What You’ll Discover in Morter HeatthSystem Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique
Morter HeatthSystem – Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique
Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.(B.E.S.T. Morter, Jr., a non-profit organization-Forceful, energy balancing hands-A procedure to help the body regain its full healing potential. B.E.S.T. B.E.S.T. is widely used by medical professionals all over the globe who practice mind/body therapy and recognize that the whole body is greater than the sum of its parts. This system of health care is the most advanced in the world and can balance body, mind and memory, as well as enhancing the flow and distribution of energy throughout the system. It is an integrated system.-Technique for body healing.
The body is short-Unresolved subconscious emotional issues can cause circuited neurological patterning that affects all systems needed for health and wellbeing. These patterns may manifest as tight muscles, dysfunctional glands or organs, emotional stress, or depression-type reactions. The body can reconnect its circuitry to the brain by accessing certain areas through pressure point therapy. This is when you touch certain points on the head in a particular sequence and think about specific memory stresses.
These pressure points can be stimulated as part of the B.E.S.T. Clinical experience has proven this to be true. Your body will not only feel better but it will also begin to heal and rebuild itself. This approach will help you to achieve this balance over the coming days, weeks, and months.
B.E.S.T. is what you want.?
The electromagnetic nature of the body is magnetic. It can be affected by magnetic fields and electrical fields. Bio-Energetic These types of energy can be used to heal. The work can only be done by hands if it is being performed by a practitioner. If used for self-treatment-To remove blocks from the nervous system or subconscious memory storage, healing techniques, breathing work, and mental focus training can be used. The mind is taught to be aware of the effects of stored interference, and then use a variety energetic bandwidths and conscious breath exercises to dissolve them.
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Bio-Energetic The treatment results in a natural balance of nerve function and communication among the Subconscious and Conscious divisions of Central Nervous System.
It is a gentle, painless, non-Force methodology for promoting wellbeing.
It addresses the cause instead of the symptoms exhibited in the individual.
Bio-Energetics can help the body return to its natural state.
Self-The benefits of Mental Focus and Healing Breathwork include a shift in disposition towards a self-centered state.-Enabled life experience. You can practice while you are doing other activities every day. Once you have learned them, they don’t take up much of your time.
These are your own.-Dr. Sue can teach you how to perform administered practices Morter’s Energy Codes coursework.
Bio-Energetic The gentle and noninvasive nature of healing has proven to be extremely effective.-Forcing approach
In January 2004, Dr. Fabrizio Manncini, president of Parker College of Chiropractic addressed 8,000 chiropractors in Las Vegas. After Dr. Sue was presented, Dr. Morter’s father Dr. M.T. MorterJr. “Lifetime Achievement Award” He was recognized for his contributions to chiropractic and the development the B.E.S.T.
The study involved patients who had not responded to conventional medical care. If a 15% improvement was observed in casework with B.E.S.T., it was considered clinically significant. In the study. The study was a huge success with a remarkable 85% improvement in patients’ pain levels and other aspects of their lives like depression, emotional stress, and general well-being.
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique
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