What You’ll Discover in Scott Bolan Alpha Techniques
Scott Bolan – Alpha Techniques
All-This program will show you how to transform quickly, get BUFFED, and RIPPED so that you can become stronger than ever.!
Dear Friend
The easiest and most powerful way to make your life easier is right here-To-Learn how to quickly build your muscle size and strength.
First, let me warn you.
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WARNING: Warning #1: This might not be the right fit for you. This is not the place for you if you are a Beta Male, politically correct, or looking for the latest fitness trend.
WARNING #2 – When you “Alpha Shift” Your friends might become jealous or intimidated if you get bigger, stronger, and look more ripped than your peers. You will also attract more respect and attraction. If you are unable to handle it or don’t desire that, read on.
WARNING #3 – If you are tired of all the B.S. You’re sick of the “B.S.-You’ll love this!
Now, here’s my story and why you should listen to me ….
It was horrible. I was still weak after years of Martial Arts and Weightlifting like a madman and running a lot. I didn’t look as muscular and toned as my goals. No matter how long or hard I trained, my body never looked like what I envisioned in my head.
Although I used to be a regular gym rat I never felt strong enough. I didn’t look strong enough. “true power” That makes some men look amazing and unstoppable!
It sometimes hindered me.-This would impact my health, the amount of money I make, and the quality my relationships.
I wanted MUSCLE!!
Real Muscle.
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Strong muscle.
Because what you see is what you get.
A big muscle means you have strength.
We all know Strength builds Confidence. This has a profound effect on everything.
You already know that it is true. You need to learn how to be confident in every area of your life.
You can quickly get ripped and buff
…. so you can KEEP it.
As men, we are supposed to be naturally strong.
Didn’t we have to hunt, bring home the meat, and protect our tribe or family a few thousand centuries ago?
“Protector and Provider” This is the essence of it all.
To do this well and right, we needed MUSCLE.
And we still do.
While technology and culture may have changed, nature is the same.
Despite what they might try to tell you, a man should be strong.
Ye “Alpha Male”A leader of the pack
While I understand that it’s not politically correct but strength and political accuracy are almost opposites.
You can’t follow the crowd if you want to be strong. Instead, work on yourself and become strong.
Check this out.
First, let me introduce myself:
I’m Scott Bolan. If you are interested in self-defense and martial arts, then you have probably heard of me.-improvement. I have multiple Black Belts as well as advanced Combatives Certifications. I’ve even been trained by one of Bruce Lee’s original students (I’ll tell you why this really matters in just a minute) I’ve also authored many worldwide bestselling training courses, written for publications like Black Belt Magazine, Black Belt Daily, and Modern Combat & Survival to name a few. I have participated in numerous podcast and radio interviews and was recently inducted in the USA Martial Arts Hall of fame with three designations.
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Look. This is not a rant. I’m just trying to let you know that I am an expert on physical culture. I have been a serious Martial Artist for my entire life and a bodybuilder for the majority of my adult life.
Martial Arts is the passion of my life. It’s also my job. It’s something that I take very seriously. It’s the same principle that applies to Bodybuilding.
Does this make sense?
Although I was familiar with Martial Arts, and I exercised regularly, I didn’t get the muscle size and strength I desired.
I was frustrated and lost years later when I kept hitting the same brick wall in my training. I hadn’t “broken through” Yet, just thinking about it made it make me want to PUKE! I was a regular at the gym and also spent lots of money at the Nutrition store buying shakes and other supplements. (I could friggin’ own stock at the GNC with the amount that I spent LOL) I read tons of magazines and watched many ….. videos to the point where I was frustrated and confused.
There are too many conflicting information.
“Mechanical Thinking” It’s out there in the Bodybuilding World
No matter what I tried, I didn’t get the BIG MUSCLE I wanted.
It was then that something beautiful happened.
It was my. “tranformational moment of truth,” Like the lights turning on for the first-time.
I was so fed up and angry that I decided to throw away all I knew about fitness and strength.
In one “flash of lightning” I was stunned to hear a combination of over 30 years of Martial Arts experience and Mind Power training, and it became BODYBUILDING. This is like getting out of the oven and into THE REAL WORLD.
The statement was…
Take a look at this: Do you remember how I said that I was one of Bruce Lee’s original students? (They’re called the “The One” in martial art. “Jeet Kune Do Nucleus”)
Bruce Lee, Martial Arts’ Bruce Lee, was saying the exact same thing. He REVOLUTIONIZED it…
…while pissing on the gurus of that time and being called “insane” by jealous competitors.
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He “changed the game” Martial Arts is big-Time is not by adding more techniques but by “peeling away at layers of the onion of ignorance”
Bruce Lee frequently used the term “Economy of Motion.” It is a sign “nearest weapon to the nearest target”This basically means doing things as simply and powerfully as possible to escape. “the classical mess” The majority of the people are now in.
By “hacking away at the unessentials” “striking the root”Bruce Lee was able to remove all the complications that came with his application Martial Arts to every day life. He did this because he could accomplish so many things in his short lifetime.
It was my lifelong practice of Jeet Kune Do and as an Instructor that it occurred to me…
Why not use the same principles
To Body Building
OMG! Discovery Time!
