What You’ll Discover in Mirabai Starr Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy
Mirabai Starr – Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy
A 6-Immersion for a Month
With Author, Mystic Scholar & Interspiritual Teacher
Mirabai Starr
A 21-Module On-Video Training is required
The radical wisdom of the Buddha of women mystics — breaking free from rules and dogma to forge your own path of transformation.
You can embark on a journey that will unite you with the Beloved and ignite your creativity.
Do you seek deeper connection with yourself and your spiritual community? of sisters?
Are you tired of religious traditions but still long for intimacy with your Beloved?
You’ve undoubtedly gone deep on your spiritual path…. and the stack of Books on your nightstand are forever growing
Yet, many spiritual practices and belief systems (both ancient and new) can feel dry and disconnected from the heart…. and lack the wisdom, guidance, and refuge you’re seeking.
When traditional beliefs, religions, teachers, and practices are deeply rooted in tradition, where do you turn for guidance? “paradigm”?
The Journey of The Modern Mystic
The great female mystics of History can help you…
Their hearts were filled with love for the Beloved. Their hearts spoke the language of Justice and love.
They offer a way to realize your potential that is deeply relevant.
You can find a way to refill your cup when it gets too hard, and then get re-energized.-Get into the fire of Spiritually grounded and grounded in your power, you can live a life that is spiritually balanced.
As a woman, a leader, a healer, you’re likely feeling an even greater need to tap a deeper wellspring of Spiritual wisdom to help you sustain yourself and heal the planet.
Mirabai Starr It allows you to be your true self …., a place where you can let go of your worries, nurture your soul and get guidance for your day.
We have spiritual and literary access through her to inspiration, wisdom and practical action. of Original feminine mystics, from many spiritual traditions.
Often rebels, these wisdom beings helped heal and transform others — and pioneered the feminine mystical path that we desperately need today.
Give your heart a break for the love of your life
This is the new place to call home.-Reputable interspiritual teacher Mirabai Starr You will find refuge and permission to fulfill your longing for the Beloved.
As part of the journey, you’ll be initiated into the sacred writings and timeless wisdom of Many women have become mystics. Taking inspiration from their example, you’ll re-Your longing for connection, meaning, beauty and healing will be fulfilled.
You’ll respond — from your deepest feminine heart — to the “cries of the world,” Doing what is right for you…
Each month, you’ll explore, access, and integrate different women mystics and sacred texts, in communion with other seekers who have grown tired of Dogma and spirituality “lite” This transcends human suffering and struggle.
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Mirabai has selected goddesses and mystics for their specific essence and wisdom, sacred texts to support and deepen their teachings, and guest faculty to act as your guides — as you find deeper refuge, ignite your creative fire, and commune with your spiritual sisters and brothers.
Be Guided by a Respected Interspiritual Teacher & Mystic Scholar
This journey will be led by author, mystic scholar, or interspiritual instructor. Mirabai Starr.
A specialist in feminine mysticism Mirabai Many books have been praised on the great Goddesses Mystics and theostics, including Our Lady of Guadalupe und St. Teresa of Avila, and she has walked a path that includes Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist practices — woven together in a deeply honoring way. She is one. of The most passionate and eloquent voices supporting the revival of Contemporary spirituality: The Sacred Feminine
An “interspiritual” Pilgrim who practices vipassana and observes Shabbat and honors all spiritual linesages Mirabai This will take you deep into the depths of your own wisdom — drawing inspiration from goddesses and women mystics from multiple lineages.
During this 6-Month-long video training with the world-Reputable interspiritual teacher Mirabai, you’ll:
Reclaim your love-Longing is a powerful way to union with God
Instead of viewing your emotions, passion, and sensitivity only as symptoms, embrace them as spiritual gifts. of Weakness or imbalance
Relaxation can help you control and fix your spiritual awakening.
Get in touch with your desire for Boundless love and dissolution
Activate your power of Ecstatic union and devotion
Find out more about Shekinah, the embodiment of sacred creativity
Beauty and meaning can be found in nature, art and the Sacred.
Invoke the prophetic voices of radical wisdom in your heart of The Three Marias (Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary, Miriam)
Explore the Earth Mother archetype through the spiritual traditions, world mythologies, and more
Make an altar to the Sacred Feminine to be used as your journey unfolds
Recover through mercy, compassion, and stillness.
