What You’ll Discover in Rabbi David Ingber The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program
It’s about aligning your energy with the deeper structure of The universe and your life as seen through the lens of The “Sephirot” — 10 spheres that represent a kind of “energetic anatomy” of The universe.
Rabbi David Ingber – The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program
Deep understanding and practice of Jewish mysticism for personal and spiritual growth.
Find practical guidance for your everyday life through an evolutionary, interspiritual view of an ancient lineage.
Do you desire to fully understand? Kabbalah You can also take your study )…. further to learn its profound connection with other wisdom traditions.
Are you ready to honor and understand the ancient roots? of Kabbalah Use the principles in a modern context for your everyday life.
Are you open to spiritual teachings that activate and engage your mind as much as your heart?
If yes, you can answer any of these questions, you’re ready to dive into the beautiful mysteries of KabbalahA path once hidden from the public, but now open to all.
Judaism is a deep-rooted religion. Kabbalah Literally, it means “receiving tradition.” To preserve the sacred message explaining their relationship, it was transmitted orally from one rabbi (rabbi) to another. of The eternal, mysterious Divine and the finite, physical world.
This wisdom is more than just an exploration. of The Mysteries of the universe…. it’s a profound adventure inward.
A holistic path for the 21st century
Kabbalah offers a uniquely integrated, holistic pathway to spiritual growth — from deep wisdom and healing insights to practical advice for evolving our world.
It’s about aligning your energy with the deeper structure of The universe and your life as seen through the lens of The “Sephirot” — 10 spheres that represent a kind of “energetic anatomy” of The universe.
The teaching of Kabbalah, you’re a microcosm of The Cosmos, where G-D is constantly incarnating, healing, evolving …. an unique expression of The Divine is in motion. This sacred wisdom can help you become radiant and fully alive.
These Jewish mysteries have been kept secret for centuries by even committed Jews. They were only recently revealed to the outside world. of The Jewish faith.
We’re now blessed to be able to understand, practice and apply this powerful path in a modern, global context — one in which serious seekers of Wisdom has the potential to grow “divine eyes” That’s what the ten Sefirot represent.
Each of These spheres are a prism that allows you to see part of them of Your role in the universe and yourself. They provide qualities of This allows you to see the world through a different perspective of Wholeness and balance are achieved by choosing the right qualities to harmonize and balance opposing energies.
Explore the 32 Paths of Wisdom
Each letter of The Hebrew alphabet is a “path of wisdom,” As well as holy vibrations or emanations of The structure of The universe. These 22 letters, when combined with the ten energies of the Sephirot give rise to the 32 paths of Wisdom, uniting to create a whole-hearted and divine human.
While 32 paths may seem daunting, we’re truly multi-Dimensional beings and Kabbalah It helps us see the patterns within our complexity and master them.
Each path of Wisdom is a type of Energy and energy together make up a type of Energy-efficient anatomy of All of the universe. As you activate, integrate, and balance these underlying qualities, you become a fully expressed human being — and a reflection of The Divine.
And as if that weren’t enough, advanced realms are also available of Kabbalah recognize reincarnation and the soul’s evolution As a key to the repair of the world. Advanced “magical” Pragmatism and invocations of blessing in Kabbalah Bring a sacred quality into our daily lives.
Kabbalah It is also concerned about healing of The world. Kabbalists especially see our role in the world as that of humans. Tikkun Olam — a phrase that means, “repairing the world by reassembling the divine shards that have broken.”
Engaging in the practices of KabbalahIt is possible to repair what has been done and find the inner light. of You can have the Divine in all of your lives.
Download immediately Rabbi David Ingber – The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program
See the World Through Divine Eyes
In The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program With Rabbi David Ingber, you’ll receive advanced teachings and practices that bring alive the Tree of Life — the symbolic map at the core of Kabbalah — as well as open up more advanced practices with letters, relationships, and paths of wisdom.