“When You Understand The Root, You Understand All Of It’s Blossoming”
So I decided to “Strike The Root” Get back to basics.
Instead of “adding more”I took off the layers to reveal the truth. It was the easiest, most practical, and efficient way to Build Big Muscle And Strength.
Being was the root of all my male strength. AlphaI think that this is the best way to train and should throw away all the “information overload”, Mechanical programming and confusion (the “classical mess”) and get hard-Core on the 3 Hidden Essentials
1Alpha intake: Eat anabolic, building-based foods rather than catabolic meals. “snip-snip” Our strength and manhood are ours!
2) Alpha Muscle Building “old-school” sure-Fire methods to quickly build large muscle mass. This is what it means “muscle confusion” So they can grow
3) Alpha Mind: The original native alpha mind, which causes strength from the inside out. “Mind in The Muscle” Joe Weider used the phrase. Laser Focus and Visualization are a way to look within rather than outside.
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So that’s how I entered the “Alpha” mode, and found an easy, natural way to get ripped, strong, and explosively powerful!
Thinking outside the box helped me get rid of the old.
“one-size-fits-all” As the “Fitness Dogma” that we have been taught, “gospel of training”.
I found out how to quickly tap into my true Native Power and Natural Physical abilities. “Theoretical” I did it for myself, and my body transformed in just a few months
…. You can too.
All of my discoveries were compiled in a DVD that is easy to understand and use.
It’s called ALPHA STENGTH: Fundamentals for Building the Male Body. It’s the best way to grow strong and large in the quickest time possible.
This made a big difference in my life, and I was able to notice a significant improvement in all aspects of my life. It is a better way for people to live.
Although I don’t want to offend anyone…
Every chick wants to go out with me now that I’m gone
Every Guy Wants to Be Me!
Download it immediately Scott Bolan – Alpha Techniques
This may sound bragging but it’s not.
This will allow you to experience the exact same results. You’re not getting the results you desire if you spend a lot of money, time, and sweat at the gym.
You’re in training “mechanically” And it’s just too hard!
You can achieve more than you thought possible from your home or at the gym. It’s easy and without the hassle.
Don’t be put off by the boring ways of other programs. Get on board. “Alpha” instead!
Alpha It’s about getting the best result with the least effort and the least time. Bruce Lee was referring to this. “Economy of Motion.”
For almost 40 years, I have been a dedicated and focused Martial Artist. I own my own school.
This is just to let you know that I care about your training and, more importantly, your results.
Yes, I said that. That’s exactly what I meant:
This will take away all other things
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Training is not enough. Results are more important than training!
This will frustrate a lot people.
They are mad at people who see things differently, and get results faster and easier. They’re just being lazy.
Let’s just say this: “Why do you train at all?”
This is the end goal.
The quicker you can reach that goal, the better you will be off and the more you can enjoy it.
It’s the reason I created the all-ALPHA Strength now has a unique program that is unmatched anywhere else. This video will demonstrate how you can do it. “get there” You can be as strong and powerful as you wish to be. Imagine being able to look and feel the way that you want and be able to do all the things you dream about.
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There is finally a course that teaches you how to do it! It’s called “Alpha Strength” Because you can finally enjoy your life with the Power, Strength, and Confidence that an anzugeben weil Get get getting denn des Des De de da du dar Denn darin Du Alpha – Leader of the pack
In The Alpha You’ll find amazing secrets on Strength DVD like…
Feel stronger immediately!
You can quickly build big muscles
Multiply your Strength with Less Work
The 3 Keys to a Healthy Body-Targeting
Look and feel younger
7 Secrets of the Amazing Alpha-Mind to Unlock your Native Mind-You can always count on your body power
FORGET THE SCALE! IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT HOW MUCH ONE WEIGHS! – Remove your shirt and see in the Mirror. You might actually lose fat and build muscle, and you’ll be able to eat more if your stomach is flat.
How to Become as Strong As a Lion, while everyone else is becoming a fat sheep (bahhh bahhh).
Take any body part and make it strong
The Truth About Supplements and Food: It’s Not What You Think!
This unfair method will end your personal and physical weakness (warning: Friends will be jealous).
You are like a Lion. Playful rest, relaxed, but you can instantly explode with full power and speed whenever you need it!
How to “EAT CLEAN” Everywhere, even when you travel
Alpha-How can you build strength in only 40 minutes per day It’s possible!
Take a look at the hotel to see how it works.-Room body-Get a blast workout done anywhere, even at your home.
BONUS – Power-Striking secrets – How to use the muscle that you have to hit HARD, FAST, and if ever you need to. (It’s impossible for me to leave this out as a Martial Artist. It’s a great tool for bodybuilders, as it teaches you how to use your language. “martial artsy” language)
Listen up, friend. Alpha As the ultimate power and fitness program, Strength can stand on its own. It’s yours.
If you’re at least 18 years old, honest, and a good person, you can find the Alpha A strength program that is full of real gold and absolute gold-World “how-to” Secrets that the powers-that-be have kept from you
A weaker and more passive population is easier to manage, isn’t that right? Would you rather have a flock (Beta) of sheep?
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Here’s what you’ll get in Alpha Techniques |
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