What You’ll Discover in Michael Breen Using NLP On Yourself
Michael Breen – Using NLP On Yourself
“Discover The LIFE Tested Proven Way To Master Your Emotions…. Eliminate Doubts And Unwanted Thoughts…. Transform Disempowering Feelings And Behaviors…. And Finally Install The CORE Beliefs and Life Enhancing Practices That Are Used By Experts Of NLP…. So You Can Create More of The Life You Want …. Entirely RISK FREE”
Dear Friend
What could you do with your life if everything that was holding you back vanished in the next 30 days?
Take a deep breath and ask yourself these questions:
- What are some cool things you would do?
- What results are you able to achieve quickly?
- Who would you like to have met, gotten involved with, or been connected with?
- Imagine how good it would feel to have all of these things right now.
These are all interesting and worthwhile questions.
Now, let me ask:
- What have you been wishing, dreaming, and wishing for these changes for so long?
- What is the likelihood of what happens if you do what you have always done?
- What is stopping you from reaching your full potential? Are you preventing yourself from experiencing the happiness, joy, success, and abundance that you deserve?
It doesn’t matter where you’re at the moment, it’s likely that there are certain things you love and some goals/dreams/desires we don’t yet have …… And that’s frustrating. It’s annoying. It’s darn right vexing. Even though you could name many things you wish to see change in your life you aren’t making them.
You aren’t seeing the results that you want in your life.
NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming refers to the study of “subjective experience and what can be calculated from it”. It’s a fancy way of saying ” NLP The study of how people think, feel and use the body to produce specific results is what makes them different from their peers. These are skilled practitioners. NLP They are particularly interested in exceptional performers. People who are the outliners, the mavericks and the achievers of every field of life. These people achieve, experience, and do what few others can. By learning from what they do, it is possible to discern what is the best. “difference that makes the difference” Ensure that others have access to your knowledge and strategies.
It’s extremely cool and has allowed everyday people to do amazing things. It seems so “unachievable” “unbelievable” They can do the same in their own lives.
That power is also yours when you utilize the technology of NLP Improve your quality of life
Understanding How to Use NLP
Has The Power To Transform Your Life & Those Around You
NLP The technology of change has been adopted in many other fields over the last forty years. Many of these models and techniques have been widely adopted by celebrities, business people, athletes, politicians, parents, teachers, as well as other professions. Some of the most powerful state management techniques have been applied by former President Bill Clinton.
But knowing that others can use it well is not as powerful as discovering for yourself the many, varied ways you can use. NLP Improve your quality of life
These are some of the most sought-after outcomes. NLP It is used for:
- Have more confidence
- Overcoming fears and phobias, as well as unwanted behavior patterns.
- Change unwanted beliefs and repetitive thoughts
- Secure a better job or negotiate a better salary
- Lose weight, keep it off
- You can become an expert influencer
- A role model who inspires others is better than you.
- You can influence your kids better by becoming a better parent
- You will be able to better understand your team, manage them effectively and achieve faster results.
- You can overcome obstacles, disempowering beliefs and negative habits
- Increase your relationships – Develop the attitudes and behaviors that will help you meet that special someone, or enrich the relationships you have.
- Be a compelling communicator. People will listen to what you have.
- Motivate yourself to be more confident so that you can do what you love.
- You can take action to achieve your dreams, goals and desires
- Greater emotional mastery
- You could go on.
There are many options for how to do it. NLP Your life can be improved in many ways.
Beispiel: Relearning to walk again
It has been a constant tool that I have used to improve many aspects of my daily life. My mum suffered severe brain damage in a car accident seven years ago. This was the most rewarding change. After nearly a month of being paralysed in intensive care, my mum woke up to find she couldn’t move. Unbeknownst to her, her brain was in a “coma”. “vegetative” state.
There are no greater challenges than these.
Now, it is difficult to imagine what it must have felt like for her. There was fear, anxiety, and great uncertainty. I was certain that her paralysis …. was something she needed to hear from the doctors. After many years of study, it was a very difficult decision. NLP I was hypnotized and saw the results firsthand “negative suggestions” Can have, but how? Each of us is bombarded by negative suggestions I was determined that she would not be told by others, even though it was often unintentional. If she could not walk or recover in a few months, I would tell them.