Kabbalists are always scholars-Mystics can have families, careers, and worldly responsibilities. This powerful lineage of mystical power does not focus on monastic practice, but rather a life. of In which each aspect is integrated into a wholeness of Our lives become radiant with light of The Divine.
Rabbi David You will learn how to balance masculine, feminine energies and create the sacred union of Both the opposites will guide you on a spiritual path in which practical guidance is provided The 32 paths can be walked of wisdom to create a life that’s wise, loving and whole.
You’ll expand your understanding of The Cosmos and life. You’ll begin to see with divine eyes, open to a deeper meaning of Live with more joy by using words, symbols, and numbers.
You’ll savor the richness of Tradition that supports the movement of the Divine in all things — and experience the true depth of your life.
The Power of A Profound Teacher
The quality of Our engagement with spiritual teachers is largely dependent on their authenticity. At The Shift Network spent years searching for a teacher who could revive Jewish mystical tradition in an accessible way.
We’re delighted to have found that teacher in Rabbi David Ingber. Rabbi David His younger years were steeped in Hasidic tradition, and he went on to deep multifaceted experiences.-Faith quest, in which he drank the wisdom of Many esoteric traditions, practices, and beliefs.
He then re-His lineage was approached with an interspiritual and holistic lens. His ability to translate esoteric ideas into practical and applicable concepts is something he has mastered. Because we respect the wisdom of Many lineages Rabbi David The best choice for mining gems of Understanding Jewish mysticism through insight of The deep connections to other major traditions.
Rabbi David Is both a scholar, and a human being.-teacher. He can convey the essence of You can teach a lesson on a philosophical level, but ground it in everyday stories. Because of his ability to bridge many worlds, he’s been recognized as one of The most influential rabbis of America.
More Than a Course: A Journey Into Wisdom
In this program, you’ll not only be able to receive a lifetime of Six months of illuminating months have been created from the best scholarship and practice. You’ll also participate in a virtual community of seekers of Wisdom from all over the globe
During this powerful program, you’ll:
- The deep principles of Magic and work with vibratory patterns of Language, number and sound can show you the universe
- Learn the letters of Hebrew Alpha-Bet one of The oldest and most powerful vibrational tools to transform consciousness
- The 22 letters can be used to move energy through your body and into your energetic system.
- Learn the advanced foundations for understanding the Tree of Life and 10 Sefirot. Kabbalah Spiritual practice
- The Kabbalist view of the Bible reveals the most profound layers of Interpretation and meaning
- Be specific yichudim To unify Masculine-Feminine energies
- Find out how to balance the different energies within your body when you engage with your family, friends, and work colleagues.
- Identify your unique soul mission — and your lessons in this lifetime
- Learn the 6 words of A blessing practice that can be used as a spiritual daily journey
- Explore the Kabbalistic Creation myth — from the Constriction to the Breaking of The Vessels to Rectification of The Vessels
- Learn the Sod Ha’Keruvim, the Mystery of The Cherubs are a language of enlightened love, living and the Cherubs are a group of people called “The Cherubs”.
- Deepen the deep journey of Tikkun Olam
- Find out more about the magical, meditative and philosophical schools of Kabbalah
- Understanding endurance and surrender and the difference between pushing and pulling is key to effective energetic action.
- Explore the mysteries of Tzimtzum — and the power and application of Creative constriction (rather that expansion)
- Learn about the ancient practices of Kabbalists “release sparks of Divine Light”
- Discover a deeper understanding of Non-dual consciousness
- You can find out more about it here.
What You’ll Discover in This Journey
This is a transformational program. David will guide you through more advanced spiritual skills and competencies that you’ll need to successfully understand the core teachings of Kabbalah To work efficiently with the Tree of The 32 paths of life of Wisdom, and the ability to use specific practices in your day.
Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the next so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your awakened heart and mind and walk in the world.
Not sure if you’ve ever experienced? Rabbi David’s Kabbalah Teachings from before? You are welcome to this advanced training, but we ask that you learn (on your terms) from the foundational The Way of Kabbalah 7-Module course, required prerequisite to your registration.
