What You’ll Discover in Mindvalley Quest The M word
Typical tuition fees for a program of this caliber, where a master coach guides you through meditation over a period of 33 days… will typically cost you thousands of dollars…. File Size: 6.01GB
Mindvalley Quest – The M word
This program is for 90% of those who meditate or would like to meditate but are looking to up their performance and use meditation to improve their lives.
Misinformation attached to meditation is responsible for more than half of the people who quit meditation after their first attempt. This could be something you have experienced, too.
You can’t seem to stay awake during meditation.
It can be difficult to focus and clear your mind.
The You find practice boring, and it seems like you are bored. ‘get nothing’ It is not necessary.
We don’t blame you. Meditation today can be clouded by myths that no long apply.
Instead, what you’ll find with The M Word is an approach that is:
It is so efficient that it takes only minutes but increases your productivity by hours
You do not need to be there “to clear your mind” Oder “focus on the breathe” like so many meditation cliches.
Is so much fun, you’ll start to look forward to your practice every day.
You’ve NEVER been taught meditation this way before.
Emily Fletcher, creator The M Word found her dream job at Broadway. Although it gave her the thrill of stardom and the lights, there was something missing. After many years working her so-called dream job, she was exhausted. Tired. She was 27 when her hair started to turn gray.
Emily had a particularly difficult night and decided to confront a fellow performer about her secrets. Emily was puzzled by this lady. Emily was puzzled by her. She played leads, but she had a calm and beautiful presence. She didn’t seem to be bothered by anything, and this was evident in her confidence and performance on stage.
“How do you do it?” Emily asked.
“Easy darling. I meditate. You ought to try it too.”
Emily was sparked by those 10 words. Quest That would eventually change her.
Modern meditation is the face.
But if it’s so easy? Why is it that so many people don’t meditate? Emily went on a quest to find the answer. The result was one of the most remarkable meditation programs available today.
Emily Fletcher
If You’re Struggling with Meditation You’re Likely Confusing Ancient and Modern Practices
You might have noticed that when you sit down to meditate, your mind wanders rapidly and you lose track of time. ‘focus’. Meditation is no longer the vehicle of bliss, it becomes an endless loop. “loss of focus” This makes you feel upset.
It’s not your fault.
You simply tried the wrong type of meditation.
There are two kinds of meditation, you see.
Meditation intended for monks
Meditation is a way to live in the modern world.
Many people find themselves stuck because they chose meditation for monks. Yes, these practices worked in rural Asia centuries ago because you did not have to worry about your kids, your career, that looming project that’s due — or juggling all of the modern world’s many responsibilities.
Modern meditation, on the other side, is a self-meditation.-care practice so innocent, so playful, and so enjoyable that’s designed to get rid of the old stress stored in your body so you can perform better at life.
Emily Fletcher echoes this sentiment:
“The point of meditation is to get good at life. NOT to get good at Meditation.”
Which is what led her to create…
The M Word, A Meditation Framework The Modern World that is Innovative, Resourceful and Gives Amazing Results
The M Word has been designed to boost your performance professionally and personally.
You can think of it as a strong, but invisible scaffolding which supports you as your climb higher and higher to maximize your potential and give back to the world.
You can have this framework installed in 33 days.
This Is Not Just A Course — It’s a 33 Day Coaching Program on Mindvalley’s New Quest Learning Platform (So You Can Learn at Up To 500% More Than Conventional Courses).
So here’s what we found.…
The The traditional method of taking courses is that you pay for a course and then you take it on your own, studying in your own time for around 8 hours.-10 hours. Some people might complete it in one weekend. Others may take several months.
But you’re doing it by yourself, and it lacks accountability and excitement.
The M Word is running Mindvalley’s Quest learning platform, so what happens is you’re going to go through the program along with thousands of others.
Here’s How Quest Works
1. Everybody Starts on The Same Day (June 29, 2019, in this case).
Emily will coach you every day and ensure that everyone in the community starts on the exact same day. Students learn more when they work together and get better results.
2. Daily Guidance for Gradual Change (33 days) The M Word)
Each day’s learning offers a simple step that will move you towards the goal you’ve set for this program.
3. Micro-Learning: It’s easy to fit learning into your busy days
You don’t have to spend time looking through 10-Hour courses Set aside 10-For 33 days, 20 minutes per day.
