What You’ll Discover in MasterClass David Mamet Teaches Dramatic Writing
David Mamet He sat in on a game of poker with thieves and was left with the idea for American Buffalo. Now, the Pulitzer Prize-Glengarry Glen’s winning writer File Size: 1.98GB
MasterClass – David Mamet Teaches Dramatic Writing
David Mamet He sat in on a game of poker with thieves and was left with the idea for American Buffalo. Now, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of Glengarry Glen Ross takes you through his process for turning life’s strangest moments into dramatic art.
In his writing class, he’ll teach you the rules of drama, the nuances of dialogue, and the skills to develop your own voice and create your masterpiece.
01. Introduction
David This outline outlines the topics he will cover in class and how you can get great drama writing mindset.
02. Dramatic Purpose
Are you trying to understand drama? You don’t need to look far beyond everyday life. David teaches you how to recognize drama at its best—when it seeks to simply entertain, not teach.
03. Purposes of Drama (Cont’d).
Find out how drama is used as a form or myth. It reveals the complexity of human nature and gives us a way to express ourselves.
04. Dramatic Rules
Dramatists are responsible for telling stories. David This guide will show you how to simplify your story using Aristotle’s Poetics. Find out how to make your hero’s journey the central focus of your story.
05. Dramatic Rules (Cont’d)
Begin at the beginning of your story, and continue on until you reach the end. Don’t waste any plot. David Learn how to master the rules and tricks of writing.
06. Story Ideas
David Learn how to use your life experiences and fantasies to create drama. You will discover drama even in the most unlikely places, and you may be inspired to write several plays.
07. Character
David teaches you what character really is—action. You will learn how to set objectives for your characters, and avoid common mistakes.
08. Plot
The plot is the most important aspect of a plot. Learn the basic ingredients of a plot, such as the precipitating event or the second-Problem with acting Find out how to uncover the plot behind your scenes.
09. Structure of the Plot
David This video will share his method of structuring a story and show you how to connect them.
10. Structuring a Plot (Cont’d).
Find out the details of a three-tiered structure.-Act play and how to achieve cohesiveness across acts.
11. Case Study: American Buffalo Structures the Plot
David The history of American Buffalo is discussed and delves into the plot. You will learn the symbolism behind the eponymous coins and how the narrative speaks to viewers at a deeply human level.
12. Case Study: Structuring a Plot – Glengarry Glen Ross
David Glengarry Glen Ross was the inspiration for this video. He also discusses the difference between tragedy and drama.
13. Dialogue
Learn how David His style of writing dialogue is well-known as “Mamet-speak,” Where to get inspiration for great dialogue.
14. Dialogue (Cont’d)
David Talks about how to make dialogue more musical and rhythmic.
15. Narration & Exposition
Writing Communicating information is different from drama. The job of a dramatist is to entertain and not bore the audience. Learn how to identify unnecessary narration and exposition, and how to let your audience help you cut it.
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16. Scenes
Three things must be included in every scene. These are the essential elements of a scene. Learn how to identify and eliminate scenes that are not necessary.
17. Writing Process
David He discusses his writing process, how he finds inspiration, how he manages writer’s block and how Hemingway helps him to get started.
18. Writing Process (Cont.)
David We are told that there isn’t magic powder that will fix our scripts. He also explains the difference between an artist who dreams of becoming a writer and one who works hard to make it happen.
19. The Audience
Learn how David He is devoted to his audience and knows what they want from the theatre.
20. Lies & Truth
Writers, it is your responsibility to not lie. David He discusses why the audience goes to the theatre to hear truth and how drama can help us find the truth. Two of his most cherished plays are examples of how he has communicated the truth.
21. Lies & Truth (Cont’d)
David He continues to talk about the truth through two of his most controversial works, Oleanna and Race.
22. Actors
Learn more DavidIn the role of theatre director, he discusses how he sees great actors and how to choose the right ones to play your part.
23. Actors (Cont’d).
David We hear his opinion on what great actors should do and not do.
24. The life of a dramatist
Although life as a dramatist can be difficult, dedication and passion for your craft can make it easier.
25. The Life of a Dramatist (Cont.)
David Experience the self-doubt common amongst writers. Find out how he overcame it and what you should do to avoid it in order for you to follow your dream of becoming a writer.
26. Closing
David You will be left with his final words and an emotional story about one of his favorite science fiction novels.
MasterClass – David Mamet Teaches Dramatic Writing: Sample
Here’s What You Will Get In MasterClass – David Mamet Teaches Dramatic Writing
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