What You’ll Discover in Topher Morrison Journey of the Mind
Topher Morrison – Journey of the Mind
Topher Morrison
Journey of the Mind
Dear Friend
I’m wondering…
How many times have you behaved in some way that didn’t support your ultimate good?
For most of We are, even though we might not like to admit it. the The answer to this question is too complex to count!
But the more interesting question is…
Why do we do it? We have to. the intelligence to set our goals. compelling vision. What makes us subvert those goals by doing? the What are the exact opposite behaviors that would make us want to adopt them?
Here’s The Answer…
Because we’ve never fully learned how to control the Most basic aspect of ourselves… our unconscious mind.
Think about it…
There’s an aspect of us all that’s in control of beating our hearts, breathing in and out, knowing how to wake up after we’ve fallen asleep. Even the words you’re reading right now are being stored somewhere in your mind.
Unfortunately, we never learned how to access or control that part. of our mind.
What if there were a SIMPLE SYSTEM that showed you exactly how it was done?
For over 20 years now, I’ve studied the power of the unconscious mind. In that time I’ve been fortunate enough to be mentored by some of the Most important contributors in the Field of Hypnotherapy includes the The esteemed psychologist Dr. A.M. Krasner.
I learned everything about hypnosis from this great man, before he retired. He also paid me. the I was given the greatest honor by being asked to continue his legacy.
I’m proud to say that to date, I’m the Only one endorses his system of teaching. Yes – there are others out there who teach his system, but I’m the Only one product that he personally endorses.
More the last 20 years I’ve taught this material over 500 weekends, working with thousands of People living in the U.S., Canada and Australia the U.K – so there really isn’t a scenario I’m not familiar with, and there certainly isn’t a question on hypnotherapy I can’t answer.
After a fantastic 20 years, we are now ready to move on.-Year career in Hypnosis I have retired the profession and I’m no longer teaching people this amazing ability.
I’ve decided to focus on training public speakers.
I was overloaded with phone calls and emails from people who wanted my course. Funny thing is that these were not my classmates! the Same people who have always said to me. “someday I’m going to get to one of your trainings.”
They are right. ‘someday’ Never happened.
They spent too much time saying it. “I’ll get round to it” And of They were sadly not able to participate.
So here’s why I’m writing to you today…
Now… For The First Time Ever… You Can Get Unrestricted Access To The Entire Journey From The Mind Hypnosis Series
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to control your unconscious mind…
If you’ve ever wanted to tap into more of your god-given potential…
If you’ve ever wanted to help other people break old habits and achieve greatness…
Then you’ll want to read every word of this letter, because that’s exactly what you can expect from my Journey From The Mind Anthology!
You see…
I am a good observer of how humans work. People would be interested in my classes as soon as my retirement announcement was made. Journey of the Mind courses.
Before I retired, a production crew recorded my entire 9 years of life.-day hypnotherapy certification course, and now I’ve edited the videos into the Most powerful, complete and comprehensive home-Study the best video streaming course.
Discover the secrets of Hypnosis in the comfort of your own home!
There are many ways to do it. the Online video streaming is better than attending classes the Training in live.
Many people would love these skills but are unable to. of social stigma’s and concerns about what secrets might ‘slip out’ during a public seminar in hypnosis, they’ve never taken that bold step.
You can now learn the proven system I spent 20 years developing. All this from the Privacy of Your personal computer.
As I’ve already explained, the Journey of the Mind series isn’t the End result of Text and theoretical beliefs-book scenarios. As a result, this course was created. of Real hypnotherapists who work with thousands of For those over 40-Coverage of the year the Globe, and my personal experience of Teaching the Material for my private hypnotherapy clients.
Here’s How The Online Streaming Video Program Works…
You’ll be given access to the Whole 9 days of Online streaming videos allow you to learn at your own pace. You can rewind and play back your favorite parts until you’ve mastered every little detail and use the 246-Page, digital playbook in full color to enhance your learning.
By the End of this program you’ll feel totally confident in hypnotizing yourself and others.
That’s right. There is no other home study program like it. the market goes into the Niveau of This course provides the depth and detail you need. NOWHERE!