What You’ll Discover in This Journey
This advanced program includes Mirabai, you’ll immerse yourself spiritual practice, meditation — guided and silent — chanting, dharma talks, deepening practices, and more. You’ll discover a deeper refuge, ignite your creative fire, and commune with your spiritual sisters and brothers.
You’ll spend time over live video with world-renowned, spiritual teachers, musician-Writers, activists, and others can share in the joys of life of You can learn mystical poetry, engage in creative projects, and receive devotional and contemplative support.-Double practices.
Deepening your intimacy with the Beloved, you’ll feel less compelled to seek it outside of You are the one who has your heart. of We have been often disappointed. You will find a way to heal your human relationships with the Earth and become whole by engaging with mystics, sacred texts and teachers.
Each session will build on the others so that you can develop a holistic understanding. of The practices, tools and principles that you need to fill your cup, ignite your creativity, and act accordingly of service.
© 2019 The Shift Network
Module 1 – Opening your Heart to Your Beloved
Activate the Power of Devotion & Ecstatic Union
You’ve long yearned to be in direct communion with the Divine, yet you may have set aside this desire in pursuit of A mature and more thoughtful person. “sober” Spirituality that neglects your heart.
If you have ember of Spiritual longing is still burning within you. It bursts into flame when you are in love, break your heart, or get close to death. This time, it is in sanctuary with. Mirabai You will be able to open your heart and have an intimate, passionate relationship with your Beloved.
You’ll nourish your longing for deep love with the Great Mystery — drawing sustenance from devotional practices and ecstatic poetry of The feminine mystical tradition.
In this module, you’ll:
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Reclaim your love-Longing is a powerful way to union with God and healing in this world
Accept your passion, emotion, and heightened sense of sensitivity as spiritual gifts rather than symptoms of Weakness or imbalance
The Great Mystery can revitalize your intimacy
Your love affair with God can infuse all of your human relationships.
Expecting your human partner will fulfill your secret longing for divine connection is a way to find freedom.
Enjoy the devotional poetry of Women mystics come from all spiritual traditions, including the mystical tradition of women mystics. MirabaiLalla, Lalla, and the Song of Songs, Majnun, and Layla
Nina Rao (internationally acclaimed musician and teacher) is our guest teacher of Chanting and kirtan of The Hanuman Chalisa
Nina Rao, nine years old, learned traditional chants (bhajans), from her grandfather. He was a South India villager. She kept the chants with her until she discovered chanting again with Krishna Das in New York. She tours with him and records with him. Her own albums include Antarayaami — Knower of All Hearts. She is a regular leader in kirtan and chanting of The Hanuman Chalisa sings in her home town of Brooklyn, New York, & Beyond
Module 2: Boundless Love: The Opening
Let go of the illusion of Separation & Control
Many of We are all victims of the illusion of Separation from God, Spirit, God, and the Divine …., as well as each other. We engage in practices that are designed to “get us somewhere and give us something,” An illusion that we are impure, imperfect, or disconnected drives us.
Unwittingly, you may also put your attention on the mechanisms — prayer, meditation and mindfulness, for example — forgetting you’re already one with the Beloved, and always have been, and ever shall be.
In this session, you’ll discover non-Dual teachings that will help you let go of your illusion of Separation and surrender to an unconditional, boundless love. The presence of God will be obvious to you. of The sacred in ….. in every moment and everyday.
In this module, you’ll:
Relaxation can help you control and fix your spiritual awakening.
Examine teachings of Self-Emptying and “holy annihilation” Through the spiritual traditions
Get connected to your desire for the Boundless
As a way to experience grace, you can learn basic inquiry practices of Non-Dual reality
Miranda Macpherson is a renowned teacher, author and guest teacher of Non-awakened Living and awakened Living-dualism
Miranda Macpherson, a well-known teacher, is of Non-Dual spirituality, well-known for her presence and ability to direct others into experience. of The Sacred. A tangible atmosphere of She teaches unconditional love and transmits a synthesis of her unconditional love of Self-Meditation, prayer, spirituality, and inquiry are her three main areas of expertise. Her holistic approach to nonexistence-Double realization is possible of She was inspired by the silent presence to awaken her own process of awakening of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s A Course in Miracles is a comprehensive study of the world’s wisdom traditions and the Diamond Approach. She’s the author of Boundless Love and the Heart of A mantra CD.
Module 3: Unleashing Your Holy Creativity
Find Beauty & Meaning in Artistic Expression, Nature & Shakti
We can let daily needs take priority over the things we truly love …., if only all of these things are available to us. of These items have been checked by our to-Once we have a list, we can move on to a more meaningful life. Activities such as resting, restoring our bodies, creating art, and connecting to nature are second.