Module 1: Abracadabra
Working With the Magic & Power of The Hebrew Alphabet
Foundation is a key component of Kabbalah A deeper understanding is key of The power of Language is what connects us with the subtle structure. of All of it. You can become aware of The Hebrew alphabet letters have a specific meaning and creative power. This opens you up to a relationship the the manifesting power of Words are the bridge between our consciousnesses and the material world. The Bible says: “In the beginning was the Word,” it’s speaking to the primary world-shaping power of language.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn the letters of Hebrew Alpha-Bet one of This is the most powerful and oldest vibrational tool to transform consciousness
- Find out the number, name, shape and meaning of this figure of Each letter: Understanding how language creates reality
- Do your best to practice the sound, breathing, quality, and rhythm. of Each of The letters and the unique meditation practice of combining these building blocks with the letters of Creation
- To circulate energy throughout the body and to strengthen the energetic system, you can use the letters.
- Find out the meaning of this mysterious word of The Book of Formation, or Sefer Yetzirah, A treatise from the 3rd century on the magic power of Hebrew Letters
- Learn words that describe the creation of Each seed letter and sound can be used in multiple ways of These combine to give the full meaning
Module 2 – Walking the 32 Paths of Wisdom
The Ten Sephirot are combined with 22 letters of 32 paths can be created using the Hebrew alphabet of Wisdom. In KabbalahIt is not possible to be wise by following one path. But, it is important to embrace and balance all aspects of life. of These wisdom paths lead to real maturity, growth, and healing.
In this module, you’ll:
- Find out the connections between them of The Sefirot, and the letter that is associated with this energy
- Learn how to combine letters to heal yourself-Awareness and empowerment
- Try the ancient meditation technique of The “231 Gates,” The combination of sound, breath, and movement
- The Bible can be viewed with your eyes of Kabbalist: Uncovering the deepest layers of Meaning
- Learn the meaning of The most powerful Divine Names of the Jewish Tradition and related Chants that infuse you with these sacred qualities
- Discover how to embody a Hebrew name by choosing a Hebrew name
Module 3: The Spiral Path
Unifying Masculine & Feminine
The sacred union is the hallmark of many mystical lineages. of The very core of the human experience is masculine and female of reality. Kabbalah Builds upon the core idea of Incorporating opposing energies into wholeness to create something that is similar to Western Tantra The Very fabric of Reality is revealed by the higher union of A dance that combines masculine and femininity of Polarities, not war of opposites.
In this module, you’ll:
- The archetypal stories and images that make up the basic structure are available to you. of Kabbalistic Tantra
- Be specific yichudim, Inner union can be achieved through unification of Masculine and feminine energies
- Learn the Sod Ha’Keruvim, the Mystery of The Cherubs are a language of enlightened love, living and the Cherubs are a group of people called “The Cherubs”.
- The Divine Love Triangle and Cosmic Union: How we can bring the Messianic Consciousness into everything we do
- Explore this concept of SoulMate, Zivug, and Attracting the Teachers
- Get a deeper understanding of The practice of Shabbat and how you can rest in the embrace of The Beloved
Module 4 The Unification of Energies
Lights, Vessels & Healing
Undifferentiated light can be just as easily broken down into its individual colors. of The Divine can be broken down into qualities of Life, as represented by the vessels of The Tree of Life.
Engage in the Work of Kabbalah Different frequencies can be activated with our bodies, minds and souls of light in our consciousness, healing the vessels — or energetic containers — through which our soul incarnates.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn the laws of Light and Vessels How can the Infinite Light be made known to us?
- Explore questions such as What is the behavior of containers and vessels? ?What makes a vessel strong or weak? How do we make our vessels stronger?
