What You’ll Discover in Tristan Truscott The Art of Mushin Meditation Course
Tristan Truscott – The Art of Mushin Meditation Course
That sounds awesome! Show Me The Science…
“What Really Goes On In Your Brain When You Meditate?“
Practitioners of meditation have long credited their practice as contributing to their physiological, psychological and spiritual well- being. However, only recently have scientists in the West confirmed these claims through scientific research and come up with a possible reason as to WHY this is the case.
Scientists can now study the electrical activity in the brain and have discovered that certain states of consciousness are connected to certain brainwave frequencies. Coming as no surprise to meditation
practitioners, they have found that meditation slows the electrical activity in the brain, resulting in a more frequent brainwave activity that is associated with healing levels of consciousness.
Additionally practitioners report that meditation generates a sense of “oneness” With God or the Universe. Scientists have confirmed this. “sense” In fact, it is invoked by decreased activity in the parietal-lobe.
A region of the brain that’s responsible for our perception of boundaries
Giving a feeling between us and others. of being more connected
The rest of The world.
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The link between brainwave frequency changes and levels of concentration can be identified. of Researchers are gaining a better understanding of the link between mind and body by studying brain activity, as well as changes in conscious states and biological responses.
Deep relaxation meditation promotes a shift in the dominant over-Thinking is more important than stress-Our fast creates brain activity related to our fast-To a more balanced society that includes other higher states, to a faster pace society of awareness. It looks like the yogis were onto something!
It is Meditation Safe?
There have been many meditation methods over the years.-agey nonsense that it’s no wonder meditation used to get a bad rap in our culture.
The Good news: Today we have sufficient evidence-Based research has shown that meditation can be a natural way to restore your nervous system and inner mental state. of Harmony and balance.
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Here’s what you’ll get in Tristan Truscott – The Art of Mushin Meditation Course
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