What You’ll Discover in Michael J. Breus Get Better Sleep
This course can be delivered immediately. Let’s face it, if you are reading this it is because you don’t sleep as well as you want to or as well as you once did and you want to solve your problem (Don’t worry, we will)…. File Size: 391MB
Michael J. Breus – Get Better Sleep
Get Better Sleep
This is your most complete self-Online directed sleep improvement course. This book contains the most important information I have learned from years of clinical experience and my professional work with patients. I’ve taken WHAT WORKS BEST and combined it into an easy to understand program that you can do for yourself.
Are you struggling to fall asleep? Do you struggle to stay asleep the entire night? Are you tired of not being in a position to shut off your brain and get good sleep?
This is your most complete self-Online directed sleep improvement course. This course is a culmination of my clinical experience and years of professional knowledge. I’ve taken WHAT WORKS BEST and combined it into an easy to understand program that you can do for yourself.
Do you feel tired and irritable?
A recent survey found that 78% of Americans reported feeling tired or very tired at least once a week. 38% reported feeling tired more than four days a week. 51% of American teens say that they feel tired or sleepy at school. While the study was conducted for Americans I’m confident it holds similarly true for most industrialized countries.
Let’s face it, if you are reading this it is because you don’t sleep as well as you want to or as well as you once did and you want to solve your problem (Don’t worry, we will).
According to a survey I conducted with my readers, 82.5% stated that the most important sleep problem they faced was wanting to sleep. “get a better night of sleep” and that holds true with the hundreds of questions I have answered live each week on my Facebook Live Wake Up Wednesday Q&A.
I’m Michael BreusPh.D. Clinical Psychologist. Diplomate of American Board of Psychology. Sleep Medicine and Fellow of The American Academy of Medicine Sleep Medicine.
At the age of 31, I was among the youngest to have passed Board. Sleep Disorders and amenable. One of 163 psychologists worldwide These credentials are required
I wrote the seminal book on Chronotype and timing called The Power of When (you’ll find it on Amazon) I’m also on the clinical advisory board of The Dr. Oz Show and have appeared on the show more than 30 times.
When you can’t sleep well you feel tired, run down, you can’t think right. Your energy is low, even the things you enjoy doing don’t make you as happy as they once did. You may find it difficult to just get through the day and spend a lot of time thinking about how tired or depressed you are.
There are many reasons that you might not feel rested. You might have trouble falling asleep, waking up, or staying asleep.
You might be surprised at how much it can take up your entire life. You know, kids, carpools, job, spouse, commitments, money, stress … there often just isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done and stealing time from sleep simple. Many of us get up in the morning, fuel our bodies with caffeine and carbs, and then we get to work. We then go to bed at night and drink a few drinks or take a sleeping pill to get us to sleep. It is possible to imagine that everything will be okay if we have enough time to get our sleep in on weekends or vacations.
But sleep doesn’t work that way… In fact…
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Since you were born, you have gone to sleep every night and woke up every morning.
However, no one ever taught you how to properly sleep.
There are rules to eating. How to purchase your food and how to store it.
But what rules do you have about sleeping?
If you are like most people, you already know the basics as well as old wives tales. Get 8 hours sleep per night Don’t drink caffeine before bed. Maybe don’t watch TV (or today read email or Facebook right before you try to sleep). The room should be dark, cool, and quiet. Get to bed on the same night every night. Is it possible to live like this?
These recommendations are very sensible, but will they fit your life? I doubt it.
Most people don’t have the real facts based on the Science of Sleep Medical science has led to poor sleep habits, which can lead to poor quality and quantity. Why? We get our information from non-Sources of credible information: The media are our blessing-Friends and family who are kindhearted, even doctors. A majority of people have never heard of or spoken to a Sleep Doctor. They probably had, and they went to a sleep test and were diagnosed with apnea. The doctor may have said that they did not have apnea. “Oh Well, here are some sleep guidelines, Good Luck” Walking out of the office carrying a sheet of labeled paper “Sleep Hygiene” that repeated many ideas we just talked about in the paragraph before this one – which ended up in the trash.
But here you are, exhausted, sleepy, and no closer to finding a solution than ever before.
waiting for the weekend so you can catch up on your sleep…
FACT: You can’t really “catch up” On sleep. It isn’t bankable it is a get it or forget it situation. You need to sleep enough to feel good and be able function the next day. It is important to get it right at night. I will show how you can do it with minimal effort and inconvenience.