- Learn the Kabbalistic Creation myth — from the Constriction to the Breaking of The Vessels to Rectification of The Vessels
- The Art of Practice of Vessel Repair: Learn the tools to test and identify the power of How to rebuild vessels after they break
- Learn about meditative methods of the Chassidic Masters for D’vaykut, or Cling to G-d
Download immediately Rabbi David Ingber – The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program
Module 5 The Soul’s Evolution Through Time
Kabbalah profound teachings about nature of the soul’s journey over multiple lifetimes. Traditional wisdom is often not fully understood. Kabbalah Teachings in multiple forms of We can work with the soul to develop all 32 paths of Wisdom can last many lifetimes
In this module, you’ll:
- Find your soul’s unique mission and learn the lessons of Why this life?
- Take a look at the rich imagery and powerful understanding. of The Lurianic School teaches Soul Cycles of Kabbalah
- Explore different soul adhesions (dybbuks) or soul gestationsibbur)
- Learn to identify your basic Soul Constellations, and how they affect your choice of Families, partners and work
- Try the Tree of Life: The 32 Path of Wisdom to release the past-Life patterns
Module 6: Repairing The World
Tikkun Olam
The Kabbalah of Rabbi Isaac Luria, the creator of the primordial lights of The initial vessels were destroyed by the force of creation. This is known as the “shattering” of vessels. “breaking of the vessels” This was a cataclysmic incident, mentioned in the Bible and hintted at by the Zohar, but not fully expressed until 16th Century.
This shattering is the backdrop for all human life, and more specifically, the work. of Kabbalist, whose job it to uncover the light within the broken and material world. Finding the sparks of Tikkun is the act of releasing and lightening them.
In this module, you’ll:
- Examine the mythological underpinnings of This profound Kabbalistic statement
- Get the techniques that have been used for centuries of Kabbalists “release sparks of Divine Light,” Becoming an expert in light location
- Take a look at the implications of This mystical approach to everyday life is a great way to live your daily life.
- Learn how to use the “shells,” That hides the Spark within you of Divinity
- These concepts can be applied to social meditation and evolutionary work so that we can create Cosmic Tikkun
Module 7 The Pray of Blessing
The Mundane Mandala of Mystical Mind
The traditional Jewish practice of a practitioner is to “bless 100 times a day.” This blessing practice is the center of Daily spiritual and religious observance is often referred to as “normal mysticism.”
Six words are needed of Blessedness in the heart of This is a holy practice. Instead of Kabbalists don’t just offer prayers or blessing food. They see life as an opportunity to bless everyone, and create a higher field. of Awareness throughout the day.
In this module, you’ll:
- Find out the deeper meaning of the six words that make up the essence of blessing practice
- Learn the powerful secret message of The Four Faces revealed by the Blessing Formula of The Divine
- Daily, chant the mantra you have been given.-To-Moment Blessing Formula
- Deepen your awareness by exploring and learning of This ancient practice reveals the link between sound, letter, and word
The Way of Kabbalah You Get Introductory Training!
This advanced course includes Rabbi David Constructions The Way of Kabbalah 7-Module course included in the price of The advanced course. (We recommend taking the introductory course before you start the advanced training.
The 7-module program, Rabbi David Guides you through a postmodern interspiritual method KabbalahPractical guidance for your everyday life. You’ll explore this ancient wisdom in 7 powerful audio sessions.
Each training session builds upon the last, providing insights, practices, tools, and support to help you access the power within. of ancient Jewish mysticism’s multidimensional map of For greater wisdom, love, and growth, you need to be conscious.
Module 1: Origins of Kabbalah
Module 2: Tree of Life’s 10 Energies of Evolution
Module 3: Living, Loving and Acting
The Lower Triads
Module 4: Tzimtzum or Divine Contraction
Module 5: Worlds & Souls
Module 6: Rectifying Reality
Broken Vessels & Tikkun
Module 7: Divine Eyes & Messianic Consciousness
PLUS, you’ll receive The Way of Kabbalah Bonus Collection
#1 Bonus
The God of No-Etwas
Audio Dialogue Rabbi David Ingber Daniel Matt
Bonus #2
The God of Love
Audio Dialogue David Ingber Mirabai Starr
Bonus #3
Mazal Tov: An Introduction to Kabbalistic Astrology
Video Instruction with Rabbi David Ingber
The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program Bonus Collection
You will also receive the transformational advanced course and introductory training. Kabbalah These 32 Paths are available for you to explore. of Wisdom, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course — deepening your understanding and practice.
