What You’ll Discover in Mashhur Anam Redesign Your Reality
Redesign-RealityThere are endless possibilities and options available to you in this universe. This means that YOU have the power to change your reality ….
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Mashhur Anam – Redesign Your Reality
The Holographic Universe Redesign Your Reality
The universe we live in is holographic and responds to us. Because we are able to match our vibration, everything we experience in life is reflected in our reality.
redesign-Reality There are many options available to you in this universe. This means that YOU have the power to create your reality.
Ask a simple question to the universe and let it answer. This will help you start your day in creation mode.
Programm the words “Money, Success, Wealth, Abundance”, Finance, Success, Finance and Success to “fire” You will have a whole new set of success neurons in you brain. Because “Neurons that fire together wire together”
Deactivate “firing” Of non-Beneficial neurons linked to success, money, success, wealth, and abundance
Detoxify and Feng Shui your energetic field, not just your home. Also get rid of any energetic clutter
You can free yourself from energetic and physical burdens by finishing the unfinished parts of your past
Use energies from the sun, the moon and the stars to heal and restructure your life.
About The Redesign Your Reality Toolkit
The Redesign Your Reality This Toolkit was created to help you raise your vibration, Feng Shui and Feng Shui your energy fields, and resolve any old unfinished tasks that drain your energy or cause disasters. It also reprograms your neural network for success, allowing you to increase your abundance and relationships thresholds. This toolkit will help align you with your goals to attract what you want. You will discover some of the most powerful ways to reinvent your life with this toolkit.
A Little Neuroscience
In 1949, Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuropsychologist, wrote what has become known as Hebb’s axiom: “Neurons that fire together wire together.” The meaning of Hebb’s axiom is that each experience we encounter, including our feelings, thoughts, sensations, and muscle actions becomes embedded in the network of brain cells that produce that experience. You strengthen the link between a group of brain cells and neurons by repeating a specific thought or action.
Alvaro Pascual (neuroscientist) offers this metaphor.-Leone in Norman Doidge’s book, The Brain that Changes Itself “The brain is like a snowy hill in winter. When we go down the hill on a sled, we can be flexible because we have the option of taking different paths through the soft snow each time. But should we choose the same path the second time or the third time, tracks will start to develop, and these tracks become really speedy and efficient at guiding the sled down the hill. It doesn’t take long to get literally stuck in a rut. Taking a different path becomes increasingly difficult, but, thanks to the brain’s wondrous capacity for learning and rewiring itself, it’s not impossible!”
What does this all mean for you?
Every time we experience an emotion, thought or sensation, it embeds in our brains and forms a neural network. It holds true even for harmful experiences or experiences we aren’t aware of. Recurrent experiences embed themselves in the neural network making it easier to fire the neurons (that is, respond to the experience) and more difficult to unwire the neurons or rewire them to react differently. Our neurons that fire together produce similar thoughts and feelings.
If the word abundance triggers nerves that are linked to anxiety, fear, and past failures, then it can make it difficult for you achieve your goals in life. The Life Harmonized toolkit helps you break through old patterns and create new ones that will help you live the life of your dreams.
What is included in the package?
This toolkit contains eight items, including six background music programs that have been encoded with layers holographic matrixes. These holographic matrices help you to gradually increase your vibration and align with higher consciousness to explore new possibilities.
Item 1 – Access Infinity Meditation – Design Your Day
Access-Infinity-rrAccess Infinity, a guided meditation that helps you operate from non-neutrality, is a guided meditation.-Judgement and your heart-space. This guided meditation will allow you to access the creation matrix.
Start each day with this powerful 12-Minute Access Infinity meditation
Take control of your life, and create a new reality.
Gradually you can start to operate from your heart and be in it-Space 24/7
It helps reduce stress and anxiety, and allows you to detach yourself from the world around you.-Beneficial connections
Start your day in Creation Mode, instead of starting the day thinking about everything that has gone. ‘wrong’ (in your life)
After you have centered yourself, this guided meditation will help you to focus on one question. It also helps you to align your divine energy for manifestation and creation.
Item 2: Feng Shui Your Life
Feng-shui-Feng Shui has been practiced all over the world. Feng Shui was originally developed in China to bring harmony between the human beings and the natural environment. Feng Shui can be applied to homes, offices, and landscapes in order to increase the energy and maintain a harmonious flow between the elements. Most people don’t know that Feng Shui is also needed for our personal energy fields. It helps to remove clutter and unwelcome blocks, and to balance the flow of elements in our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Feng Shui is something you can do by listening. Your You can live a full life.
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Balance the flow of earth, water, air and fire elements for your energy field
Get your energy field energized and your vibration raised instantly
Deeply cleanse the 12 major Chakras
Increase the energy level of your home.
Point 3: Complete Your Past
Complete-Your-Past-rrCompletion means to complete something and make it whole. Completing Your The past can help you tie up all the loose ends in your life. The act of completion unleashes a hidden power to help you manifest your heart’s desires. Completion allows you to be free and lets you let go of stuck energy and other patterns.