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It’s time to reclaim your relationship with beauty and nature. You don’t have to be a master artist to revel in the joy of Painting, drawing, poetry, fiction, music, and dancing are all possibilities. Engaging in creativity can make you a conduit for God and an instrument. of peace.
We’ve disconnected from the “wild child” of our true nature. Our vulnerability and creativity are our true nature. “unrefined” Whatever the outcome, Shakti, our sacred life force, is channeled. It’s not about the result. Instead, creativity is a way to connect with Beloved.
In this module, you’ll:
Find out more about Shekinah, the embodiment of The Divine Infusing All of Creation
You can establish a Sabbath ritual to heal your body and mind and align you with God.
Be committed to creating work of art to be finished by the end of You can share the course on the community page
Explore the archetypes of Beauty and creativity are shared by the spiritual traditions such as Saraswati or Athena
Explore the ancient yogic teachings of Radiance Sutras
Guest Teacher: Azimakolin, a Sufi and classical musician who is internationally renowned
Azima Melita Kolin has been awarded the Azima Melita Award-winning, world-She is a well-known musician and writer. Azima, a 13-century Persian mystical poet Rumi inspired, began a series of publications in 1997. of Concert-readings, combining Rumi’s poems with classical music by Bach, Beethoven, Scriabin, and Brahms. A joint effort with readers of various nationalities, she’s given hundreds of Concerts in England, Scotland and Germany. She performed in Queen Elizabeth Hall, London in 1991 with Persian artists.
Module 4: Sisterhood and the 3 Marias
Wise Allies for your Journey
Rarely do you have the ability to see the truth. of Women prophets speak the truth of feminine power and wisdom, meeting depraved humanity with deep compassion, or creatively overcoming life’s adversities…
But powerful guides like Mother Mary, Miriam and Mary Magdalene can lead you to a deeper path. of transformation — for our lives and our world — is revealed.
Your journey can be nourished, supported and enriched by their prophetic voices and radical wisdom. of healing.
Our ability to authentically connect with the Beloved and respond to their cries of the world — is rooted in feminine wisdom and the heart.
In this module, you’ll:
Mary Magdalene back to her rightful place within the mythos of The Christ
Explore your own story in stories of Miriam
To deepen your connection with the Divine Feminine, engage in guided meditation
Mother Mary, a universal resource of Infinite love
In light of the New Testament story, reframe Mary and Martha’s story. of Integrating the inner life and service
Mona Haydar is a globally acclaimed poet, rapper, and sacred activist. She is also a tireless God.-enthusiast
Mona Haydar, a well-known poet, poet, sacred activist, and tireless God, is Mona Haydar.-enthusiast. Hijabi, her debut song (Wrap My Hijab), was one of her most popular songs. of 2017’s top protest songs and is considered one of The top feminist anthems of Every moment. Mona was born in Flint in Michigan. Mona spent her childhood in Damascus studying Islamic spirituality and Arabic. She’s lived in the mountains of northern New Mexico, Lama Foundation, redwood forest of northern California, and now lives in Harlem, New York, where she’s pursuing her MA in Christian Ethics.
Module 5: Grounding Yourself in the Earth
Reclaim Your Internet Connection of Life
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Our planet has suffered irreparable harm from humanity’s separation from the feminine. In the process, we’ve lost our connection with the land, our bodies and the very life force.
If you feel the Earth’s pain, how can we practice not turning our backs on her?
In this module, you’ll find meaningful separation between the grief of Your losses and your ability hold onto the anguish of Other beings and of Our Sister, Mother Earth (as St. of Assisii calls her so sweetly. You will regain your connection with the internet of life — and clearly perceive the earth’s wounds, tend to them, and heal your separation from the feminine.
In this module, you’ll:
Develop a close relationship with the Earth, as a treasured relative
Make a practice of Spending time outdoors every day will help you expand your knowledge of This is how it looks in urban environments, and to accommodate people with disabilities and other restrictions.
Explore the Earth Mother archetype in the spiritual traditions and world mythologies, including Gaia and Pachamama, Mayan deities, Aztec deities and Greco-Roman fertility goddesses and the insights of Contemporary environmental science
You can create an altar to The Sacred Feminine that you can add to as your journey unfolds
Pat McCabe, Guest Teacher “Woman Stands Shining,” Navajo grandmother, artist, writer and ceremonial leader.