Okay, So Let’s Look At What’s Included In The Course…
Get ready, because this course will be a jam-Filled with goodness of the Most comprehensive information on hypnosis that has ever been created.
So this might take a while…
You must first know your “journey” It is divided into three episodes. This episode will give you an introduction to the series. the Foundational foundations are necessary for you to successfully hypnotize others or yourself.
Utilize the 8-Step system I created and improved from the Legendary Dr. A.M. Krasner you will…
• Receive 4 hypnotic suggestions on the First video to help you learn more quickly, retain the Information and recall the You will learn more quickly and become a better learner.
• Unearth the Histories of Hypnosis in a way that has never been explained before. Not only will you be entertained and informed, you’ll receive the Most comprehensive writings the Histories of Hypnosis has been around since the beginning.
• Discover In just the The first 30 minutes of the First video the Most powerful motivator the How to use your unconscious mind to motivate yourself to change
• Step Up and finally become the The unconscious mind desires you to be the leader that it obeys your commands.
• Find out how you can use the power of SYMBOLS to get your subconscious mind in the right direction!
• Learn why so many people communicate with their unconscious minds in the How to stop them from acting in the opposite direction of what they should the same.
• Separate fact from fiction as we demystify what hypnosis really is! Hollywood has FOUR BIG LIES that you need to know in order not to place unrealistic demands on your subconscious mind.
• Hear the Some people have a different explanation of How to hypnotize someone who has experts the industry mad as h**l at me for saying something so brash! They can be as mad as they like. the fact is I’m right… they know it… and you’ll have a distinction about hypnosis that very few hypnotherapists to date actually understand! (Unless they were trained under me). of Course
• Experience the power of Conversational hypnosis, I take you on an authentic journey of the mind. You won’t even realize what happened! Don’t worry, it feels great and you can watch the Video a second time to see what empowering suggestions your unconscious mind has to offer.
• Laugh your way to earning an additional $8,000 per month (seriously) with my proven system for stage hypnosis. Even if you don’t want to learn how to do stage hypnosis, this section is invaluable to answer questions that people you try to hypnotize will already have running through their mind.
“The Most COMPLETE And ADVANCED Training Available Anywhere In The World!”
Here’s something you need to understand about this program…
Attend a “normal” Advanced training in hypnosis of Course you will be able to learn new techniques.
My Episode II course does not disappoint.
But I do something in this course that NO OTHER TRAINING PROGRAM DOES…
It is easy to tell when you go to a seminar and see one. of They are simply too good to be true “demo’s” On stage?
What ever happened to the demonstration subjects?
Do the changes last?
It worked!
You don’t really know what you are doing, do you?
Each other training the These types are all around the globe of Questions are not answered, but they can be asked. Journey of the MindEpisode II.
This episode brings back ALL of You can see the progress of our demonstrators in Episode I.
Next, I will show you LIVE how to do what you’re supposed to do. the Follow-up session.
But That’s Just The Start…
Because in Journey of the MindEpisode II is a training program that goes where no other programs go.
We discuss – in detail – and provide solutions for EVERY POSSIBLE WORST CASE SCENARIO you’re likely to encounter when you become a professional hypnotherapist.
Meaning, you’ll NEVER be left uncertain, or not knowing what to do next.
Here are just some examples.
• What do you do if the person accuses you of Brain washing? I COVER THAT!
• What do you do if the person can’t be hypnotized? I COVER THAT!
• What do you do if the Person freaks out during a session I COVER THAT!
There are no stones left unturned Journey of the MindEpisode II.
But we don’t just stop at the Advanced concepts from Episode 1 are covered. We also introduce you to brand new concepts.
Here’s a sample of What you’ll discover during Journey of the MindEpisode II.
(You may want to refresh your mind. the Take care of your fridge of some personal business before we begin… like Episode I, this might take a while
Here we go…
• Learn what the There are only 3 responses that you can give to a client during a follow-up session. Here’s how to respond to each of them.
• Decipher what the If a client resists a suggestion of hypnotic, it is likely that they are really wanting what they need at their deep subconscious level. (Just imagine being able To use this with your own negative behaviors… it’s possible AND you’ll learn how!)
