(*2*)”This course is available and delivery within one day!”
(*2*)What You’ll Discover in Travis Sago – The 2 Page Google Doc Cash Machine (Ferrari Version)
(*2*)Travis Sago – The 2 Page Google Doc Cash Machine (Ferrari Version)
Blank Doc to Sales Poppin’ in Paypal (in 30 Mins)…
Pop! Pop! Pop!
If there’s a simpler, faster, more predictable way to top off a Paypal account, I dunno what it is?
If you’d like to nuke up a 5 figure (or 6) SALES POP over 72 hours…
Take a look at how easy it is to feed hungry people and earn a bit of cash with Bite-A sized MICROWAVE OFFER, and an ugly G Doc!
Saturday 9:44 – After my 2nd cup, I decided to try a small experiment to draw buyers and sales from my FB page. I sometimes fail to plan, but this one might work.
at 9:52 AM – I made a scrumptious breakfast 2-Page Goog Doc with a PayPal Link. I uploaded a photo (carefully selected) 2 Sentences to my group
10:14am – 30 mins after posting. My first $99 sale comes in (see pic, I’m central time, but Paypal posts in Pacific for me. The It’s always sweet to be the first sale!
10:52 AM – An hour later, 6 people have been added to my buyer’s listing and $600 has been transferred into Paypal. $600 in less than an hour That’s what it used to be! 2 When I was in the Navy, weeks were my pay!
Fast forward to Monday at NOON. Closed with 139 SALESPOPS.
I was in a world that is hard to get 139 comments for a post… I pulled out these 139 SALES with a 2-Page Goog Doc This took me less that 10 minutes to create and only one goofy-LOL!
NO Reply to hundreds (Except for to say, “Thank you for buying!”)
NO video, workshop, challenges, or FB Live song and dance.
NO lengthy ass posts. (The The first post was published 2 sentences. 2nd had 7 sentences. The last post contained only ONE WORD!
NO Dm’ing or Tapping!
TIP: People LOVE to Buy when you make it easy for them by making it bite-sized and then they can eat it! (That’s why I call it a NO Brainer Campaign!)
Side note: I received 139 buyer emails and snail mails. (valuable asset for me)
I have been able to uplevel many of the 139 buyers.
All this from…
… a 2 Page Google Doc
… and 3 brain dead simple posts (emails work too) over the weekend.
Get it now Travis Sago – The 2 Page Google Doc Cash Machine (Ferrari Version)
IMPORTANT: It is simple. “Travis Sago – The 2 Page Google Doc Cash Machine (Ferrari Version)” Utterly Downloadable And Accessible Examine your account
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