Pat McCabe speaks out for peace in the world. Her paintings serve as tools for healing individuals, the Earth, and the global community. Pat believes the words of elders: “what we are suffering from at this time on the planet is a crisis of relationship.” She points to the “Ways of Knowing” Indigenous culture is the key to sustainability, restoration and recovery of The planet. Her teachings are deeply rooted into the feminine.
Module 6: Finding Refuge and Sanctuary
Replenishment Through Mercy, Compassion & Stillness
Multiple crises around the globe can make us feel helpless and battered. Soul-Weary can make us feel isolated, unworthy or even unloved.
Self-mistakes can also happen-Take care of yourself-indulgence — fearing that refilling our empty cup will take us away from the urgent tasks of Perfecting ourselves and fixing the World
But, we have to fill our cups. We can restore and rehabilitate by being tender and compassionate.-We can be a force if we energize of This world is full of goodness.
Put your burden down. Find refuge in the stillness of The solitude and the plenitude of community…
In this module, you’ll:
To combat burnout, try simple exercises
Create new networks or connect with existing communities of Connection around a common interest
Learn the inspiring life and radically positive teachings of Dr. John Sullivan of Julian, a medieval visionary. of Norwich
Discover the archetypes of Quan Yin, Tara and the Bodhisattvas Quan Yin of Compassion
Discover how you can find your unique prophetic voice
Father Bill McNichols is a guest teacher, icon painter and philosopher who was formerly a Jesuit priest.
Father Bill spent his whole life exploring the intersection of beauty and spirit. Former Jesuit priest, he is passionate about philosophy and theology. He is a Master of Arts. of Pratt Institute Fine Arts Landscape Painting
During the time of His AIDS ministry, he illustrated more 25 books for Paulist Press. He’s published various collections of Icons created in collaboration with Orbis Books and the writings of Prophetic figures of Our Times, Daniel Berrigan and John Dear, Megan McKenna, Megan McKenna, Mirabai Starr. Father Bill is a resident of Albuquerque in New Mexico. He studies icon painting under Robert Lentz, a Russian American master.
The Goddesses & Mystics Soul Sanctuary Bonus Collection
Additionally, Mirabai’s transformative online training, you’ll receive these powerful bonuses with some of the world’s leading visionaries and teachers. These powerful offerings complement what you’ll discover in the course — and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
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Sneak Preview: For Your Eyes Only of As yet unpublished work
Mirabai Starr Reads from her New Book
In this series of Soon, she will be sending you readings-To-Be-Published book Wild Mercy, Mirabai Share with you an intimate sampling of Sounds True will publish her gorgeous work in 2019.
Secret Fiesta
Mirabai The bold invitation to participate in a party that is bound to delightly disrupt the existing religious paradigm is extended.
A Contemplative Lifestyle to Live
Mirabai It evokes the connection of radical awe with deep stillness, reminding us how beauty can be a gateway to transcendence.
Mustard Seed
Mirabai The Buddha advises a mother who has lost her child to collect a mustard seed from each household that has not been affected by death.
Prayer-Poems for the Divine Feminine
Audio Collection From Mirabai Starr
This audio collection contains poetry, prayers, and gems of A collection of lyrical prose of women mystics — from Hildegard of Bingen and Julian of Norwich to Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Black Madonna — as well as Mirabai’s ecstatic reflections on the wild heart of The Divine Feminine and our call to embody them in our lives.
The Divine Feminine: Awakening
Two guided meditations available Mirabai Starr
These deeply moving and transformative guided meditations will help you to find your inner peace. Mirabai Her soothing voice will lead you to a tranquility that is accessible at all times.
You’ll receive the following meditations from Mirabai:
Guided Meditation to Awaken the Divine Feminine
The Arms of the Arms of The Mother (featuring music by Jenny Bird)
St. Teresa of Avila: Ecstasy & Common Sense
Audio Dialogue Mirabai Starr Tessa Bielecki
Tessa Mirabai When they met, it was over ten years earlier. Mirabai read Tessa’s groundbreaking work on St. Teresa of Avila, Ecstasy & Common Sense, and tracked her down. Since then, they have been soul-sisters, writing and teaching together, and experiencing transformational losses. They also celebrate the sacred every opportunity they get. Listen to their love song.
