What You’ll Discover in Mike Chang’s Insane Home Fat Loss
Mike Chang’s – Insane Home Fat Loss
Mike Chang is this fitness guru who has been seen on YouTube like a gajillion times etc… He also had another product called Six Pack Shortcuts which I have never tried. While he looks pretty trim, don’t get fooled by the fact that he didn’t become that way. Insane Home Fat Loss system. This isn’t to say that it won’t get you into great shape. But he was already in great shape before the product was released. We’re being truthful here.
So… with that said Here is the deal. As I complete the workout, I will be back to update this page. Today is July 2, 2012. I just completed the exercise. Day 2 The Fatal Assassin – Chest/Back/Core. Some might wonder why I started on Day 2? It’s because I was not interested in doing the fit test for Day 1. I am confident that I am in good shape and don’t care about numbers. I know I’ll be in better shape if I exercise for more than a few days.
Keep checking back for a review as I complete each circuit. They will be listed below, with additional information as I go.
Day 1: The Wake-Up Call (Fit-Test)
It was not what I did, but it does look interesting. It is a great way to get in shape if you’re new to exercising.
Day 2: The Fatal Assassin: Chest/Back/Core
Ok, here’s my first taste. Mike Chang’s Insane Home Fat Loss system
It is short at 17 minutes, which I find a little too short. But was it enough to make me dripping with sweat? YES. Did I struggle with the push-ups at the end of the workout? YES.
In just 17 minutes, I was sweating profusely and feeling tired. It was, in my opinion, a very good workout. It is tiring, but it was worth it. It’s great to get a quick workout.
Keep in mind that I am just coming off the Insanity end of the workout. It was approximately a 45-minute work out and the warm up took only 9 minutes. Although I’m not as tired and sweaty after that workout, I feel like I did get a decent workout.
For someone just starting out, this system is great. This is not only a great system, but it’s also a good way to get a good workout.
This is basically how the first workout goes down. Start by warming up for about 2 minutes with some jogging, jumping jacks and high knees. The circuit consists of three circuits of the exact same exercise. The circuit lasts about 30 seconds. After that, you take a 15-second break.
Day 3: Maximum After-Burn: Legs/Core
Sorry it took me 3 days to do the next workout, but I did it today. Ok, today was Maximum After Burn. I was burning! This workout was a great way to reenergize.-It enforces the idea of muscle confusion. That’s what I meant when I said that I was doing the The Insanity Workout Over the past two years, I have been doing it on and off. It is a hard workout, so I was thinking about this. “Insane Home Fat Loss” It shouldn’t be so difficult. I was wrong. I was still sore from the first workout. Today’s workout was exhausting. My hamstrings were so tight that I am unable to walk. I am not complaining… I love it… it means I worked hard!
Here’s a breakdown of today’s exercises.
Do a 1 minute 30 second warm-up, then go into it for 3 circuits.
- Double Pump Jumping Squat
- Jumping Lunges
- One-Legged Toe Touches
- Jumping Knee Tucks
- Ski Hops
- Planks at the elbow and knee
- Jumping Squats
- Side Burpees with Push-Ups
This workout will take you around 2 minutes. Although the moves are simple, they should be clearly explained to you at the beginning. There are many people doing slightly different moves, but that is not important. My legs were tired and sore, I was sweaty. It was definitely a great workout.
Day 4: The Super Hero: Shoulders/Triceps/Core
I am back on track. I really wanted to be able to complete the workouts in a week. But, I have not been able. Today’s workout was The Super Hero and it was amazing. One thing I can say about the quicker workouts: I tend to be more focused on my form, and push myself harder than with longer workouts. I also know that I have to save energy so I may slack off sometimes.
This circuit is the start of today’s workout.
- Close Grip Dynamic Push Ups – Keep those hands close!
- Pike Push Ups –
- Spidermans – These really work the stability.