You can free yourself from energetic and physical burdens by finishing the unfinished parts of your past
To allow abundance to flow, you must make financial commitments
Harmonize your past relationships with love and heal your heart in order to attract a happy and romantic relationship
You can energetically heal broken promises or commitments
To harmonize your past events, integrate energy and information matrices of the earth, sun and stars
Radiate the energy of your intention from your heart-Space to reinvent your reality
Item 4: Reprogram Your Neural Network for Abundance
neural-Network-Holographic reprogramming technology can be used to reprogram your neural network. “deactivate” The firing of neurons that correspond with failures or lack, and connecting words and emotions to new sets of neurons that respond to success patterns.
The process will gradually reprogram the abundance matrix by reprogramming the neurons that fire each time you make contact with money, success, finance, wealth, and abundance.
The neurons that are linked to failure, lack, and limitation patterns will be isolated
Firing non-For words like money, success, wealth, or finance, beneficial neurons will slowly be disabled
Your goals, desires and visions will determine which neurons correspond to success. They will then be programmed to fire up for success words like money, success, finance, wealth, and abundance.
Holographic programming allows for the geometric reconfiguration of your neural networks, increasing your abundance energy.
Item 5: Reprogram Your Threshold of Abundance
abundance-Limit-rrThe Repgram Your Abundance Threshold is a process that gradually increases your abundance vibration to increase your resonance and allow more abundance to flow through your body.
Disconnect with non-Beneficial morphic fields
To communicate with your subconscious, use visuals such as golden bowls
Harmonize your relationship for abundance
Set-Create a foundation of abundance
Increase your abundance threshold
Limit your excess
Incorporate a new abundance matrix into your life to increase the abundance flow
For abundance, use earth and stellar energies
Item 6: Reprogram Your Threshold to Love
Limit-For-Love-rrThe Repgram Your Threshold for love is designed to increase your love vibration and incite a loving relationship.
Disconnect with non-Positive morphic and past relationships
To increase love energy flow in your life, communicate with your subconscious using visuals such as a rosebow.
Harmonize your feelings for love
Set-Create a new foundation in your relationship
Increase and regulate your love threshold
To increase love energy and flow in your life, create a new relationship matrix
Be a source of love energy for the stars and the earth
Item 7: PDF Guide:
A detailed PDF guide will be sent to you with information about each program as well as how to use it.
Instructions will be provided on how to use your device. Redesign Your Reality Series with other holographic tools or programs
Item 8: Two Pre-Recorded Group Coaching calls
When you purchase the Redesign Your Reality Series, you will also get 2 pre-Recorded coaching calls
Pre-Recordings will last for over five hours-Recorded coaching calls
Additional guided processing and integration during each of the two coaching calls
Q&A from participants about the Redesigning Your Reality Holographic and series programs
“I immediately started to see changes in my overall happiness and relationships with my family and coworkers. I was stuck in a job with no hope of promotion until some folks retire in 5 years. I couldn’t see how I was going to increase my income without leaving my agency, but I eventually gave up and gave in to the Tools, determined to just allow the universe to show itself however was best for me. Shortly after the Redesign Your Reality program, a new position was created for me, which just doesn’t happen where I work. It usually takes many months to create a new position. The best part, A 19% raise! Even better is another giant raise coming in one year, for a total of a 44% increase in income since starting these programs!!!”
~ Adrian L., Illinois, USA
“All I can say is “WOW”!!! I use it everyday. Mashhur’s tools and Programs for over a year with spectacular results, watching the wonderful changes in myself and those around me. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better – I had the privilege to use the “Redesign Your Reality” I downloaded the package and was stunned at the next step. After playing the tracks in a loop, I noticed my interrupted sleep pattern changing to deep rest and pleasant dreams. This is an outcome I could never have anticipated or foreseen, after more than 15 years of interrupted, restless sleep — but one which I welcome with all my heart because it has tremendous impact on all levels of one’s health. Thank you Mashhur! Truly, there are not enough words to express my joy and gratitude.”
Rose-Marie F., Quebec, Canada
“Wow! The “Reprogram Your Neural Network for Abundance” It is powerful and transformative! I felt discomfort when I heard the words wealth, success, money, finance and success. Later, I noticed that my lower four chakras were being cleared and felt lightness, excitement, joy, and fun. After I had finished listening, I felt strong neural activity that lasted at least 20 minutes.
Download it immediately Mashhur Anam – Redesign Your Reality
Listen to “Complete Your Past,” I worked with 3 very traumatic chains of events (my mother’s death, cheating in an exam and the consequences, my own suicide attempt); although I have done much work on these, I felt they were still incomplete. I was able to identify the location and type of any residual emotions or physical sensations and was amazed at the way they were transformed during the process. This was partly due to the release of shame, guilt, and betrayal but also because of the amazing earth and star energies. At the end of each process I felt forgiveness, love, harmony and peace, and a definite sense of moving towards completion!”
