What You’ll Discover in Melissa Tiers Integrative Addictions Solutions
Melissa Tiers – Integrative Addictions Solutions
Think of any addiction as a tenacious habit in the brain that creates a network of association—as some neuroscientists like to say, “the cells that fire together, wire together.” This means that if you use the drug, drink the alcohol, or engage in an addictive activity, it strengthens your addiction.
As we reinforce the pattern, the stronger and thicker the cluster of neurons gets. As they get stronger, it becomes more difficult to control them.
New neuroscience research shows that even deeply rooted patterns can be changed by the brain. The brain is rewired every time you stop cravings, urges, and habituated feelings that can lead to them. And it’s easier than you think.
The basic protocol we’ve been using has three levels. The first is to teach people the basics of how habits form and change in the brain. We teach them how to quickly stop cravings, and the emotions that can lead to them. Learn about the research which concluded that interrupting the habit and connecting the neurons to the ones outside of it is the best way for you to change it. These techniques can be used to relieve cravings and rewire the habit.
The protocol’s second level aims to alter the emotional impact of past traumas and associations. It also addresses the negative beliefs and emotions many addicts carry. These techniques are based in memory reconsolidation research and the fact we can significantly alter the power implicit memories. This makes it easier to heal, and then move on. It will be possible to recode and embed positive beliefs and motivators.
The third level is all about personal power. We help addicts find other ways to get their reward. We help addicts to create a new hierarchy of values based on their work with willpower and meaning-making.
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