• Memorize a simple, easy-to-Remember to fail AND to succeed-The 7-step process to elicit evidence the Clients should have the deepest needs. You will learn this when you work with clients. the Secret ingredient for motivating their subconscious minds to do whatever you suggest.
• Replace negative behaviors with positive behaviors that serve the Clients’ ultimate goals. (Yep, you’ll be able to use this with yourself too… imagine the possibilities!)
• Discover the most powerful post-The hypnotic process was used by the Egyptians over 20,000 years ago to heal people – and find out why even today it is still the Most powerful hypnotic trigger ever invented!
Get your instant download Topher Morrison – Journey of the Mind
• Uncover even more strategies to help people lose weight, quit smoking, and eliminate pain that makes the You will find great information in Episode 1. It seems almost elementary.
• Start using the These are the 2 most powerful hypnotic words that were ever made. They can instantly put your client in a hypnotic mode if used well.
• Find out how to guarantee short-Both term and long-You can achieve long-term success by becoming a the Herz of someone’s challenges and transforming them into their reasons for long-Permanent change.
• Learn 3 new suggestibility tests that you can use to determine who is highly suggestible, and who might be problematic. Imagine knowing what someone’s success rate will be BEFORE you even offer them one suggestion!
• Dissect the Induction to hypnotic trance into five key elements. Once you have identified these, you will be able to speak in a way that creates maximum trance and is easy to understand. This school is the best! of detail during the (Induction process)
• AND I’ll show you how to use the Five key elements for creating a successful business the deepest states of In less than 30 seconds, you can trance in any person. (that’s not a typo… deep trance in 30 seconds or less!)
• Imagine being able to hypnotize someone with absolutely no words whatsoever. It’s possible using Inspector Marx Howell’s proprietary system which he has authorized me to teach. Many people try to teach his system without his permission or knowledge. I was given permission and personal direction by this hypnotic genius in order to teach his technique.
• Break-Free shipping the biggest concern hypnotherapists share worldwide with regard to hypnotizing a client and learn my unique system for offering hypnotic suggestions… (this is not taught anywhere else in the world – Why? Because it was my creation!
• Imagine being able to offer hypnotic suggestions to a person who isn’t even hypnotized and have them unable to resist the suggestion. I invented a method to make this happen. These are what I call them. “Irresistible Suggestions.” And I’ll give you everything the Secrets on how to do this in Episode II
• Create post-Your clients will respond to your hypnotic commands long after they return from their vacation. the It’s a state of hypnosis. WARNING: It’s a 5-Step by step and if necessary, a note of the steps out, it just won’t work.
• Unlock 5 additional pain control techniques that will have you throwing away your pain medications, and for those lucky individuals who hire you to help them with their pain, you’ll have more ways of Helping them find comfort, rather than their bodies allowing them to remain in pain.
• Discover EXACTLY how to handle the most challenging aspect for most hypnotherapists… secondary gain. The process of Positive outcomes can be linked to negative behaviors. I’ll show you how to wipe it out for good!
• Create a super-You can boost your memory by learning how to use Hypnosis to improve memory recall. Do you remember times when you wished you could remember more names? I’ll show you how I memorized 174 names in one evening in the first introduction… and I didn’t use any of the memory techniques that are commonly taught… I just used self hypnosis and you can too!
• Boost your test taking ability by learning how to communicate directly to your sub-While you take a test, your conscious mind is active. It’s like legal cheating for tests!
About Topher Morrison
Topher Morrison For over 15 years, he has been teaching international audiences. the Skills and tools of Human change via Hypnosis or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP
Morrison Offers international certification training courses for Neurologists-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy as well as applied techniques for behavioral change including smoking cessation & weight loss.
Morrison You can become a certified Hypnotherapist through the American Board of He has a doctorate in hypnotherapy the American Institute of 1998: Hypnotherapy
The American Council, The National Guild, further certifies him. of Hypnotist Examiners the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association.
Morrison is also a certified Master Practitioner & Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, (NLP), from the American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
To help people get free from suffering, he uses therapeutic science. the Limitations can hinder their lives.
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