4. For maximum results, integrate community learning
All of our students form a community that supports each other in growth.
Instructor Profile
Meet Emily Fletcher
Emily Fletcher is one of the world’s leading experts in meditation. She’s been invited to teach at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, A-Fest & The Omega Center.
This is a stark contrast with the stressed-out Broadway performer she was many years ago. During her 10 years on Broadway, she was-Year career on Broadway, which also included roles in Chicago The Producers & A Chorus Line, she began going gray at 27, suffered from insomnia and was getting sick 4-Five times per year.
She discovered a powerful meditation technique that instantly relieved her insomnia and made her feel better. She was inspired to share her dramatic transformation with others.
After spending years studying ancient Indian practices and teaching thousands of top performers, Emily developed Ziva Meditation. This mental technique combines stress relief with meditation.-The mental clarity and relief that meditation brings, combined with the benefits of meditation. She loves the woo-It makes meditation attractive and easy to do.
Emily’s style of meditation attracts many top performers. Graduates include Oscar, Grammy and Tony award winners, as well as NBA athletes, CEO’s, busy parents and everyone in between.
Emily leading a meditation session at A-Fest Greece
She received a standing ovation just moments earlier.
What You’ll Learn
How The M Word Helps You Perform At The Top of Your Game
After completing the 33-Day The M Word Quest, you will…
01 Experience All The Scientifically Proven Benefits of Meditation
You’ll live your life differently and have a better experience.
JAMA Internal Medicine discovered that meditation can help with anxiety and depression just as well as antidepressants.
Meditation is the best natural way to relieve stress.
Better Sex
Meditation increases awareness of your senses. People report a significant improvement in their sex lives, with a marked increase in frequency and quality.
It is an important well.-A simple 10-Daily meditation for just a few minutes can help reduce stress and improve your performance.
For meditators, migraines are usually 3 hours shorter and occur 1.4 times more often.
Recent research on meditation for ADHD found that 78% of participants experienced a decrease of ADHD symptoms. Only 30% of those who participated reported at least a 30% reduction in ADHD symptoms.
Meditation can help you get rid of your sleep-You can fall asleep naturally at night by reducing stress during the day.
Meditation can make your body less acidic and increase fertility.
02 Become The Woman or man you always wanted to be
The M Word doesn’t just help you get better at meditation. It will help you improve your life.
Better Leadership:
HBR magazine states that meditation can help you get in the right frame of mind to deliver a critical presentation, run a heated meeting, or make a high-level presentation.-Strategic decisions are about stakes
Get your instant download Mindvalley Quest – The M word
Negotiation skills:
Studies show that meditators have high emotional awareness and hence are able to pick up on things you couldn’t tangibly explain. This is an added advantage when trying to understand what’s important for the other party in a negotiation.
Teaching mastery
A study by CARE for teachers found that classrooms were more productive and emotionally positive when their teachers were meditators. This resulted in improved results for students.
Be happy:
Meditators can stop feeling sad and overwhelmed by it. Instead, they can pay attention to their emotions. This helps them overcome their sadness and grief faster.
Entrepreneurship skills:
INC magazine states that meditation can help entrepreneurs retain energy and provide the emotional stability needed to be more productive in their business.
Feel younger and look better
According to UCLA Brain Mapping Center’s study, meditation can be used to prevent cognitive decline. Meditators felt younger, and even looked younger.
Live Longer:
Elizabeth Blackburn, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, suggested that meditation can promote a healthy biochemical environment and cell longevity. This can lead to a healthier body, and a longer life expectancy.
Qualitative relationships
Several studies suggest that meditation can enhance people’s levels of autonomy, closeness and acceptance in romantic relationships as well as promote better understanding between professional partners.
03 Join A Community Of People Who’re Getting Better Each Day
As an example, QuestThe community is an important component. Here’s what you get by participating in it.
Peer-To-Peer learning
You will be able to see the results as you go The M Word program, you will be learning not only from your teacher, but you’ll also learn from other students, their experiences and their unique perspective on what is being taught.
Keep your edge:
The M Word community allows you to stay on top of the latest news and events-To-Date for these breakthroughs.
You can extend your learning program for life:
The M Word community also enables you to continue learning long after you’ve finished the program. It helps preserve the spirit of learning and you’ll be inspired as people share their experiences of improved performance in life. You can access all audios and videos on your computer. Mindvalley You can still make contributions long after the end of the program.