Tessa Bielecki coexisted with Carmelite monks for over 40 years.-Found the Spiritual Life Institute and was Mother Absbess. of From 2005, she was a member of the contemplative community. She teaches at Colorado College and gives retreats and lectures.-West speaks and writes. She’s the author of Three books on St. Teresa of Avila and Teresa recently recorded of Avila: The Book of My Life for Shambhala Audio Wild At Heart: Radical Teachings of The Christian Mystics For Sounds True
Living Love as Modern Mystics
Audio Dialogue Mirabai Starr Sister Greta Ronningen
This bonus session will include: Mirabai Sister Greta Ronningen joins us for a discussion about the little-These are highly interesting and well-known teachings of Beguine Mysticism. Beguines, a movement of and by women that was founded in 13th century, lasted 800 years. They published Love Mysticism, encouraging one another to share in the divine nature.-Not through contemplation, but through self-emptying-Engage with the suffering to show love of The sick and the poor.
Sr. Greta RONNINGEN, CDL, MA is a founding Member of The Community of Divine Love is an Episcopal monastic community in San Gabriel (California). Sr. Greta is the chaplain for Los Angeles County Jails and implements a 3-She developed a year-long spiritual formation program for Los Padrinos Juvenile hall’s young women called The Good Seed Program. She holds a master’s degree in Spiritual Formation from Claremont School of Theology.
Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Bonus Classes
Two Videos Teachings Mirabai Starr
Mirabai Created two 60-minute specials-As companion teachings to the Soul Sanctuary, these bonus sessions can be accessed for a few minutes. These lessons will enrich your experience. of The 6-month journey.
Session 1: The Bhagavad Gita & The Sacred Feminine
The Bhagavad Gita, a classic Hindu text, is where Arjuna, a prince reluctantly taking on the task, is found. of Leading his army into a civil conflict, and Krishna, The God of Love disguised in royal charioteer engages in transformational dialogue about devotion, awakened action and love.
What happens when we change our perspective on this timeless teaching? of It is a spiritual act of warriorship that we can see through the lens of The feminine? This session will take the Gita from the battlefield to the land. of The heart.
Session 2: Hildegard of Bingen & the Greening Power of The Divine
Hildegard, the medieval Rhineland visionary. of Bingen was a poet, a seer, and an artist. He also healed with herbs and crystals. He was also a social critic and a composer. of She is known for her sublime music. She was also a worshipper of The One is accessed through the many attributes of The natural world.
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In this session we explore Hildegard’s radically feminine teaching of “Vriditas” — God’s “greening power” Every particle is permeated of Creation.
What are the Graduates? of Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Are You Saying…
“…. Mirabai has affirmed, healed, and deepened my personal journey”
The course includes Mirabai It has strengthened, affirmed, and healed me. Every session was a joy. Every man and woman I know would love to take this course. I’m also very impressed with The Shift network team too! They put together everything so I can quickly access each session. We are grateful!
— Anonymous
“I now have an expanded view on the Divine…”
I loved Mirabai — her beautiful appearance and nature and her wonderful structuring of The course was very therapeutic for me, with its chants from various traditions, breathing technique and visualizations, and the beautiful readings. She also gave insightful talks about the different goddesses. I now have an expanded view on the Divine and my yearning for the Beloved is now intensified…. I’m in remission from cancer and at 81 years of The need to be able to communicate with others has been felt by all ages. of Something more spiritual in your life. The course is recommended to anyone looking for an extra dimension of spirituality
— Patrice Buetefuer, Brahma Lodge, South Australia
“I feel more connected to and loved by the universe”
Since the age of eight, I’ve felt like an outsider as I participated in organized religion in the U.S. At the age of 18, I was of 68, realize that it’s the goddesses that I have always needed. I’m overcoming hurdles in my personal life, mostly with being, as Clarissa Pinkola Estes would name me, an unmothered child, and am learning to trust the goddesses as I do my friends. My meditation practice is more enriching and I feel more connected to the universe and loved by it. This entire experience is something I treasure with joy.
— Julie Sanders, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
“I don’t feel as alone on my journey as I did…”
I’m so grateful for this course and profound level of spiritual care. Beautiful, we are grateful. MirabaiThanks for sharing your truth, fierce love and action! Through your books, the stories and poetry, spiritual practices, talking about spiritual activism and difficult conversations even among friends and the writing prompts, thought processes, heart beats, and breaths, I’ve grown a ton and will continue to do so and grow in spiritual awareness with both feet on the ground cultivating and growing compassion and gentleness. I don’t feel as alone on my journey as I did at the beginning of The course. I can see that there is a whole world out there going through it too and we’ve all got each other and we’re all one, and we’re gonna be alright…. because we have each other. Thank you Mirabai We are so grateful for your generosity! Your gift is so precious to me! Blessings of Peace to all!