But she showed a great desire to heal, recover, and exuded many key attitudes from this program. These include learning to manage your state.
I shared my skills and knowledge with NLPLearn first by applying NLP for myself, to shape her state and guide it, the meaning of this new world. “not moving” It is used in the following ways:-Wired up new associations about the possibilities.
There is a good chance that you have also faced or are currently facing many challenges. There are ways to be resourceful regardless of how difficult the situation.
When I think of the miraculous recovery that my mum made, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude and happiness.
She was left with severe brain damage, and couldn’t move any part of her body. After this, she learned to walk again. There are many more.
She once shared her story with a large audience of family and friends.
“Tom just believed I would get better, and I did.”
It is a certainty that I know. NLP It was a positive result for her. I was a teenager when that realization dawned on me. NLP was going to be something that I would use every morning to continuously improve every area in my life. It is a technology that I use every day to improve my life.
Resolving that crisis-I was affirmed in my conviction “Circumstances do not make the man, they reveal him.”
NLP Represents an incredible personal development technology That can be a tremendous asset to anyone.
The 3 Problems ManyNLPers make…
I learned a lot in the years that followed. NLP I felt deeply frustrated by not knowing how to fix key aspects of my life. It was almost like wishing that things would change in my life.
That’s when I realized. NLP. I became very excited and started to see patterns all around me. This led me to discover many powerful ways to bring about change.
However, I noticed that my friends who had taken the same training programs didn’t get the same results. So I began to wonder why.
My discovery was that even experienced NLPers can make 3 major mistakes that drastically limit their ability to achieve the personal and transformative results they desire.
These are just a few of the many that may be applicable to you.
- Many people approach NLP It is a set of techniques that can then be applied to other people. This is the mantra “give me a problem, I’ll give you a technique!…. and if the technique doesn’t work it is either your problem or that NLP doesn’t work!” But If you truly want to change your life and create the life you desire, then you should consider using NLP It all starts with you applying it to your own life systematically and continuously.
Those who do so see You will notice a significant improvement Your life.
It can make a huge difference in any area that you apply it.
…. may be the first time you’ve ever had access to such a powerful toolkit. “users guide” Brain to Help Your Mind–Body Get more results. Quicker. Better. More Effectively.
The second mistake I have seen is this:This is called hinking NLP It is the magic bullet. It’s not. It is, however, a great tool for many life-changing changes.
Finally, after using NLP They stop helping themselves and do what is best! This is easily avoided by learning how This is the fundamental shift in the way you think about and use technology.
After hearing hundreds upon hundreds of questions from visitors, we are now able to ask:
How do I use? NLP How can I improve my life?
What’s the secret to the success of the techniques? NLP?
How do I stay motivated?
Training Michael Breen I was compelled to share the responsibility.-A training course that focuses on Neuro should be created.-To create more of your life, you can apply linguistic programming on yourself. Michael He has personally trained more than 25,000 people NLP The technology has been used extensively by the company in order to achieve results quickly and efficiently.
Contrary to many books and products that teach you how to do things, this book will not focus on these techniques. NLP You will need to do this in steps 1, 2, and 3. This training will help you create something far more important than using a technique. NLPWhen it’s used to make life transformations.
…. Removing the Toolset from Right Back…
So we began with ….
- Eliminating
– The many techniques covered in many books. If you’re new to the field, NLP To help you understand the techniques, we have included some great resources in this course.
– The many techniques covered in many books. If you’re new to the field, NLP To help you understand the techniques, we have included some great resources in this course.
– Excessive complexity of technology …. which has led to a proliferation abstract labels and terms sometimes creating confusion and misunderstood.
Download immediately Michael Breen – Using NLP On Yourself
These are the reasons we chose to remove them from our training.
Our conversations, visitor interactions, and trainings revealed that people are…
- Many self-purchases-You’ve probably heard of improvement programs in the past. NLP books, perhaps taken several trainings.
Yet If you are unable to change your behavior quickly or easily in order to achieve the results you desire, it is likely that there is something else. (It is important to know that they are valuable once you have made a decision about what you want to try.