Information on the program
How we Structured The M Word can help you achieve fast and lasting results
The M Word contains tools that build on top of each other in a way that complements each of the techniques you’ll learn.
Part 1: Up Leveling Your Meditation Practice
Part 1 is 17 days
In this period The M Word quest, you’ll be taken step-By-Step through a series The M Word techniques that will help you create a morning practice that you can do on your own.
Discover a simple technique to monitor and manage your relationship with stress so you can wake up everyday feeling like you’re in a paradise-Like a Caribbean beach.
Work with the Balancing Breath meditation, one of the most popular meditation adapted for the modern world, it helps you balance out the performance of your brain’s right and left hemisphere to give you the clarity, vision and drive you need for extraordinary living.
A simple practice can give you instant access into the present moment, no matter how stressful or demanding your life is.
Master the lazy person’s meditation, the one thing you can do to ease into a state of pinpoint awareness when you’re not feeling like doing it.
To calm and immediately soothe your flickering mind, try the Effortless silence technique. It is especially useful if someone has ADD/ADHD.
How to trigger the “Beginner’s Mind” You can set your brain in the most open mode before you start a new project or meet new people.
Learn how to stretch your brain’s limit for remaining in meditative silence and surprise yourself by the amazing spiritual clarity it gives and the synchronicities that then start to show up.
Learn how to get your brain to achieve higher levels of abundance.-Made multi-Millionaires naturally choose to be in this situation.
Try the Love Bomb technique. It is a 2 minute procedure.-You can use this time to practice your confidence in public speaking, business negotiations, and even dating.
You can surprise your friends, family and colleagues by introducing the perfect amount of stillness to your busy day.-You should be able to show them that you value quality in every interaction. (They will notice it.)
Part 2: Up Leveling Your Life
Part 2 is 16 days
This is the place where you step off the meditation cushion into the real world. You’ll learn how To use meditation as a tool for day-to-day challenges, whether it’s work situations, communicating with loved ones, or getting a great night of sleep.
Learn how to use your meditation “magic wand” To overcome real-You can overcome your life’s problems and still be a winner in both your personal and professional life.
For top hedge fund managers, billionaire CEOs, and high-performing artists to achieve peak performance, learn the power pose and breath work techniques.
Get guided through beautiful visualizations that crystallize your future by allowing you to see it in your mind’s eye with Ultra-HD clarity
Understand your mind’s fight or flight triggers and learn how to use it’s loopholes to bypass stress (When you don’t have even a trace of stress, you’ll develop the kind of resourcefulness you see Heros demonstrate in action movies.)
Do the Body-The feeling technique is used to detect stress in the body and develop a knack for detecting health problems before they become serious.
You can master the only formula to mindful consumption. It will help you to have a strong filter to choose what to eat, whether it’s food, movies, or books. You won’t ever again be lured by the desire of others.
Find out how to improve your personal relationships. This can be used to attract the right partner or improve your professional relationships.
Find out a little more-It is a well-known practice to fall into deep, nourishing sleep as soon as you get out of bed. You will wake up feeling amazing every morning.
Master the art of true but effortless forgiveness – a key step in becoming unshakeable in life and work.
You can implement an emotional detox system that automatically eliminates any toxic feelings that may be lingering in your head. This is a failure-A safe way to bring you joy and to crush any negativity that may be slowing your progress in life.
And so much more…
Bonuses: Prerecorded Calls & Guided Meditation
Prerecorded Q&A Sessions With Emily
The prerecorded Q&A Sessions With Emily are included for you! The practice will help you find the answers to any questions or challenges that you may have.
Four guided meditations with Emily
Along with the program you will get 4 Guided Meditations for Travel, Kids & Breakups absolutely FREE. These meditations will be part of the warm-up content and will be available as soon as the program is purchased.
More Success Stories from Emily’s Students
“The quality of my sleep overall is better.”
I found that I was waking up more easily in mornings. My health and diet are better. I am able to remain in the moment and focus on the task at hand with work situations…The My sleep quality is generally better. I’m falling asleep easier than in the past.
