What You’ll Discover in Taylor Welch – Cashflow for Consultants
Taylor Welch – Cashflow for Consultants
That’s why this offer also includes:
A free entity / LLC set up, we’re covering the legal fees – all you pay are the filing fees (for a business or entity of your choice – we recommend going through the training first so you know what to name it and for what purpose to create it)
A free module on “creating corporate credit” (aka restructuring of your credit from your personal name to your business) AND a 1-hour consult I’ve already paid to secure for you; this will help you apply for actually getting the credit)
Plus, several pieces of asset protection material that I have (a) never shared anywhere before and frankly (b) do not want in the hands of every person with internet access
If you can nail each of these, you will be light years ahead of many of your peers and competitors.
My goal with this letter (and in this new course) is to show you how I do this, and enable you to model it for yourself. I have only taught this to private clients and a few folks who paid 5-figures or more for the information. Many of them paid the fees quickly & easily because the ‘feast or famine’ rollercoaster their business had them in had completely exhausted them.
These 3 elements arm you with the necessary firepower to go from “mom and pop” to enterprise-grade asset, and if you stay with me you’ll discover exactly how to make the leap.
Buy now! Taylor Welch – Cashflow for Consultants
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