The Foundation by Neuroflux: 8-week Course to Optimal Brain Health, Performance and Lon…
If you’ve got just 20-30 minutes, 4 days a week, you can literally FLOOD your brain with fresh oxygen-rich blood, contributing to better brain health, performance and longevity.
The Foundation is a structured, progressive and easy-to-follow program based on drills I use everyday to heal patients from years of post-concussion symptoms and for regular people to million dollar athletes to optimize performance.
Now, the way I see it, you really have just 2 options:
Do nothing and let the natural age-related decline in blood flow take its course on your brain.
Signup for The Foundation to maximize flow and get on the path to better brain health, performance and longevity.
This isn’t just a brain game.
This is scientific brain training.
Cognitive and neurological decline are increasing for one because we’re living longer than ever. The Foundation is for your brain what cardio is for your heart and lifting weights is for your muscles and bones, improving length of life and the quality of life in between. The benefits are wide-ranging: from improved mental clarity and better focus and concentration, to a more sensitive sense of smell, to improved single-leg balance and much, much more. Revitalize your brain in as little as 4 x 20-30 minute sessions per week. No equipment necessary.
Restore balance

Traumatic injury, overuse and disuse can all lead to imbalanced brain development and function. The Foundation restores balance so all areas of your brain work in harmony.
Enhance function

Improve cognition, memory, balance, posture, visuomotor ability, coordinated movement and more through progressive training of important neural and vestibular pathways.
Combat neurodegen

Slow and even reverse the natural age-related decline in perfusion aka blood flow for both cellular and functional longevity.
Course overview
In Week 1 you’ll be introduced to the 4 fundamental drills that will revitalize your brain including background information on the benefits of the drill and an in-depth instructional video on how to properly perform the drill. Once you’re comfortable and confident with these fundamentals, you’re ready to dive in…
Each week of the 8-week course you will:
The course has been designed to easily fit into your busy life with drills you can do anywhere that require no equipment.
Because of the progressive nature of the routines, in Week 1 the routines will take 15-20 minutes to complete and by the end of the course the routines will take 25-30 minutes.
Just like a periodized training program for muscular strength or hypertrophy, this progressive design forces your neurological system to adapt with the end result being your brain becoming more efficient, more powerful and having greater endurance.
Here are some of the wide-ranging benefits you may experience after completing The Foundation…

1. Greater mental clarity
Building efficient neural pathways allows your brain to process information quicker and more fully

2. More energy
Your new, efficient neural pathways are like taking the parking brake off when you drive

3. Sensory enhancement
Decreasing the signal-to-noise ratio can heighten your senses of smell, taste and hearing

4. More powerful multitasking
As your brain blood flow improves, your ability to process more info goes up

5. Improved body awareness
You may discover that the brain-body integration drills improve your kinesthetic awareness

6. Better reaction time
Efficient neural pathways result in faster processing of info in and actions out

7. Improved focus
When your neural circuitry works efficiently it’s easier to hone in on whatever it is you’re focused on

8. Athletic eyes
Athletes in sports like tennis often notice being able to pickup the ball earlier and track it better

9. Decreased stress
If the brain isn’t operating efficiently it causes stress on the system and stress on you
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