What You’ll Discover in Rochelle Calvert Trauma Treatment Toolbox Top Mindfulness Techniques and Somatic-Based Practices
- Faculty:
- Rochelle Calvert
- Duration:
- 6 Hours 20 Minutes
- Format:
- Audio and Video
- Copyright:
- May 7, 2020
Trauma treatment is more than just a simple procedure. “one-technique-fits-all” approach. A complete toolbox of skills is necessary to become a competent clinician and achieve the best possible outcomes for your clients.
The evidence is mounting to support the idea that mindfulness is possible and somatic-Based practices The future may hold the promise of successfully healing the whole person from trauma. and stress disorders. These approaches have shown the ability to radically improve a traumatized client’s suffering and Quality of life
This workshop offers you an opportunity to learn in a unique setting and Explore the best techniques and Meditation practices and somatic-Based trauma healing. You’ll walk away with tips and tools that you didn’t know you were missing, and you’ll be equipped to apply these practices in session. Get specific guidance about safe practices. and effective skills to help you confidently work with your clients’ trauma and Support their physical and emotional needs and Mental well-being-being.
You’ll walk away from this recording with:
- Top Mindfulness techniques designed specifically to treat stress and trauma and PTSD
- Targeted somatic interventions to improve outcomes
- Steps to include the body in your current therapeutic approach
- Skills for managing vicarious trauma/secondary stress
Find out how mindfulness can take trauma treatment to a whole new level. and somatic techniques to treat the whole client– body and mind!
Manual Trauma Treatment Toolbox (4.20 MB) | 38 pages | Available after Purchase |
Understanding Trauma, Stress, PTSD and Complex PTSD
- Differentiate and Identify:
- Acute Stress
- Complex PTSD
- Unresolved Trauma
- Assessment Measures Trauma
- There are a variety of responses Trauma
Psychobiological, Social and Mindfulness-Based Orientations for Healing Trauma
- Trauma’s Impact on the Brain and Body
- Social Orientation Challenges
- How Mindfulness It can help with healing
Top Trauma-Get informed Mindfulness Techniques
- Techniques For Skilledly Working with Arousal States
- Orienting and Shifting Attention
- The Natural Environment and Grounding
- Relationship and Community Support
Top Somatic-Based Trauma Treatment Interventions
- Read the Body and Teach Body Awareness
- Get Sensory Culture and Perception Awareness
- Movement Practices How to Restore Healing
- Embodied Breath Practices
- Supporting with Safe Touch
How do you assess if? Mindfulness and Somatic Practices Are Right for Your Client
- Types of Symptom Expressions
- Degree of Dissociation
- Difficulty in Functioning in Life
- Coping Skills
- Understanding Arousal States
Vicarious TraumaHow Clinicians Can Improve Their Outcomes
- Grounding during Difficult Sessions
- Mindfulness and Somatic Practices To Support Overwhelm
- Common Triggers for Therapists
- Permanent Support
Rochelle Calvert, Ph.D., B.C.B.A.-D Similar seminars and products: 5
A New Mindful Lifestyle
Rochelle Calvert (Voth), Ph.D., CMT, SEP, BCBA, New Mindful Life was founded by her. For 16 years she has been studying mindfulness. and Has taught classes, courses and workshops and retreats. Rochelle leads classes/courses/seminars in Six-Week of Introductory Training Mindfulness, (S.I.T.), Awake in the Wild- Nature-Based Mindfulness retreats, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, (MBSR), Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, (MBCT) Mindfulness Mindful Parenting, Based Eating and Mindful Workplace. She facilitates mindfulness trainings for professionals. and PESI is a seminar organization that travels throughout the country. She is also a private psychologist in San Diego.
Rochelle Offers mindfulness and nature-Base-based Therapy and Somatic experience as a psychologist with New Mindful Life. She uses mindfulness meditations to help people both indoors and outdoors. and Outside – according to their specific concerns in order to support healing. She also incorporates somatic experience healing (body).-Mindfulness (based healing through nervous system restructuring) and Nature-Meditation practices that are based on the Bible. Rochelle Has therapeutic specialization areas of training that support integration of these services for individuals who are struggling with life transitions.
Speaker Disclosures
Financial: Rochelle Calvert She is currently in private practice. PESI Inc. gives her a speaking honourarium
Non-financial: Rochelle Calvert is a member the American Psychological Association and Association for Behavior Analysis.
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