Sylvia D. Johannesburg, South Africa
“I had an extremely stressful week. I felt much more relaxed after listening to the ACCESS INFINITY. I was calmer than I have been in several weeks. I like your slower pace and the tone of your voice. Together they captivate my full attention and made your words sink into my awareness… The music is phenomenal. In the first seconds of listening, I was instantly propelled into the cosmos in a blissful state with colors, images of the constellations, the heavens. The music provides its own cosmic and multidimensional experience while your voice feels like a template for another part of me to participate in! Genial! My heart opened up so much more! What I was choosing to experience that day was so much more universal in nature! After listening, I felt softer, gentler towards those around me…”
~ Rhonda B., BSc., AGR., N.D, BHSP, Quebec, Canada
“I love Feng Shui Your Life simply because of its immediate results. I am hypersensitive and unfortunately my living space is extremely polluted with electrosmog and low radio frequencies, which are draining my energies. Now I can feel the very purifying, balancing and relaxing effect of this program, harmonizing all my energies. Each time when you started with a new theme I involuntarily had to take a very deep breath among the other breathing exercises. I felt the energies moving through each of my bodies, gross and subtle, as well as through the elements. I felt the harmonizing effect of your work.”
Ute, Australia
“WOW!!! Such a powerful process! I transformed my life in one day. I usually hide in my room meditating and make up excuses why I need time to meditate and hide the fact that I am spending too much time meditating, however I took the bull by the horns and told my husband I am meditating all day. I noticed that it was so much easier to go from the head to the heart with Access infinity. I literally melted and literally became the sun and saw the planets around me!! Much more visceral, much more real, I saw with my eyes the planets revolving around me. From there, the heart space, we can redesign reality easily and effortlessly and I wouldn’t start my day without this.”
~ Rose W., Oregon, United States
“While listening to the Access Infinity meditation, I got in touch with one of my deep desire to experience having a loving relationship with my husband. I had also wished to hear loving and kind words each morning to nourish and nurture my soul and my physical body. When the transmission ended, I continued listening to Feng Shui Your Life. I felt a movement in my abdomen followed by a sense of lightness/space at my solar plexus area. I was able to breathe with ease. It felt like a block of density has been removed from my abdomen. On the way home, I noticed my husband was gentle with me. He was relaxed and enjoyed my company very much. His energy was different. He had even held my hand and did not let it go for quite awhile. I enjoyed the walk home with my husband very much. The difference in the energy of my husband had a great impact on me. The energy was loving, gentle and kind and I love it.”
~ Zainon S., Singapore
“The Access Infinity meditation is truly amazing. In a short period of time, one feels expansive, light and openhearted. It is truly amazing in its ability to bring about an instant shift. I found that the Feng Shui Your Life just continued that process of feeling better. To put this into perspective, I was fairly tense from being at the veterinarian’s office concerned about one of our cats. And the audios were transformative.”
Susan T. California, United States
“In the exactly one year since first discovering your Holographic Tools and programs, my life has undergone changes that I could not have imagined!! Each and every successive new tool and program have never failed to astound me… to ‘alchemize’ Each level of my Being, in ways that are difficult for me to express. Here we are, now. Redesign Your Reality series, I feel like that Mashhur It has exceeded all previous achievements! First impression? Pure magnificence! I felt what could be described as a kind of frenzy of neural activity, the cells literally racing to do their new job and the visual image of this as excited cellular structure morphing into an expanded field… a never before personal experience on this level!
I’ve never seen such a program presented as is this one and am left in awe of what enormous wealth lies therein. The Feng Shui program is only a few minutes in. Your Life, amazement as I actually experience it “felt” The cleanup was going on inside, but I actually had an inner vision of my field lightening and brightening! This is one of the greatest moments in my life! It is a privilege and joy to be a part in discovering what is yet to come! Magnificent, Masterful, from the Love of The Heart!!”
~ Elizabeth de J., Belgium
“While listening to “Reprogram Your Neural Network for Abundance,” As I said the words “money” and “finance”, my shoulders tightened. After repeating the words money and finance several times, my shoulders went from being tight and heavy to being chuckling inside. The 3rd Chakra also showed me a ball of density inside that was melting away. Participating in ‘finances’ The past has always been a heavy burden on me. Now, after this meditation, I’m feeling a much lighter energy and can see that it can and will be FUN! While I didn’t find money, wealth, success or abundance to be more compatible with me, I feel that they are. ‘ONE’ With me – they are not separate! I’ll see where this takes me and I’m really looking forward to experiencing all these words in a new and refreshed way! Thank you! Mashhur!!”
Sherri C. California, United States
“After listening to the “Restore Your Threshold for Love” I was vibrating in a field radiant roses-colored love… expansive yet soothing and deeply comforting to all those places of wounding in my Inner Child aspects. Yet again Mashhur has created the most amazing processes and tools to support us in our transformation for ourselves, for our ancestors and for our planet.”
~ Vera G., Missouri, United States
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