— Laura, Ohio
“What a wonderful, heartfelt, richly creative tribe of women!”
Mirabai She is not only an accomplished scholar but also a deeply rooted human being. I enjoyed being with her, experiencing her warmth, sincerity and wisdom. It was also fascinating to learn about the goddesses and mystics that she has been inspired by. Also, I was touched by the amazing artistry displayed on our group ….. What a beautiful, heartfelt, and richly creative tribe of women! We are so grateful to you all and especially to you, my dearest! Mirabai!
— Anonymous
“…. it felt so good to be held by the Feminine Mystics”
I lost my husband nine months ago. It felt so good to be surrounded by the Feminine. Mystics. I’m not sure I understand, but this program came in my email box at the right time for me.
— Carolann, Ontario, Canada
“…. gave me a lot more allies and a lot more energy”
I found out that people all over the world are experiencing parallel changes to what I’m experiencing in Louisiana. It’s a lot. of Even though I believed that my struggles were local, they are global. I had a larger perspective which gave me a lot of allies and much more energy.
— Cindy Levy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
“This planet is a better place because of [Mirabai]!”
Wonderful experience! Every class and every meeting was a great experience. Mirabai’s spirit was a priceless gift. This planet is a better one because of [Mirabai]! St. Catherine would agree. “Be who the Divine calls you to be and set the world on fire.” Mirabai This is a wonderful source of light. All my blessings!
— Anonymous
“It has all been a real joy”
Each session was beautiful and I wanted to see it again. of The facets of The Divine Feminine. I’m reading again some books I already have about Mary Magdalene, because I have been so inspired by the course and Mirabel’s delivery of it. It’s been a great experience.
— Anonymous
“Mirabai Starr is an international treasure”
Mirabai Starr This course is a treasure trove. Anyone on a contemplative path should take this course.
— Annie, Australia
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Twenty-One 90-Minute-long Recorded Class Sessions Mirabai Starr
Rare opportunity to learn from a mystic-Interspiritual and scholar teacher Mirabai Starr — from the comfort of Your own home. Each class session will help you discover the skills and abilities that are necessary to fully understand the interconnected wisdom of the heart. of The teachings of The goddesses and the mystics.
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Twenty-One PDF Transcript of Classes
Apart from the high prices,-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. The class transcription will be available in PDF format so you can review and print the key insights and practices.
Questions and Exercises for Every Lesson
After each lesson, you’ll have the option of Answering questions and completing exercises that are related, using new tools and practicing them, will help to accelerate your learning.
The Goddesses & Mystics Soul Sanctuary Bonus Collection
Sneak Preview: For Your Eyes Only of As yet unpublished work
Mirabai Starr Read from her new book Wild Mercy
Prayer-Poems for the Divine Feminine
Audio Collection From Mirabai Starr
The Divine Feminine: Awakening
Two guided meditations available Mirabai Starr
St. Teresa of Avila: Ecstasy & Common Sense
Audio Dialogue Mirabai Starr Tessa Bielecki
Modern Love: Living in Love Mystics
Audio Dialogue Mirabai Starr Sister Greta Ronningen
Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Bonus Classes
Two Videos Teachings Mirabai Starr
This is an unprecedented opportunity to join the Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy Soul Sanctuary
We feel honored Mirabai Starr To offer this unique online training, The Shift Network has chosen to partner. This is an opportunity to learn from an internationally recognized mystic.-Scholar and interspiritual teacher, whose brilliant insights and pioneering work have helped us heal and awaken our Divine Self and the Divine in all of us.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Mirabai’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!
Among Mirabai’s many gifts are her own interspiritual practices and authentic embodiment of The teachings of The ancient traditions. She lives a life grounded in love and creates a teaching environment in which you’ll feel truly held in a safe and compassionate container as you experience this profound inner journey.
If you’re serious about experiencing the Oneness and deep unconditional love at the core of The teachings of Opening to a new way of life through the mystics and goddesses of You owe it your loved ones, yourself, and the world to practice wholeness, service and sacred balance.-of-You can find more information at-Kind training
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
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Here’s What You Will Get In Mirabai Starr – Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy
IMPORTANT: This is the entire “Mirabai Starr – Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy” It is totally Downloadable You are available immediately (in the event of an emergency). of If your link is broken, we will soon renew it. We appreciate your patience.