…. The Heart of the Problem…
Then, one afternoon while Michael While we were bouncing ideas around, we both stumbled upon the core problem It was the missing ingredient that many people seem to lack. Although it was obvious, most people (myself included) didn’t realize it. But it is crucial to getting great results. NLP…. is the ability to master the attitudes and beliefs that underlie most of the technology …., when it is being used effectively.
We immediately began to create a very useful training program.
We focused our efforts on:
- What are the benefits? Essential behaviors that you can use to transform your results. The technology
John J. USA
“Using NLP on Yourself To Create More Of The Life You Want Makes Dumping the Inner Bullshit 10X Easier.
Top Notch Training from Michael and Tom.
Get it Right Now and Use It !”
- What is it? People who have used it can see the difference in their mind. NLP to dramatically improve their lives, get breakthrough results, and overcome enormous obstacles
- Is it possible for some people to remain centered? Even though all the others seem to be being tossed about in the natural storms which occur throughout our lives
- What are the secrets to emotional mastery? How can you create the state of mind that you desire? When you need them
- What beliefs, strategies, and actions do you believe? “hard-wired” Passionate, highly productive people About their work Their life is full of excitement
- What are the benefits? Magical principles and mind sets that can be used to transform someone’s life “reality” Take a look at this moment You can let go of any anxiety or frustrations.
- How does one stop negative inner dialogue and unwelcome emotional reactivity?-Taking actions
- What are the benefits? Simple, but powerful shifts in thinking or feelingThis will free up enormous amounts of stressed/anxious energy
So it goes. “Using NLP on Yourself To Create More Of The Life You Want” …. was created to allow you to get involved in the inner game of people who are highly skilled in using it. NLP To improve their lives.
What You Can Expect To Find…
Download immediately Michael Breen – Using NLP On Yourself
Using NLP on Yourself Two training modules are available to help you create the life you want.
The first is a multi-media presentation lasting 90 minutes.-Part video training program where you will learn specific inner mindset strategies and essentials NLP You can create the life you want with these tools. There are many things you don’t have to know. NLP To achieve dramatic results, you must use the information here. Once you have these core patterns, you will be able to start doing them and experience new levels of happiness and productivity.
“After only a week practicing the techniques,
I’ve already blasted past most of the petty irritations that used to seem important to me, and I find myself managing my state much more easily.
Thank you guys!â€
In the video trainings, presented by Master Trainer Michael Breen and I, you will learn:
- What using Neuro-linguistic programming to create more of the life you want is all about
- What are the key mental shifts you need to make if you want to being able to use NLP for yourself to create more of the life you want
- Why using NLP is not all about “Pictures can be changed” and why you will want to start from the soma to create great results
- Learn how to identify where and when in your life that you are holding excess tension and how to release it quickly
- Discover this powerful energetic rule that when you use it makes you watch able and magnetic and can transforms your relationships with your family, friends and clients and your overall sense of well-being.
- Learn what anchors are and how to setup and use self-anchors to evoke states you want when you want it
- Learn five ways to quieten your internal voice. Many people suffer from “negative” internal voice. When you apply what we teach you here you will no longer be at the mercy of poor internal dialogue and will be much more control of inner dialogue.
- Learn a powerful method to wire up new emotional responses so you are at choice about what kind of emotions you will feel in specific contexts. All of us at some point or other have been “Pre-wired” up to have certain unhelpful emotional responses when specific things happen in our life. In fact this process is happening all the time, yet most people are not aware of how to “change bad wiring” and setup the kind of emotional responses that would greatly help their life.
- In NLP we say everything starts and ends with state. The states you experience on a moment by moment basis influence what you feel, do and ultimately colour how what you do with your life. Mastery of your state is mission critical if you intend to create the kind of life you desire. Inside the video portion of this training you will learn two of the most powerful ways to transform your state. When you become highly skilled at these you will be able to quickly “Get off” negative states and jump feet first into powerful positive states – at will. (These two work like magic and are ones I consistently use to get and keep myself resourceful).