Emily’s guidance, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” It has been a game-changer in my commitment to the practice. Yeah, sometimes I meditate at 2 o’clock in the morning, and that’s not ideal, but I do it…I actually haven’t missed my meditation since I began 5 months ago BECAUSE of the technique, I’m proud of that commitment to myself.
Aléna Watters
Performer Artists
“I feel much more alert in the day now than I did before.”
Emily’s meditation is totally different from any other kind of meditation I’d either tried or heard about. This is meditation that you can do alone, in a car or on the subway. This is a great way to find some peace and quiet. I feel much more alert in the day now than I did before, and I’m more perceptive when it comes to my thoughts and feelings.
Stacy London
Fashion Expert: What to Wear?amp; The View
“I started two businesses since meditating, and my life has vastly changed.”
After meditating I set up two businesses, and my entire life has changed. Prior to meditation, I was a nervous wreck who would never make an impact on others. The The joy of difference is something to be celebrated. I’m a lot smarter and more capable than I give myself credit for; it took YOU, teaching me how to meditate, to remember that.
P.S. P.S.
Sophia Parra
Coach Social CEO
“Emily has helped us to fill up our own tank of energy so we can give our clients even more.”
Emily taught Body by Simone how to meditate, and the team was on fire. It is essential to find a way to quickly recover and rest after training as intense as we do. Emily helped us fill up our energy tanks so that we could give more to our clients.
Simone De La Rue
Founder, Body By Simone
“Emily’s meditation = Life Changing!”
Emily’s meditation = Life Changing! After I had just performed in a movie, the director asked me to improvise along with my (super famous!) scene partner. Prior to meditation, I would have panicked and been anxious. But, thanks to meditation, it was easy, calm, and fun.
Susan Blackwell
Actor, Birdman & P.S. I Love You
These are the Top Performances’ Comments on Emily Fletcher
“She’s up there with the A-players.”
“Emily’s work is good stuff. She’s up there with the A-players in the meditation world.”
Dave Asprey
Bulletproof Coffee CEO and Bulletproof Radio Host
“I rarely have performance anxiety anymore.”
“I used to have terrible stage fright. Since learning Emily’s Meditation everything has shifted. It has taught me to stay in the moment and handle all that life hands me. I rarely have performance anxiety anymore. Even during The Sound of Music Live, performing live for millions of people, I wasn’t nervous.”
Laura Benanti
Tony Award Winner
“Meditation is now as vital to my daily routine as eating and sleeping.”
“I never found a meditation practice that I connected with until I was introduced to Emily’s meditation. It was so simple, yet the results were so powerful and immediate. I feel much more centered and grounded regardless of what chaos may be swirling around me. It has also allowed me to access my creativity and intuition in ways I never imagined. Meditation is now as vital to my daily routine as eating and sleeping.”
Woody Schultz
“People say, ‘you look so radiant!’”
“I used to think, ‘I can’t ever quiet my mind, how can I learn to meditate?’ After Emily’s course I know that even if I am having thoughts, it is still working. It is now part of my daily routine and people have noticed a difference: they say. ‘you look so radiant!’
Jenna Dewan-Tatum
Download immediately Mindvalley Quest – The M word
Actress in Supergirl & Witches of East End
“It maybe the best money I have ever spent in my life.”
“With meditation, Emily has given me a stress-relieving tool that’s easy to use and simple to understand. It makes me focused, clear-headed, less anxious, and more awesome. With her expert guidance, meditation is now a non-negotiable activity like taking a shower and brushing my teeth. It maybe the best money I have ever spent in my life.”
Barrett Foa
Star of NCIS LA & Broadway
“Emily Fletcher is a rockstar meditation teacher.”
“If you don’t yet know Emily Fletcher, she’s a rockstar meditation teacher who’s taken all the woo-woo out of it. And she’s getting me take on meditation practice (yes, for real!).”
JJ Virgin
Celebrity nutritionist & fitness expert. NY Times best seller for The Virgin Diet & Sugar Impact Diet
Sign up now
Our Commitment to Leading Edge Education @ Prices Everybody Can Afford
Typical tuition fees for a program of this caliber, where a master coach guides you through meditation over a period of 33 days… will typically cost you thousands of dollars.
But since we’re committed to getting these to as many people as possible, Mindvalley Our goal is to create the best programs in each category (such as Meditation) and deliver them at a fraction the regular price because we have economies of scale.
A program of this kind and calibre requires an annual enrollment fee of $999.
