Social Anxiety Solutions – Eliminate Your Fear of Judgement Coaching Series (Platinum Package)
Most People Fail To Beat
Their Social Anxiety Because…
They end up going in circles and get STUCK.
And then think they’re a tough case and worry “tapping doesn’t work for me”. But in reality, they simply cannot resolve it on their own. They need outside help. But not everyone can afford that.
If this speaks to you, you’re going to LOVE what I have available for you:
The ‘Eliminate Your Fear Of Negative Judgment Coaching Series’. These are five 90 min long replays of live coaching webinars I did with Mahsa.
All you do is watch the coaching sessions and tap along.
As you observe Mahsa’s powerful transformation you’ll have your own social anxiety issues triggered automatically. And as you tap along you get rid of your fear of judgment and massively reduce your social anxiety.
ENJOY Watching And Tapping Along
Relate And Release!
Finally Get Real Results
From Your Tapping
“Even the best surgeon can’t remove his own appendix”
These sessions help you discover the subconscious blind spots in the way of your social ease. Which results in big breakthroughs on your journey.
Here’s What You Get
Each video addresses multiple aspects of the social anxiety problem. And as you tap along with them you become more and more confidence and at ease in social situations.
Below is a rough description of the general focus of each video.
Video #1 We release Mahsa’s painful past and get her to accept her SA
Video #2 We release most of her fear of judgment
Video #3 We overcome all her subconcious resistance
Video #4 We release her fears of being the center of attention and being in conversation and others seeing her anxious
Video #5 Surprise! (all I can say is that you’ll LOVE it)
- Observe Mahsa releasing her social anxiety step-by-step (you won’t find this anywhere!)See her make a transformation on screen, see how our tapping heals her old deep wounds quickly and gently.See how she moves from anxious to calm. From sad and hurt to relieved and happy. From insecure, ashamed and ‘small and insignificant’ to“I feel great now, equal, and very peaceful”.
See how she shifts lifelong beliefs like ‘I’m not good enough’ and ‘I’m unworthy’ and observe how it empowers her.
And hear on the later webinars how this has brought about powerful positive changes in her life.
This is incredibly motivating and inspiring. Seeing this -combined with tapping along- leads you to going from skeptical and hopeless…
… to really believing on a feeling level that you can and will become socially at ease.
- Stop feeling like a loser and failure, and release the shame about your SA problem.You hear a conversation about experiencing social anxiety between an ex-sufferer and Mahsa – who at that moment experiences it.Now the “secret” is out on the table. This kind of openness you’ve probably never experienced. It makes you go “wow, that’s just like me” and it fosters (self) acceptance.As you relate to Mahsa’s thoughts and feelings you no longer feel you’re not alone in this. You’re no longer feeling like you’re the only one dealing with this difficult problem. And you’ll realize your thoughts, feelings and behaviors don’t make you weird or crazy after all.
You’ll feel understood and supported on your journey to social ease.
And best of all, you release these negative emotions and self-judgments ABOUT your social anxiety. Which leads to…
- Stop worrying about what people think of you and take yourself less seriously. Create deeper self acceptance and acceptance of your feelings and emotions. Get out of your head. Be less hard on yourself, and develop more compassion for yourself.
- Discover and release subconscious blind spots. Watching this you’ll gain massive insights into your own issues that you wouldn’t be able to uncover on your own. You’ll move past your blocks so you get un-stuck, move past your sticking points, and make rapid progress towards social ease.
- Actually ENJOY releasing your social anxiety. Instead of being stuck and feeling frustrated and having to push yourself to do your inner work…… simply hit play and tap along.Enjoy the entertaining sessions with Mahsa (100% of people watching the live webinars stayed on for the full 90min coaching sessions) that are filled with laughter, tears, insights, lessons, cognitive shifts, fascinating stories, relatable emotions, limiting beliefs, thoughts, and so much more.This is really the easiest way to transform your inside world.
- Discover the common blocks that stop tapping from working. See me helping Mahsa beyond them easily and quickly. So you either move past them as you tap along. Or you’ll know how to do the same for your blocks.
- Learn 3 new techniques that are often more effective than tapping. You’ll see me use several techniques that are super powerful and yet very simple. After seeing me use them a few times you can use them yourself. And they often work faster than tapping (which is why I use them)
- Create lasting results through overcoming your resistance to change. Live webinar #3 is pretty much completely focused on helping Mahsa overcome her subconscious resistance to change. And to get her to feel she really can and will create permanent change.Tapping along with this will reduce/eliminate your self sabotage as well so you can create lasting social ease in your life.
- Become much better at tapping on your own. I have 14 years of tapping experience, and logged 5000 coaching hours with socially anxious clients. Throughout these series you’ll learn how I tap. So you can model this and become much more effective in your own tapping.Discover what to do when “it doesn’t work”. Find new angles to use tapping, more efficient aspects to tap on (tap on a key aspect using a specific strategy and have tens of other aspects collapse all at once).So you stop wasting valuable time and release your social anxiety much faster.
- Simply watch the coaching sessions, tap along, and reduce your social anxiety.
You don’t have to dig in your own past. Memories, thoughts, and feelings will automatically come up for you as your subconscious “connects the dots”.Mahsa’s issues will trigger your social anxiety issues, and the tapping releases this.You’ll release your painful past, process stuck negative emotions, heal emotional wounds, shift negative limiting beliefs, and change unhelpful thinking habits.
So you feel more relaxed, calm, confident and at ease socially.
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