What You’ll Discover in Mirabai Starr Caravan of No Despair
Mirabai Starr – Caravan of No Despair
If you’ve been through a heart-You’ve experienced a loss that was so devastating, it is hard to find your way through these stages. of grief. Waves of Sadness, anger, and depression can strike for months and even years.
Meanwhile, there’s often pressure from family, friends and colleagues, who try to force “normalcy” Before you might be ready. They might want to “cheer you up” Get assistance “get back on your feet” rather than meet you as companions in the dark and scary places that arise when you’ve had a profound loss.
This can result in deeper feelings of Isolation and disconnection. You may feel isolated and disconnected.
If we try and avoid or abort natural grieving, we can ruin what can be an amazing journey of Transformation, spiritual opening, and profound healing.
Working our way, step by step, through tragic losses can play a central role in our spiritual life, since grief tends to crack us open to the depths of life in a way that nothing else can.
Transforming grief can help us become more in touch with what really matters. We can clarify what we believe. We are more committed to loving deeply. We also engage in more meaningful work.
St. Teresa’s heartache can be transformed into what we need of Avila calls the “beautiful wound,” a kind of It is the pain that connects us to the Divine. The wound, even while painful, can give rise, eventually, to the serenity, love and even joy that comes from feeling deeply connected with the Source of All of life.
Seen through a spiritual lens, grief is thus a profound opportunity for our evolution — both a deeper embodiment of You can have more connection to Spirit than you do life.
It’s no accident that many of history’s most renowned mystics were catapulted into their path of Illumination and service are possible through heartbreak, tragedy and great loss. These events can be transformed into a path. of This will bring us to our knees and allow us to face any truths or emotions. This, in turn, can open us to real surrender.
The “move on” The mentality that pervades culture can deprive us of our freedoms of A profound chance to feel more compassion, sacred connection, and better understanding of life’s meaning.
That’s not to minimize the loss itself, of A loved one is an example. But our grief can be a portal to a deeper, wiser and richer experience of When you are consciously involved in spiritual practices, life can be lived. This is the way to find your path. of Loss becomes a journey of Healing and redemption
Each of them is in fact unique of The five traditional phases of Elisabeth Kubler popularized grief-Ross can be experienced as spiritual initiation. Feeling the burn, for example. of Anger can open us up to our inner fire and allow us to feel passion for life and create change. It can be helpful to let go of any false ideas and goals by allowing ourselves to cocoon inside ourselves for a while.
Ultimately, grief and loss offer the potential for an alchemical journey in which the darkness and suffering we face can turn into the gold of A deeper relationship with God and a deeper life.
We need support and guidance to help us create a safe space in which we can process our hurt emotions and allow us to enter the heart. of The fire must be rekindled.
This is the place where 12 comes in.-Module virtual program is here, an incredible opportunity in which to be guided in navigating and managing your own losses in an alchemical way of transformation.
The course title Caravan of No Despair, It comes from a Rumi poetry in which he wrote. “Ours is no caravan of despair. Come, yet again, come.” It refers a person’s attitude of Welcome is ultimately the way of Accept what is.
Despair It is when we give up on all hope. This is all too common during the journey. of grief. Instead, we offer a sanctuary where you can be compassionately guided through the natural stages. of So that you can overcome grief and loss, and be open to redemption, healing, or the promise of God’s grace and mercy. of You can live a more fulfilling life without feeling rushed at every stage.
Indeed, it’s vital that we absorb the initiation that each stage of There are many ways to deal with grief. Each wave opens us up to new possibilities.
Your guide and teacher in this spiritual journey through the grief process is Mirabai StarrA beloved spiritual teacher who was also someone who experienced deep, profound grief.-It is a terrible level of grief, and includes sudden loss of Her daughter was in an accident with a car.
For MirabaiThe loss was both a crucifixion as well as a path to deeper spiritual realization. Mirabai So, he has walked the entire journey of The alchemical power of grief is well-known and deeply felt.
Mirabai He has also published many highly acclaimed books on women mystics including St. Teresa. of Avila, and she has walked a path that includes Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist practices — all woven together in a deeply honoring way.
This course is her gift to you. Mirabai You will be guided to powerful reclamation of The path of grief as a way to harvest the “soul lessons” loss unearths, enabling you to live your life more deeply.
The course of The 12-module journey with her, you’ll:
- Learn how to create a sacred space and enter naked into the luminous fire available to you when your world has been shattered.
- Be clear about the difference between consolation or transformation.
- Approach each of The five stages of Grief can be viewed as spiritual initiations. Take your time in each stage, and circle back as necessary.
- Rewrite the script of Take what happened and create the ending that you like.
- Reframe “denial” A state of grace and engage your anger as a spiritual warrior.
- Cultivate compassion for yourself even as you replay the story of It happened again and again.
- Instead of trying to fix your broken heart, let go and allow the mystery to guide you.
- Accept “what is” Without minimizing your loss.
- Expand your ability to befriend your heartache, pain and longing as allies on the path of Ecstatic surrender.
- Learn from many spiritual traditions about the annihilating power. of love.
- Identify the positive qualities that loss can bring to you (e.g. dignity, fearlessness or humor).
Mirabai Guide you on a deeply personal, tender, and sacred journey to help you navigate each phase of Grace with more grief
Each contemplation and teaching session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to navigate the stages of You can grieve in a way that leads to spiritual transformation.
Module 1: Sitting in the Fire (Recorded October 21)