Fly Like a Butterfly, Sing Like a Bee The Pain & Promise of Integrating Light and Shadow
Audio Dialogue Rabbi David Ingber Andrew Harvey
Rabbi David Ingber Andrew Harvey and Andrew Harvey meet in liminal space between the two worlds. As Andrew says, we’ve had a spiritual movement that has been fantastically narcissistic and not open to the depth of Shadows have been a part of our culture for a while. David Andrew and Andrew discuss importance of Finding the strength, courage and joy to integrate light with shadow in authentic spiritual practice is a way to go deeper. We can then dedicate ourselves to sacred action. of Sacred realization The heart holds the dark and the light, and it’s time for us to honor the heart calling out for this integration.
Andrew Harvey She is an author, speaker, and founder/director. of The Institute of Sacred Activism is an international organization that encourages concerned people to accept the challenge of Sacred Activism of We can help solve the current global crisis by being effective, inspired and practical agents of Institutional and systemic changes are necessary to achieve peace and sustainable development. He is the author and editor of over 30 books, and has received numerous awards including the Benjamin Franklin Award as well as the Mind Body Spirit Award.
Dialogues on Spiritual Diversity
Collection of Audio Dialogues with Mirabai Starr & Guests
These audio collections feature Mirabai’s conversations hosting two guests from different spiritual and cultural traditions. They are stunning illustrations of Mirabai’s teachings on unity in diversity are a great example of this, as well as the wonderful relationships that form in the interspiritual family.
Interfaith Dialogue at it’s Best
Jamal Rahman & Rami Shapiro (Muslim Imam and Jewish Rabbi)
Matthew Wright & Sean Murphy (Episcopal Priest and Zen Teacher)
Dialogs on Sacred Activism
Mona Haydar & Chris Grosso (Muslim Activist-Poetry and “Indie-Spiritualist”)
Ellen Grace O’Brien & Adam Bucko (Hindu Yogacharya and Interspiritual Sacred Activist)
Mirabai Starr writes creative non-Fiction and current translations of sacred literature. She was a professor of Philosophy and World Religions at the University. of New Mexico-Taos for over 20 years, now teaches and gives international talks on contemplative practice.-spiritual dialog. Mirabai is a certified counselor in bereavement. She helps mourners to harness the power of transformation. of loss. Her innovative new translations received critical acclaim. of The mystics. She is the author of Mother is a poetry collection. of God Similar To Fire was a collaboration with William Hart McNichols. The award-God, a winning book of Love: A Guide for the Heart of Judaism Christianity Islam. Her newest book, Caravan of No Despair: A Memoir of Loss and Transformation, received the Spirituality & Practice “Best Books of 2015” award. She lives in the mountains, with her extended families. of Northern New Mexico
Prayer as a Living Process
Audio Dialogue with Stephen Dinan Rabbi Marcia Prager
This audio dialogue is by The Shift Network’s Sacred Awakening Series, Rabbi Marcia Prager shares poetry about the practice of Through her teachings, stories and prayers she brings to life prayer. Her Divine expression flows like a river, bringing a sense of fullness and reverence to every moment. Prayer and blessings are an active engagement of Every iota of Your presence in the service of God entering the world. Rabbi Prager shares the belief that prayer can help us connect to the deepest truths. of We can be who we really are to help others. of Find your inner freedom and overcome all external limitations
Rabbi Marcia Prager A vibrant Jewish Renewal Rabbi, teacher, storyteller and artist, who lives and works in the Mt. Airy community of Philadelphia. Graduate of Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Visionary Rebbe of The Jewish Renewal Movement, where she has continued to collaborate closely.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Twenty-One 90-Minute-long Recorded Class Sessions Rabbi David Ingber
You have the rare chance to learn from a modern spiritual teacher. David Ingber — from the comfort of You can do this in your own home. Each class session contains a video and guides to help you discover the skills and abilities that will awaken your spiritual potential.
