What You’ll Discover in Neil DeGrasse Tyson Teaches Scientific Thinking & Communication
Cultural biases or assumptions can have a profound impact on how we treat others, and they can be more difficult to spot than we realize. Neil This article explains how to avoid unconscious and conscious cultural biases File Size: 1.72GB
Neil DeGrasse Tyson – Teaches Scientific Thinking & Communication
She is a star on a talk show and has authored bestselling books. Neil deGrasse Tyson One of the most well-known figures in modern science. This influential astrophysicist will show you how his mind works and how to connect with others. Learn to think like a skeptic, open your own mind through scientific literacy, distill data, and navigate bias to discover objective truths—and deliver your ideas in ways that engage, excite, and inspire.
The class will cover the following topics
Each class has an in-Downloadable workbook in depth
1. It is not as important what you know as how you think
Meet your new instructor: world-Emmy, a renowned astrophysicist and Emmy-Nominated host and author. Science communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson. Neil We are pleased to welcome you and discuss the importance of scientific thinking.
2. The Frontier of Science
Science’s frontier is messy. Neil takes you through the process of understanding the frontier’s landscape and explains the roles of hypothesis and theory in determining objective truths.
3. The Scientific Method
If we use scientific methods to find objective truths, then nature is our judge and juror. Neil Here are some incredible astrophysical examples showing how this method is used in real life, and in the vastness of our universe.
4. Be skeptical: Ask questions
Asking questions is a good idea.-And-Scientific thinking can only be achieved by embracing the truth. Neil Talks about informed skepticism and how to assess incoming scientific data.
5. Cognitive Bias
Cognitive bias is possible if you are human. Neil This article identifies some common cognitive biases, and shows how our need for specialness may be preventing us from searching objective truths.
6. Beware of Cultural Bias
Download immediately Neil DeGrasse Tyson – Teaches Scientific Thinking & Communication
Cultural biases, assumptions and how we treat each other can affect our relationships. However, they are more difficult to recognize than we might think. Neil It explains how you can avoid unconscious and conscious cultural biases.
7. Our Systems of Belief
Each belief system is unique and can have identifiable biases that affect our ability to think scientifically. Neil Talks about these biases, and how inner beliefs may have an important impact on society and science.
8. Scientific Measurement: Calculating what is incalculable
Neil He explores scientific measurement, one of his favourite subjects. He distinguishes between precision and accuracy, and provides examples to illustrate the approximations inherent in every measurement.
9. Communication: It’s Not Enough to Be Right
Communication of objective truths is as important as scientific thinking methods. Neil His personal reasons for believing this and his favorite communication tools are shared.
10. Preparing for Your Audience
To properly prepare for an audience, you need to get detailed information about whom you’re speaking to. Neil He discusses demographics and how it influences his message.
11. Communication Tactics
You can communicate with your audience by understanding their motivations. Neil Review some of the key points “tool belt items” He uses this when speaking with groups.
12. Encourage curiosity in your audience
Communication is only as good as the ability to spark curiosity. Neil It demonstrates how strategic delivery of information can be a powerful tool for your communication arsenal.
13. The Future of Our World
Neil presents his case for why scientific thinking and effective communication strategies are necessary for the progress of society—and why everything he’s discussed is just the beginning of what’s important to consider.
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