy your offering today.
The These are the top four must-have sales techniques for live presentations. These are the secrets to a stampede.-The-Back, spot-Of-The-room sales you’ve been looking for…and they cost nothing to implement.
The How to transform yourself “the pursuer” Who is calling each week to follow up? “the partner” The person who assists the customer in obtaining what they need now. This equates to less work, higher self esteem and ultimately…a lot more closes!
Most importantly, I will teach you how to share your unique talents, products, and services, and get wealth in return. “The Invisible Close” It is concise and straight to the point. This guide is easy to read and can be used immediately to make sales. This guide is simple and straightforward to use.
Item #2
The Invisible Close Audio Tutorial (5 MP3s)
These are the most crucial sales conversion strategies I have covered. ‘The Invisible Close™’ Ebook. I’ll show you how to set it up so you can unabashedly promote your services without being apologetic or timid about it. And I’ll walk you through the teachings that have helped my most well-When selling from the stage, well-known clients make a lot of money. Because it’s audio, you’ll be able to hear exactly how it sounds to use this totally innovative and authentic selling style.
You’ll receive the download links immediately after registering.
Item #3
My Conversion Tracking Spreadsheet Excel file
Here is the Excel spreadsheet I use to keep track of how I’m doing converting sales. It keeps me focused on this important area and simultaneously acts as a checklist so I don’t overlook any critical areas. This is an amazing tool!
My Favorite Sales Order Form (PowerPoint File)
This is the same Specials/Registration Form I have used to create over $1,000,000 in sales. It is the actual form I’ve used for almost every business I’ve consulted with when creating their Irresistible Offers.
A copy of this form is also included in the manual. You can also download it as a PowerPoint document. This allows you to save a version and use it to make your own irresistible offers.
Item #5
5 P’s to Crafting a Profitable Preview Call (MP3 & PDF)
This MP3 is the core of your training and preparation for creating preview calls. Lisa’s numerous 6-Figure launches You’ll receive Lisa’s step-By-Step by step guide to crafting your preview call and getting BIG payday results
Learn more http://archive.is/0jTcx
Here’s What You’ll Get in Lisa Sasevich – The Invisible Close
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