What You’ll Discover in Marilyn Jenett Release Is Magnetic
Marilyn Jenett – Release Is Magnetic
Here is something that you will find unusual for me…
People who know me well will recognize that my writing style is inspiring, motivating, and very valuable.
However, for this presentation I will not be describing situations that are positive. They will nevertheless serve the purpose of showing you some situations that can easily be resolved or healed by using the special spiritual principle Release. These situations were many times brought to my attention by my students over the years. It was amazing to see the effects of teaching my students how release work can make dramatic changes.
Students of my Feel Free to Prosper® program know that Release Financial prosperity is also an important part my teachings. It’s all interrelated…
Are any of these situations familiar to you?
You work for a company and are involved in work that you love, but the director or superior in the company, is making your life miserable. Although you do a great job and understand your worth, the person who is in charge of your company chooses to make you feel inferior and berates your efforts.
You are in business for yourself but sometimes attract clients who are difficult to work with or please, or do not pay as agreed. Sometimes, a partner in business may not be aligned to your visions and ideas. This can cause problems.
Your marriage of decades is in trouble and your spouse has told you that he/she is leaving.
You are involved in a legal battle with a spouse or ex-Your spouse’s stress and strain can have a negative impact on your health and that of your young children.
Or your marriage or relationship has already been dissolved, but you have not been able to get over the hurt and disappointment.
There is a family member (an in-law, for example) who is causing great distress for you and interfering with your family’s harmony.
Your child is causing disharmony in the family through rebellion and inappropriate behavior.
You were deeply hurt in your past and you still haven’t been able to release the situation and find peace, although there is something within that knows that you need to do so, for your own happiness.
You hurt someone else deeply in your past and amends were never made. This hurt is still with you and you are unable to let it go.
Someone cheated you in the financial area that caused you a great deal of resentment that doesn’t feel very good.
You have wanted something for a very long time and you have wished and wished, prayed and prayed, took all the actions you could think of, but your dream has never come true.
You are studying for very important exams for school or for professional reasons. You are anxious and concerned about passing. Your future depends on it. That’s a lot of pressure.
You have resentment against a person who didn’t live up to your expectations, didn’t produce well enough in the financial or career area, didn’t take care of themselves, didn’t have the best relationships, and maybe did some stupid things in life. It is difficult to let go of resentment towards this person and to love them. This person is you. This person is YOU.
Release All Areas of Life – Works
These are only a few of the scenarios in life which can be resolved, and peace and harmony expressed, inwardly as well as outwardly — by this spiritual practice known as Release.
Many times, my private students arrived in situations that required release work. It works wonderfully. It is the fastest, surest way to turn situations around in human relationships — whether those relationships are close to home or a part of business.
We use it all. “releasing” We can also release other aspects of our lives by working with people. Often those dreams that we want and work toward don’t happen because we have not released them to allow the Universe to do its part to bring them to fruition. We are too attached. Knowing when to let go is an important part of our prosperity work. “let go.” As with planting seeds in a garden: there are times to plant, and then there are times to let the Universe’s creative forces take control. Our thoughts and our desires are also harvested.
It is possible to say that we are reaping because of our words.
there is a time to sow — and a time to let go.
It’s important to know…you can never lose anything by releasing. If someone is important to you, then releasing them will bring you closer. Family members who are no longer in your life bring you closeness, peace, harmony and love. It is possible to let go of people who are no longer part of your life, allowing them to move on peacefully and you to be able to do your best work.
There are additional benefits to releasing. Your ability to forgive and release others is a key factor in your ability attract financial prosperity.
Fort Knox is being dismantled
For fifteen years I worked on a stumblingblock. I didn’t know that that is what it was. It would be called a grudge by most people. This grudge was a constant.-The gap between what was available and what I desired was growing.
I knew my life would be more fulfilling if I let go of the problem. One day, I realized how much this grudge was limiting my potential. I determined that I would go no farther in my business if I didn’t tear down what had taken those 15 years to erect. I had two choices: I could quit my job and keep the residual income I had earned or I could let go and release the grudge to continue increasing my income. There was no way I could do either.
I wrote to Marilyn I asked her for her assistance. We decided it was best for me to be a private student. The bricks of Fort Knox, my personal Fort Knox, were demolished in just three sessions. I’m now free to find the gold within.