- Discover a cool heuristic that will allow you to know what technique to use when you are seeking to make a change in your life. Think of this as a mental shortcut to filtering from a two hundred plus techniques down to the ones that are most helpful for you.
After completing the video training portion of the course and the assignments you will enjoy a 56 page action guide. The purpose of the action guide is to provide you with a “bootstrap” action manual to ensure you master each of the core patterns and key attitude that drives NLP so you have the resources to improve your life.
There are 25 distinct sections each with their own actions.
Here is a flavor of what you will learn inside:
- How to operationalise the key attitudes of NLP. Every trainer worth his or her salt has embodied the attitude of NLP. Richard Bandler and John Grinder embodied it now you will use these powerful filters to elevate any aspect of your life.
- How to identify the most common errors many practitioners of NLP make when using the techniques of NLP on them self, but you wont.
- How to use the technology of NLP to transform the three key areas of a productivity, motivation and consistent action. When you apply what is taught here you will see your productivity, drive and action go into overdrive.
- Discover the training slogans used by masters of NLP to expedite your learning and what you can do with the technology.
- Learn the “Radical” shift in thinking that when embodied will enable you to become the master of your own thoughts and feelings. If you have ever felt that you have no choice and that certain thoughts or feelings effect you negatively this change in perspective will change that.
- How to apply these learning “These are the rules of thumb” that when you keep front and centre will ensure you are always on an upward path to true mastery.
- What to do if a technique you try doesn’t work. Learn the same attitude used by every top NLPer when the find a technique doesn’t work and what to do next.
Next once you have a firm grip AND operationalised the inner game that enables you to then approach using the techniques you will receive an extensive 2:20 training on “Emotional mastery: How to Manage Your State”.
This is a live recording from a recent teleseminar training Michael and I ran, where I act on your behalf and have Michael teach you everything you need to know to make a transformational difference in how you work with and alter your emotional states.
Tony Robbins, one of the most famous and successful NLPers once said that the only difference between him and many other NLPers he trained with at the time he first learnt NLP was that he was better at putting himself into the states that led to action…. which in turn lead to the kinds of results he wanted. Successful state mastery is essential to doing the kinds of things that result in creating more of the life you want.
So inside this training you will learn:
- What we mean when we say emotions
- Where triggers really are (this may surprise you) that create emotions
- What is a meta-state and why it is essential that you understand the difference between talking about something vs. experiencing something
- Find out if you can control your emotions using a “control panel” in your mind
- What is really going on when other people make you feel “crap/stressed/angry”
- Understand the role of 1 time learning and a habituated loop has on creating either really positive or negative states.
- Discover the underlying process that the NLP toolset brings to help you create emotional choice
- Learn how to never be obliged to feel bad again!
Micah Howard M.D., USA
“Learning how to learn is an integral step for any teacher.
Micheal Breen takes us through the steps with a dancer’s grace.
You and your students will be changed….”
- How to use the “spousal defense shield” so you can avoid feeling crap and re-active to loved ones.
- Michael will teach you how to pull the rug out” from states that you currently think you don’t have a choice to change
- Learn the 3 master patterns for pulling the rug out of your unhelpful emotional responses
- Learn about the rule of use it or lose it and the importance of releasing stress when trying to deal with unwanted stuff
- Learn about how to shift your emotional “set point” up or down. Wouldn’t it be cool if through a series of small changes you can dramatically lift the positive emotional state you experience and
- Learn some of the powerful processes Michael follows in his own life to be at choice on an ongoing basis regardless of what seems to be occurring in the world
- Learn how to stop unwanted thoughts – several very cool and highly effective ways to eliminate unwanted thoughts
- How we are NOT parts, but whole and why understanding this is really important to emotional mastery
- Discover the key behavior to do when you have an unwanted thought ….. that transforms its grip on you fast!
- Discover the key practices to cultivating greater emotional variety Michael shared his top 7 recommended practices…. you can’t help but experience more emotions when you do these.