This program will be available until June 29, 2020, so enroll now at a small $349 investment.
Don’t Decide Now — Try The M Word for 10 days
You can sign up for the program and go through the materials over the next 10 days.-You can cancel at any time.
And if you’re not over-The-You will be thrilled with the results. Simply email our team to get your entire investment back.
It’s that easy.
So get started now. There is nothing to lose, but there are many opportunities to learn.
Click here “Add-to-Cart” Click the button below.
Why not order today?
Four powerful advantages only now
By becoming one of our students in Emily Fletcher’s new program on Mindvalley Academy, The M Word, you’ll get FOUR special opportunities that will never ever be available in the future. Here’s what they are and why…
1. The Take Advantage of the Discount Prices Available Now
The A coaching program such as this usually costs $999. (Note: An hour of coaching with Emily Fletcher starts at $300, and her in-person training costs more than $1,000 per person. Meditation may be the best investment you make in your own health. However, we want this to reach as many people possible. Therefore, we have dropped the price 65%… when you order today.
Another reason for the discount: as we’re launching Emily Fletcher’s quest on Mindvalley Academy, we want to get your feedback and comments on the quest and your results…so we’ve made the investment as low as possible. All we ask is that you email us (we’ll reach out to you) at the end of the program to share your story.
2. Join Thousands of Other Students June 29, 2020
The M Word is not your regular self-Study course. Instead, it combines the best aspects of the traditional and the modern self-Study course and seminar with added effectiveness for an obstacle-Course-Race-style micro-Learn experience. Which means that you’ll be joining this 33-Day The M Word Search with thousands of like-minded meditation enthusiasts who’ll encourage you, help you overcome challenges, and push you to go past your limits.
This is how you get the experience.
3. Gain Access To Emily Fletcher’s prerecorded teachings
This batch of enrollment The M Word, you will have access to the prerecorded Q&A sessions with Emily Fletcher herself.
In this previous LIVE Q&A other The M Word students can throw Emily questions and challenges, and she will amaze them with her loving wisdom.
It’s going to be a fun session with the woman that Vishen says is his favorite meditation teacher in the world, for an entire hour. These sessions are not included in the program and would normally cost hundreds of dollars.
You’re getting it FREE when you enroll for the June 29, 2020 batch.
4. Our 10-Day (from when the program began), No-Questions-Ask Money-Back Guarantee
This is what we know. Vishen Lakhiani himself is an ardent fan of Emily Fletcher’s work and he wrote about her in his bestselling book, The Code of Conduct The Extraordinary Mind. Not only that, Emily’s style of meditation has become so popular that she’s been asked to teach at Harvard Business School, and Google. This program is one of the best you can invest in.
However, in the unlikely event that you aren’t completely blown away by the program, even if you just don’t like the color of the cover, please contact our support team for a prompt and courteous refund.
You’re Protected By Mindvalley’s Unconditional 10-Day Guarantee
When you’re buying a car, you can test drive it. When you’re buying a house, you can take a tour of it. We believe you should have the same peace of mind with your education too – so we’re giving you up to 10 risk-Superbrain available for free for up to 30 days Quest Try it out and let us know how it goes for you.
AAnd if you’re not over-The-To get a refund immediately after you are satisfied with your results, visit our Refund Page. It’s that easy.
Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Manager
Click here “Add to Cart” Press the button and try The M Now is the time to speak up
Included in this program
Complete 33-Day The M Word Quest Emily Fletcher
Get started Quest to meditation & life mastery on June 29, 2020, with thousands of others
Pre-recorded Q&A sessions with Emily with answers to all your personal challenges and questions about meditation.
Four FREE Guided Meditations for Travel, Kids & Breakups (included in the warm up content of the program)
Free mobile app (Compatible With iOS and Android) to allow you to experience it wherever, whenever.
iPad App for consuming on your Apple iPad
For 33 days, receive daily guidance from Emily and audio and video coaching.
A vibrant group of students provides community support and group mastermind.
Unconditional 10-Day money-The program comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Also, the award-Customer support that you can count on, so you always feel taken care of
Find out more about this: http://archive.li/z48Fw
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Mindvalley Quest – The M word” Completely Downloadable And Available Check your account
(If your link is broken, we will renew it as soon as possible).
Your patience is greatly appreciated.