What You’ll Discover in Stewart Swerdlow NonHuman Chakra and Energy Systems
Stewart Swerdlow – NonHuman Chakra and Energy Systems
In this lecture of 7 hours Stewart Discuss the various chakras and Energy systems of animals, insects and plants. How to determine frequency.
Janet Diane Mourglia is considered to be one of the top metaphysical leaders worldwide. Swerdlow and Stewart A. Swerdlow The ability to see the auric fields and Personal archetypes and read DNA sequences and Mind patterns. They are at the forefront of health research. and Spirituality and spirituality are two powerful intuitions that use Universal Law to solve all problems, including money, health, and relationships. and Mind control issues can even reach into other areas of your life and beyond.
Download it immediately Stewart Swerdlow – NonHuman Chakra and Energy Systems
Janet Diane Mourglia Swerdlow is an internationally renowned Oversoul Intuitive – enabling her to directly communicate with God Mind. She can replicate the sounds of creation from Hyperspace. Because of her mix of American Indian and European Indian and Janet is a Celtic geneticist, with her Magdalene descentance which stretches back through her Waldensian lineage from Southern France. and She hears frequencies at all levels. This allows Janet to access the Oversoul matrix information she is consciously seeking. Janet teaches self-balancing techniques using mind pattern analysis. This is a straightforward, easy to implement method that can be used in daily life.
An incredibly gifted Hyperspace Intuitive Stewart A. Swerdlow Moves his consciousness beyond the time and Space can help you determine the foundational mind pattern that will guide your life experience. Yakov Sverdlov was his great-uncle and the first president in the Soviet Union. and His grandfather founded the Communist Party of the United States in 1930s. He was recruited to the US government for mind control experiments. This included 13 years at Montauk Project. His natural abilities were enhanced by the government’s efforts to ensure his loyalty.
Download it immediately Stewart Swerdlow – NonHuman Chakra and Energy Systems
StewartA linguist who can speak ten languages is an expert in deprogramming. and To determine which Illuminati programs are embedded into the mind patterns of each individual. His mission is to assist others in healing themselves and avoid the negative emotions he has experienced.
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