As a critical care social worker, I was frequently the one to deliver bad news. All my patients were suffering from difficult diagnoses. I tried to give them hope, but all I could remember was how tired and sleepless I felt every day. For almost twenty years I had taken sleeping pills. They stopped working for me. Dr. Breus He offered to help me. I told him. “I’m hopeless, sleeping pills don’t even work on me anymore,” And “I feel so guilty, so many people suffer from so much more than me”, “Did I fail at sleep?” Dr. Breus He helped me with the process and I started to feel better. I now get a good night’s sleep every night. I can’t tell you what it has meant to me to be able to meet the day refreshed and full of energy throughout each day.
Atlanta, Georgia Clinical Social Worker
You can sleep better every night, believe it or not
Predictably, you will wake up feeling refreshed and rested.
In 17 years, I’ve helped thousands of people.-Year career. This is a huge issue for many people, so I decided to do my best to help everyone.
Here’s why:
Almost EVERYONE, even YOU can have a good night of sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and recharged … if you just know what to do.
I’ve taken my 17 years of clinical experience along with rigorously tested scientific techniques for better sleep and created a self-Directed 28 Night Sleep You can take full control of your sleep, and make the necessary changes to maximize every wink.
This technology is so advanced that Astronauts can use it to optimize their sleep in space and to recover from space.
The program’s modules are broken down into simple to understand and easy to implement sections. It wasn’t meant to disrupt your whole evening. Instead, it was designed to help you sleep better and go with your natural rhythm.
These are the course topics:
- Are You a Licensed Professional? Sleep Disorder? You should know what to do in the event of disorder.
- A bedroom makeover: Create a peaceful sanctuary for your sleep by using the right equipment and relaxing rituals.
- Medicine Cabinet Makeover: Hidden Ingredients that could be affecting your Sleep (Good and Evil)
- Sleep Bootcamp: 28 Nights for the best night of sleep
- The Sleep Robbers- Is there something else that could be affecting your sleeping patterns?
- Are You Stressed Too Much? Sleep?
- The Caffeine Fiend
- Hormonal Fluctuations
- Parenting
- Your Partner in Bed
- Supplements: Truth, Lies and What Works
- How to stop snoring
- Additional Bonuses: The Best Foods And Yoga Poses to Maximize Sleep
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You can Try My for a Limited Time Better Sleep Course Now For Just $39 And I’ll Protect Your Purchase With A Full Money Back Guarantee
This is your most complete self-Online directed sleep improvement course. This course combines my clinical experience with patients and professional experience to provide the most relevant information. I’ve taken WHAT WORKS BEST and combined it into an easy to understand the program.
It’s like having a personal sleep specialist that walks you through the most important aspects and ways to help you sleep better. It isn’t some canned generalizations that you read when you Google your way around better sleep on the internet. You will sleep better if this intervention is followed.
If you were to go through this process with me personally in my office, you’d pay thousands of dollars and have to go through many office meetings and you’d have to wait through the process to get results. I’m so committed to helping you with your sleep that I want to make this the easiest decision you’ve ever made. That’s why I’m pricing this at the very affordable price of $39.00.
You also get a full refund guarantee within 45 days. If you can honestly say you did the work and you aren’t sleeping better, then feel absolutely comfortable asking for a refund and we’ll rush it to you.
I know you’ve probably tried everything to sleep better EXCEPT (in most cases) working with a sleep specialist. This is your chance for you to be taught how to sleep better and why you may not be getting the best sleep possible. Most people don’t need gizmos, gadgets, pills, potions, or booze to sleep. To get the best sleep possible, you only need to know how to do it.
Here is an example of one of the lessons. You’ll get in the course if you’d like to see the depth of the material that I’m sharing with you. I warn you though, this isn’t the fully stuff you find online and in blog posts, this is what you’d learn if you scheduled an appointment and saw me in a clinic.
I could go on and on about all you’ll learn but I think the proof is in the pillow (don’t worry, I’m not giving up my day job to become the punniest man alive).
You can try the sleep course. If you aren’t sleeping better after you’ve completed all the lessons simply ask for a refund within 45 days of purchase and we’ll rush it to you. You won’t believe how much this works unless you get a better night sleep.
Here’s all you need to do right now. Click the Buy Now button to receive immediate access and access to the course. There is nothing to lose, and you can enjoy a lifetime of better sleeping habits.
I’ll see you inside the course!
Michael Breus Ph.D – The Sleep Doctor (TM)
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