What You’ll Discover in Perry Nickelston – Lymphatic Mojo Webcast
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Perry Nickelston – Lymphatic Mojo Webcast
Is there a system that is more powerful than any other in your body?
The lymphatic system.
It is the clear fluid that surrounds your cells. Your entire body, including cartilage, nails and hair, is bathed with lymph. It is literally like swimming in lymphatic fluid. This nicknamed the Body Aquarium.
A lymphatic problem is a condition that results in chronic pain, illness, such as Lyme, Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue, IBS and Crohn’s Disease. Only you need to find out how much.
Three years ago, I was very ill. I felt terrible and had many health problems. I claimed to have made some improvements in my health, but still felt horrible. I was used to feeling awful. You get so used feeling bad that you assume it’s normal. You lose sight of what feeling good feels like. You don’t have suffer. My illness allowed me to discover the reasons I felt so horrible and why no one in medicine could help. My lymphatic system was a total disaster. Surprised to find that healthcare providers receive very little education on the role of lymphatic systems in poor health?
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