Twenty-One PDF Transcript of Classes
The high quality of the products is not only a plus.-quality MP3 videos and audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. The class transcription will be available in PDF format so you can review, print, and highlight the most valuable insights and practices.
Exercises and questions for each lesson
After each lesson, you’ll have the option of You can complete related exercises, use new tools, answer questions and practice other techniques to speed up your learning. This will help you integrate every lesson.
The Way of Kabbalah 7-Module Course and Bonuses
When you sign up for this advanced training, you’ll receive instant access to Rabbi David’s foundational 7-module online course, taking you through the ancient Jewish mysticism’s multidimensional map of Consciousness for greater wisdom, love, and growth You’ll also receive the bonus collection including sessions from Rabbi DavidMirabai Starr and Daniel Matt
The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program Courses and Bonuses
- Fly Like a Butterfly, Sing Like a Bee The Pain & Promise of It is possible to combine shadow and light
Audio Dialogue Rabbi David Ingber Andrew Harvey
- Dialogs in Spiritual Diversity
Collection of Audio Dialogues with Mirabai Starr & Guests
- Prayer as a Living Process
Audio Dialogue with Stephen Dinan Rabbi Marcia Prager
Download immediately Rabbi David Ingber – The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program
You have an unrivalled opportunity to join The Way of Kabbalah Advanced Program
We are honored by this. Rabbi David Ingber has chosen to partner The This exclusive online training is offered by Shift Network. This is an opportunity to learn from a modern spiritual teacher. of Kabbalah His powerful insights and pioneering work have helped us heal and awaken our world.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from David’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!
If you’re serious about deepening spiritual practice with the prism of Jewish mysticism: You owe this to your loved ones, our world, and yourself to practice it-of-You can find more information at-Kind training
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
About Rabbi David Ingber
Named by Newsweek As one of 2013’s top 50 most influential rabbis in the United States as well as by The Forward As one of The 50 most notable and newsworthy Jews in America Rabbi David Ingber Promotes a revival of Jewish mysticism, which integrates meditative mindfulness with physical awareness into mainstream, modern, post-modern Judaism. He is a major 21st Century Jewish educator and thinker. His rich perspective, open heart, and mind are exemplary.-His bodied approach to Jewish learning has allowed him to speak all over the United States, Canada, Europe, and Israel.
Rabbi David’s distinct approach to Torah, rabbinical teaching and ritualistic practice is informed by his own personal seeking and learning from a wide cross-Section of sacred faiths and traditions. Jewish mysticism is his guide and Chassidut helps him to integrate these beliefs with Jewish mysticism. of You may also be interested in other ancient philosophies or world views. Particular influences include 18th Century Kabbalists and Founders of Chassidut, Rabbi Yisrael Ba’al Shem Tov; the great 19th Century Ishbitzer Rebbe, R. Mordechai Leiner; and leading 20th Century thinkers from Kabbalist, Rav Abraham Isaac Kook to psychologist, Carl Jung.
Rabbi Ingber Has taught at renowned institutions like the Academy for Jewish Religion and Columbia University, CUNY, Jewish Theological Seminary. Limmud LA. New York University. The 92nd Street Y., Pardes. The Skirball Center at Temple Emmanuel and Yeshivat HADAR. He sits on Board of Directors of Aleph and Synagogue 3000 Next Dor’s Working Group of Sacred Emergent Communities are where he continues his teaching.
Raised Modern Orthodox in New York Rabbi David studied at several distinguished yeshivot in Jerusalem and New York including Yeshiva University, Beit Midrash L’Torah, Yeshivat Chaim Berlin and Yeshivat Chovovei Torah Rabbinical School. New York University was also where he studied religion, psychology, philosophy and theology. Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, founder of Renewal Judaism, ordained Rabbi David 2004. In 2004, Romemu was founded. Rabbi David This was Rabbi-in-Elat Chayyim Retreat Center.
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