What You’ll Discover in Taylor Parker Academy The LinkedIn Playbook
Taylor Parker Academy – The LinkedIn Playbook
Hey, I’m Taylor
I used to work for LinkedInNow I am an Influencer on the platform. In 6 months I’ve grown from 0 followers to more than 33,000. LinkedIn My posts have been viewed more than 10,400,000 times. This is more than $208,000 in media value for a $20 CPM. My exposure through my posts has allowed me to generate over $500k in revenue, be invited to speak at conferences all around the globe, and even been paid thousands of dollars for one post. LinkedIn post.
LinkedIn The biggest opportunity in social media is right now
This has happened many times before. It started with Facebook, followed by Vine, and finally Instagram. It all comes down to timing and the right time is now. LinkedIn. Friends have become millions of followers on social media platforms, and I have seen them earn millions of dollars. The Time for LinkedIn Now is the best time. You might be too late if you wait six months
LinkedIn Is your platform lacking in content?
Download it immediately Taylor Parker Academy – The LinkedIn Playbook
There are two types:
Content-Saturated Platforms
Platforms with more content per user than they have users who are viewing the content. This is a surplus in content according to supply and demand principles. The Platform serves only a small portion of your earned following with your content.
Examples: Facebook, Instagram. Bad for organic reach
Content Deficient Platforms –
Platforms with more users than content
Example: Linkedin is a good way to increase organic reach
Facebook and Instagram have too much content so they won’t even show your content to your whole following.
LinkedIn a lack of content. They will then show your content to all your followers AND more.
Your content will appear on Instagram and Facebook in a small portion (10% of your most active followers) immediately. Depending on how they like and comment on it, it’ll be determined as a “good” Oder “bad” Content. If it’s “good” it’ll get served to the next portion of your audience for the same test. It passes the second time. “good” It is served to the next group of your followers, and so forth. At best, if you aren’t using hashtags, your content will get served to 100% of your audience.
On LinkedIn, there isn’t enough content. If someone comments or likes your post, it will share it to their entire network. This is a powerful tool! If John Doe likes my blog, I will be connected with him. LinkedIn, it’ll get shared to potentially all 5,000 of his Linkedin connections. Multiply this and you’ll see that 50 likes can quickly get you 250,000 views.
My Instagram @TaylorParker has 220,000 followers and the most views we’ve ever gotten on a post was 100,000. My LinkedIn Has 11,000 followers and I get regularly 250,000+ views on each post. Everyone’s focusing on Instagram, but if you want to maximize eyeballs, there are better platforms. You scroll through your Instagram feed. LinkedInYou will see posts being sent to you from people you don’t follow or haven’t connected with. This is LinkedIn They need more content so they are boosting content. LinkedIn You can get free organic reach by signing up for this course.
The right time is now LinkedIn
High-Level Overview
Optimizing your profile page for conversions
Creating your micro-Brand that follows you across the platform
How to make your profile humaner and more engaging
How to create a profile to gain followers
Types and types of posts
What posts are most popular on the platform? And why?
Access to the posting template, which teaches you how create over 18 posts per week
Access to a posting framework that will teach you how to optimize content, copy, and test it for winners
Understanding your personal brand’s content and how it shapes your content buckets
Get your instant download Taylor Parker Academy – The LinkedIn Playbook
The Posts: A Dissection
Here are the 3 elements that make a post viral.
Every element must be carefully crafted and embedded into every post.
Taylor’s secret framework for every LinkedIn Posts
Access to an exclusive community with high exposure LinkedIn You can engage with other users to share your tips/tricks or engage in discussions
All this, and so much more…
$1,000,000 impressions at $20,000 LinkedIn
Private Access LinkedIn How to make group sharing more effective
Engaged community to comment on and like your posts. They can also share them across the platform
Guide to optimizing your profile. Step-by-step guide
TaylorThe complete posting strategy has generated over 5M+ impressions in just 3 months
TaylorFor testing and optimizing, see the ‘Posting Matrix LinkedIn Posts
The Three elements are essential for every post to be successful LinkedIn
“If there is anyone who knows LinkedIn, it is Taylor. I have been learning the platform from him and am SHOCKED by the positive results. It truly is the social platform everyone should be focusing on now”
– Dee Murthy, Five Four Group/Young & Reckless.
Learn more: http://archive.is/0YiUN
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