What You’ll Discover in Real Artists Don’t Starve Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age
Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age
It has been said that creatives should not wait. for inspiration? What about? the one that says it’s selling out if an artist strategizes to profit off of their work? Or that an artist is a soloist? You can find out more at www.in. Real Artists Don’t Starve, author and creativity expert Jeff Goins has set out to replace these false narratives and replace them with timeless strategies for Living as a creative and debunking professional the Myth of the Starving artists are not uncommon. Instead, creative professionals have used their skills to create. the Use your imagination in Fundamental ways in They have achieved what they have so far. Goins believes that their artistic temperament has given them a competitive advantage, contrary to popular belief. in the Goins explores the marketplace through inspiring anecdotes from successful creatives past and present. the Tension is something every creative person or organization must face in An attempt to mix the Inspired life with a path to success. Being creative isn’t a disadvantage for It is not about success, but rather it is a powerful tool that can be used.
 Download immediately Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age
“Jeff Goins doesn’t just show us how to be more creative. He also reveals a path for turning our art into business and our business into art. Every entrepreneur, writer, and artist should read this book and take notes.”
–DANIEL PINK, author Drive and To Sell Is Human
“Jeff Goins has established himself as a fresh and dynamic voice inspirÂing us to get out of our own way and produce our best work. Real Artists Don’t Starve is the work of angels: a book every aspiring writer, artist, and creative must read.”
–STEVEN PRESSFIELD, best-selling author of The War of Art
“Anyone trying to make a living from their creative work will find much to steal here.”
–AUSTIN KEON, author of Steal Like an Artist
“Jeff puts to rest the myth of the starving artist. Artists not only deserve to be well rewarded, but there are more opportunities than ever for them to make it happen. This book is not only the blueprint, it’s also Jeff’s personal artistic manifesto. And now it’s mine.”
–JAMES ALTUCHER author and entrepreneur
“Goins dispels the myth that being a creative is some illusive, mysterious dimension reserved for a chosen few. A great book for anyone bogged down by oldÂ-fashioned ideas about what it takes to be a thriving artist.”
–LISA CONGDON, artist/author of Art Inc
About the Author
Jeff Goins writes, speaks, and is an entrepreneur. He is the Bestseller of five books, including The Art of Work. Real Artists Don’t Starve. His blog Goinswriter.com, which he won an award for, is visited every year by millions. He lives in Nashville with his family. the world’s best guacamole.
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