- Discover the magic to having other people feel great around you
- Discover the essential role of intention in having other people feel great around you…
- Learn how your own physiology within your own body influences and impacts your ability to have other people feel great around you
- Learn 3 powerful techniques to quickly release tension from your body
- Learn one of the fastest ways to have other people feel great around you (this works great over and over)
- Find out how to keep positive state when you are dealing with an emotionally charged partner
- Discover if there are any simple ‘on the move’ ways to restore a good emotional state if you lost it
- Hear about 3 ways to pick up good states after you’ve lost it.
- Learn the quickest way to get yourself or anyone into a relaxed alpha state (this is even faster than doing trance inductions)
- Find out about useful tips for dealing with strong emotional state in the face of negativity and opposition
- Discover how to use the sub-modalities of your experience to transform feelings of emotional opposition.
- Hear Michael’s opinion on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). His insights may surprise and intrigue you.
- Learn about the strategy used by top international athletes to get themselves more easily into flow and maintaining focus Apply this one technique and you will have a strategy used by ultra successful athletes and business people to get and stay in the zone.
- Coaches/Change agents: Discover the secrets to generating a powerful “action state” in your clients
- How to deal with anger effectively so that when things don’t go your way (Michael shares a great way to transform anger)
- Listen to what advice Michael shares to a participant who is facing a high risk of his business being untenable. Michael shares both really helpful mind set for people who are facing tough times and it is also a great example of an intervention strategy.
- Ever wonder what impact our sub-conscious, trapped emotions have? Michael debunks the common “parasitic map” regarding trapped emotions and walks you through the process of how intense emotional experiences and their effects like posttraumatic stress disorder operate to leave a automatic response to a stimulus. Free yourself outdated conceptual maps that may be inhibiting emotional freedom
- Finally hear Michael share with you the power of re-train your nervous system.
This is a one of a kind, unique and one of the most in-depth trainings you are ever likely to hear on how to develop real emotional mastery.
“This is a great product that offers valuable, practical and useful techniques to master your emotions that you can use right away.
The course include videos as well as transcript and a very good manual on how to put these techniques into practice.”
Buy this training, do the assignments and see a transformation in your results.
Armed with so many new distinctions, new learnings, techniques and strategies for creating more of the life you want, you will no longer be stopped when challenge or misfortune comes your way, you won’t be wondering what technique to use when you want to create a change because you will know the key question to identify what works AND you will installed the inner attitude that lies at the heart of NLP.
- You will be free to choose what direction and goals you want for your life..
- Have numerous effective strategies to get motivated, be highly productive and ensure when you start a worthy goal, you keep going until you have manifested it.
- Have mastered how to manage your emotional state so that you experience many more positive states and if unexpected challenges or stress points arise you have the emotional fitness to be able to catapult yourself into resourceful states automatically
- Have developed the ability to quieten negative internal voice, eliminate unwanted thoughts, re-wire new empowering responses
- Have installed in yourself the NLP attitude and learnt the key distinction to be able to identify what technique to use when
- And taken your life to a whole new level, confident and certain that you have a bright future…. when you apply what you learn inside this unique program.
Who Is This Course For?
Before I review exactly what you will receive lets address who this course is for…
This is course is not for people who have no prior experience with NLP or who have serious mental health issues.
Using NLP on yourself to create more of the life you want is for anyone who has some prior experience with NLP.You will be familiar with terms such as representational systems, strategies and sub-modalities are and will have had some experience working with NLP, such as through a training or self-application via a book.
As mentioned above this training zeros in on the mind set, the inner game attitude and core behaviors (emotional mastery, state control, go for it attitude) that are at the heart of using NLP to improve your life. While several key techniques are provided (self anchoring, re-wiring emotional states and behaviors etc) this is not a course in the techniques of NLP. When you have applied what is taught here you will be able to pick up any “techniques” book on NLP and use it to effect specific changes you want.
Get immediately download Michael Breen – Using NLP On Yourself
If you are a person who has tried before to use NLP on yourself and not yet been able to consistently get the results you want, or if you are curious and eager to learn the inner mind set and attitudes that enable one to excel using NLP on yourself, then this course is most certainly for you.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Using NLP On Yourself
IMPORTANT: This entire “Michael Breen – Using NLP On Yourself” is completely downloadable and available to you immediately (In case of a broken link, we will renew your link shortly). Your patience is appreciated.