Paul Chek – Golf Performance Specialist Online
$695.00$172.00The System is designed to address golf-specific conditioning needs and in doing so, improve performance…
Yogi Flight School – The No Bullshit Yoga Pose Library
$297.00$72.00A library of detailed videos demystifying over 90 of the most common yoga poses so you’re never wondering…
Mark Suski – The Integral Body: Injury Proof Your Body
$149.00$77.00Learn the foundational principles of breathing, hinging, lunging, ground tension, and much more.
Paul Chek – Prereq correspondence courses for CHEK IMS Level 1
$555.00$97.00Expand your knowledge of the abdominal musculature and its biomechanical relationship…
Phil Daru – Daru Strong Mentorship Program
$2,000.00$187.00Learn Cutting Edge Techniques to increase explosiveness, VO2 max, mobility, and MUCH more! Whether your client is a D1 athlete…
J3 University – Female Module
$595.00$97.00Covering female competitors from all divisions, whether Bikini, Wellness, Figure, WPD, or Bodybuilding, you will be able to instantly apply…
David Grey – DGR Interactive
$250.00$69.00Learn how to get world class results with your clients so you can build a successful & thriving business.
Stefan’s School of Movement – Metamorphosis (Online Course)
$196.00$92.00This course was designed with the goal of enhancing your explorative behavior, creativity and capacity to move…
$149.00$67.00Build strong, balanced shoulders with foundational strengthening exercises & scapula stabilization drills.
Master Chunyi Lin – Spring Forest Qigong Level 1, 2, and 3 with Bonus – Qi~ssage Learning Course
$299.00$94.00The primary purpose is to help you awaken and strengthen your spiritual energy and take it to a higher level of consciousness.
Martha Eddy – The Shift Network – Reset Your Nervous System & Regulate Your Own Wellbeing With Dynamic Embodimentâ„ Movement
$297.00$94.00In this intensive, Martha will guide you through Dynamic Embodiment movement techniques to alleviate stress…
Simon Borg-Olivier – Special Breathing Bundle
$286.00$52.00This is a very accessible set of practices that can be done by anyone and have very effective results for health, longevity…