- Squat with towel raised
- High knees
- Front to Side Laterals – I make sure to really squeeze my shoulders/lats
- Skyscrapers – I don’t know why I love doing these
- Mountain Climbers
Day 5: Fat Destroyer: Abs/Core/Cardio
So I started Monday with The Fat They call it “Destroyer” or “Distroyer”, as they spell it in the video. It’s unclear if they meant that. Anyways… This was a bit longer, about 25 minutes. After this one, I was absolutely dripping and loved the combination of exercises.
I loved the speed of the workout and how it made me sweat. The ab exercises were also included, which I found enjoyable. I’m sure I’ll be sore tomorrow.
Here is the circuit.
- Jumping Knee Tucks
- Towel Sit Ups
- Burpees “Did I mention I hate burpees”
- Yoga Plank Glute Raise ” I really liked these… squeeze yer butt!”
- Mountain Climbers
- Sixpack Wipes
- Side to Side Jumps
- High knees
- Air Jacks “These are cool and I was surprised at how well I did them.”
- Toe Touching Crunches
Day 6: Upper Body Blaster: Chest/Back/Delts
I just love working out my upper body. Push ups are a pain when you do them for the first time. The variations were interesting and I enjoyed some moves I had never done before. Although my abs were sore from Day5 it didn’t hurt. Overall, it was a great workout.
Here are the Day 6 Holds
- Alternating Pushup
- Standing Towel Pullup “You really gotta flex as you do it”
- In & Out Push Ups “these were very interesting”
- Bent over Towel Front Raises “Squeeze!”
- Half Burpee Push-Ups “another I have never done, very cool”
- Floor Swimmers “be careful if you have neck issues”
- Towel snatches “these actually work…squeeze”
- Prayers “pray to your God you get through it
Overall a great little workout that really had me sweating.
Day 7: The Knock Out: Legs
I love and hate working out legs. We all know the burn that you can get when really working your legs, but that is truly how we get stronger and burn more fat by using the bigger muscle groups. Today’s workout had some really cool exercises and I wanted to quit into the 3rd circuit but I pushed through.
Here is how Day 7 went
- In Place Sprints
- Back Lunges “lunges are always killer but make sure of form”
- Towel Raised: Hopping Squats “there was no towel involved lol”
- Ground Shuffles “didn’t really like these”
- Donkey Kicks with Squat “better then a donkey punch! ;-)”
- Kangaroos
- Alt Mountain Climbers “had to make sure I didn’t swing my knees to far”
- Military Squat with knees “I like these a lot, just don’t pull on neck”
Day 8: The Kamikaze
It’s Kamikaze time! It is still sore from my workouts this week, which is a good thing. From yesterday’s exercise, my hamstrings were sore this morning. “The KNock OUt ” workout. I was curious about what Mike We had today’s Delts/Triceps/Core work out in store.
Here is the story.
- Close Grip Pushups
- Dive Bombers “I remember these from P90X”
- Floor Dips “I did not realize how sore my triceps already were”
- Standing Pike Pushups “was a but confused if I was supposed to ststraighten up or not”
- Hydraulics “these were interesting. Hurt my forearms :-(“
- Towel Upright Rows “Squeeze!!!”
- Kickbacks “Holy cow my triceps were sore!”
- Prayers up above “Pray for that Six Pack!”
Day 9: Cores Galore
Okay, I’m done with the last workout Insane Home Fat Loss It makes me feel great! This is a great core exercise!
I’ll go into detail in my final conclusion, but here’s what happened on day 9.
- Towel Chops “believe it or not they felt good!”
- X Rolls “They were actually hard to do, but I can see how they will help!”
- Floor Runners “never did with the arms moving. Great burn”
- Half Burpees “Go wide legged to get a real midsection burn”
- Are High Knees Possible? I think it was a naming mistake lol. This move was not my favorite.
- Rainbows – interesting
- The Karate Kid “Give em the crane danny!”
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