The fun part is that I didn’t have to cart out the gold. It came to me like yellow bricks falling out of the sky…I think I spent a good hour telling Marilyn Everything that was good about the week before.
The best thing is that by getting out of this predicament, I know I can do anything with the help and support of my SOURCE.
We are grateful Marilyn!!!!!!
Heidi Whitaker
South Jordan, UT
Release Lessons
Lesson Four in my Feel Free to Prosper Program is titled “Release Is Magnetic” It addresses three areas of important release, which are highlighted below.
However, for this teleclass I also modified Lesson One from my Feel Free To Prosper program to Forgiveness Release. Two powerful lessons can be learned about the practice and benefits of releasing. You will benefit from my mentoring and be able to immediately apply the lessons to your life.
From the Introduction to Release Is Magnetic Lesson…
What does it really mean to release?
The dictionary defines release as “to relax”:
1. To be free from confinement, restraint or servitude; let go
2. To release from something that confines, burdens or oppresses
3. To surrender in favour of another; relinquish
Synonym: To be free
Forgiveness is closely related to the release. To forgive:
1. To stop resentment or claim to requital
2. To cease to feel resentment against; to pardon one’s enemies
Spiritually speaking, this lesson addresses three areas that allow for release.
Part I. Release This is about letting go negative emotions and thoughts that bind us in the exact situations we don’t want. It prevents us from being open to the goodness that we desire in our lives. Holding negative thoughts — anger, fear, resentment, hate, ill will, envy, vindictiveness, possessiveness — all burden and confine us, stop the flow of good, and interfere with our mental and physical health.
Part II. Release Also, Dr. Catherine Ponder explains, it relates to “…cleaning up and cleaning out unneeded possessions in your home and business, as well as by cleaning up and cleaning out unneeded relationships in your life — either those relationships that are questionable or those that you have simply outgrown.” Yes, clearing out clutter can also help us to get rid of burdens and confinement.
Part III. Part III. It is an indication of lack of faith or acceptance and can lead to a loss of consciousness. “trying.” Did you know that trying is a negative thing? You may fail if you try. Faith is not everything-It is not empty, is it? This course will teach you how to achieve the results that you want.
Lesson Four, Release It is Magnetic
Copyright © 2003-2020 Marilyn Jenett, Feel Free to Prosper®
All rights reserved
A glowing testimonial Marilyn “Release”
Marilyn It taught me the power to Release. Reminiscing about some highlights in my life, it dawned on me that I had used. Release before and didn’t realize it. It took me much longer in the past to realize this. “release” It is possible to do something, and have a positive end result. However, there are other things to consider. Marilyn’s mentoring, I now know how to streamline this process to make it happen much quicker and it has opened my eyes to the fact that this power exists.
Download it immediately Marilyn Jenett – Release Is Magnetic
Combine her Feel Free to Prosper Program with her Release Principles helped me to let go my worries, fears, and the worst of it all. “S” Word (stress). The end result – within 1-1/2-weeks later, I gained a new client and kept a client that was losing her due to life issues. I also brought in more clients and money.
I have been using the power to empower myself since that moment. Release To bring peace between myself and my stepmother. My business is clearly flourishing. And…this week was the very first week that my autistic son has attended his three days of therapy without tantrums and actually made great progress with his speech and motor skills (even though he has been doing therapy with the same people for 8 months). If he keeps making this amazing progress, it will be a sign of a long-standing condition.-time dream! However, to make this dream come true, it was necessary to let go all my doubts, fears and other negative thoughts. If this is any indication, it is what I owe. Marilyn Many thanks to you for teaching me how to make this dream a reality!!
I encourage you listen to my suggestions if there are aspects of your life or business you would like to change. Marilyn’s Release It is Magnetic teleclass. It has had a profound impact on my business and personal lives.
Happy thoughts!
Susan McCool
Lee, FL
It’s Time for You to Finally Release:
This Release It is Magnetic audio program includes recording the 90-I offer a group discussion of approximately 30 minutes. You will also receive the simple, yet powerful written lesson material. This program will give you a solid understanding of the principles. This program will give you valuable information that can transform your life. You get…
Downloadable mp3 formats allow you to listen on any device. You can also burn your CD.
Teleclass Highlights will be available from the transcript.
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