You will learn:
- You can learn somatic techniques to deal with the strong emotions that may arise when we are grieving.
- Be clear about the difference between consolation or transformation.
- Take a look at the teachings of multiple spiritual traditions that embrace the annihilating force. of love.
- Learn more “disenfranchised grief” How to allow yourself and others to grieve hidden losses
- Start to make an altar for your loved ones who have passed.
Module 2: Yearning for the Beloved
(Recorded October 28, 2008)

- Find the numinous quality in your losses, and use this to connect you with the Divine.
- Try contemplative reading of Poetry of Spiritual practice for the mystics.
- Learn to love-Language from the Song of Songs (Judaism), the Gita Govinda, Hinduism.
- Give in to the urge to heal your brokenness.
Module 3: The Landscape of Loss
(Recorded November 4).

- Learn the classic stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.
- These stages can be reframed as spiritual stations.
- A timeline can be created of Reduce your losses and search for new patterns.
- Find out more about St. Francis of Assisi took a particular path. of Transformation and loss.
Module 4: Denial as Grace
(Recorded November 11, 2008)

- Accept the altered state. of Recognizing the loss of profound consciousness and accepting it as an opportunity to move on from the daily grind and be in a larger field, is a way to embrace it. of awareness.
- Be sure to affirm your power of Community to help with a loss and create a new web of Assistance for the Bereaved
- Identify the positive characteristics that loss brings to you (e.g. dignity, fearlessness, humor).
- Find out what the current research says about the effects of Trauma on the brain.
Module 5: Isolation as Wisdom
(Recorded November 18).

- Plan to spend a day with your partner of Absolute solitude and silence.
- If you find it difficult to share your thoughts with others, consider bringing a friend along to tell the story. of your loss.
- You should inventory both the obvious and subtle ways you are looking at. of When the emotions are intense, it is called an intense experience.
- Learn more about Tara and Kuan Yin, and then turn to them as refuge.
Module 6: Anger as Protest
(Recorded December 2nd)

- Make a list of You are crazy at everyone about your loss(es).
- Write a letter of Protest to God (or the Divine or the Universe, or to any higher power you may relate to).
- The archetype is available for you to explore of The Spiritual Warrior is a warrior across all faiths.
Module 7: Bargaining as Problem-Solving (Recorded December 9)

- Re-Write the script of Take what happened and create the ending that you like.
- Self-practice-You can use soothing phrases to calm yourself when you are kicking your own arse.
- Learn more about well-Loved saints and mystics who lost the center of their souls, just as you do.
- This is a stage that you should accept, even though it may seem like it. of It is not possible to make grief disappear magically.
- You can be kind to yourself.
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Module 8: Depression as Surrender
(Recorded December 16).

- Find out more about the 16th-Saint John, a century-old mystic of The Cross was referring to when he created the term “Dark Night of the Soul.”
- Recognize the times when you felt you had experienced it. “Night of Sense.”
- Let go of the need to understand and know. Accept the mystery.
- Practice meditation on groundlessness from Pema Chödrön.
Module 9: Stripped, Shattered & Blessed (Recorded January 6)

- John’s key passages are available here of The Cross of the blessing of The Dark Night.
- Recognize the times when you felt you had experienced it. “Night of Spirit.”
- Find out the connection between personal grief and longing to be with the Divine.
- Find out about other mystical traditions which affirm necessity of Overcoming the Limitations of The intellect.
Module 10: Acceptance as Integration
(Recorded January 13).

- Find the ways you have taken what happened and made it complete. of your life.
- Notice the areas where you feel broken and fragmented, and make a plan to restore your wholeness.
- Find out about mystics and saints who experienced profound loss.
Module 11: Relocation
(Recorded January 20, 2008)

- To access the spirit world of your loved ones, you can participate in guided meditations
- From a place, write a love note to someone you have lost. of renewed connection.
- Use the power of your mind of Allow your loss to propel you deeper into your life.
- Julian: Learn more of Norwich and her vision of Christ-The-Mother.
Module 12: This Beautiful Wound
(Recorded January 27).

- Learn more about “Transverberation” of Teresa of Avila.
- Accept the flames of Instead of being a disease that must be cured, grieving is a connection with your loved one.
- Plan your future of Action for the one you are aiming to be of service.
- Compile a list of Use these films, music, and poems to help you and your loved ones.
- Complete your altar for your loved one(s).
Additional to Mirabai’s transformative 12-module online training, you’ll receive these powerful program sessions with some of the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions are being offered to further complement what you’ll learn in the course — and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
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Here’s What You Will Get In Caravan of No Despair
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