What You’ll Discover in Tej Dosa – Consciousness Accelerator Mentality Training
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Tej Dosa – Consciousness Accelerator Mentality Training
Week 1: Introduction
Week 2: Your Reality Is An Illusion: Understanding What You Are Made Of And How Reality Actually Works
Week 3: Putting The Pieces Together: How You Built Yourself And Why You Must Die
Week 4: Raising A Baby From Birth To Massive Success
Week 5: Practical Training #1: Building Your God-Level Powers
Week 6: Practical Training #2: Connecting Your God-Level Powers
Week 7: Practical Training #3: Channeling Your God-Level Powers
Week 8: Practical Training #4: Breathing In Your God-Level Powers
Week 9: Practical Training #5: Killing Your Fear Of Death
Week 10: Living The Quintessential Mindset: Warrior Monk
Week 11: Spiritual and Scientific
Week 12: Conclusion
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